
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by SuRv1vOr, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. SuRv1vOr

    SuRv1vOr Ancient
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    Created by I SuRv1vOr I

    Needed Gametype:
    - VIP variant: Doubts.
    ( This gametype is really needed because the game has to end when someone dies at a trap. )

    Map Description:
    Complexa is a completely different type of puzzle than the others. In fact, it isn't even fully a puzzle. It has everything in it.

    This is what you can expect in Complexa:
    - Thinking. Use your brains and eyes to make it!
    - Fear. No, not real fear. More scary traps wich suprise you!
    - Running. You will see what I mean in Labyrinth, Run for your life!
    - Traps. Labyrinth has the newest tricks and traps, wich will amaze you!
    - Fun. Don't forget this one! I Didn't make this puzzle too hard so everyone can enjoy it!
    - Nice Interlocking. I did my best to make the layout of the map as nice as possible, I hope you like it!


    This is the starting room. Yes, You can see the end of the tunnel, but that doesn't say you can get there that fast!

    The first trap is the magic bridge. It's easy, just get it like it is in the next picture! The original creator of this trap is 'Many Popes', a member of Forgehub.

    Here it is, the magic bridge. Let's find out how to get it now!

    Now we get to the second chamber. Just walk to the third chamber. That isn't hard, is it? By the way, don't think you screwed it up after you made a wrong step. Some things are suposed to happen..

    Wait, huh! Where did you come from! What's down there?

    Here is the next part, the regenerator part. Just think logical, go from A to B! And one more thing, get back as fast as you can!

    This is the mercyless gate. It shows no sign of mercy. If it closes, you are doomed.

    doesn't look very hard, does it? Just crouch to the next hall, but don't touch the wrong things!

    The same goes for this part, don't touch the wrong things. Really, don't.

    Hey! There's the end! Now let's get there, shall we?

    Here's it, the holy statue!


    Well, that was Complexa. I hope you will enjoy it.
    Sorry that the name of the map and the name of the thread don't match, but I couldn't change the thread name anymore.
    If you are stuck and you really don't know what to do, you can allways ask me for a clue.
    my gamertag is: I SuRv1vOr I.
    You can also ask it in this thread.


    Special thanks to: Many Popes
    for his/her great idea of the pallet bridge! I hope he/she doesn't mind that I use his/her Idea. The bridge was actually the main reason of making Labyrinth, because I liked it so much.


    - The regenerator attracts steel! But be carefull with it, you only have 1!
    - Weapon holders are clues! Look very good! Sometimes you could have missed one!
    - Omg, the map has still 0 downloads! That's because I've changed some things.
    - If you haven't got the regenerator after 3 minutes, you can't make it anymore, so you'll have to start over.
    - The traps in Complexa are pretty reliable, but there can be bugs sometimes. It doesn't happen much.


    - Added clues at some points. The clues are weapon holders. If you see them somewhere, it means there is something!

    - Changed the name of the map and gametype because they were over-used and over-known.
    - The fusion coil suicide system has been changed for the needler suicide system.
    - Map and gametype discription changed. There are some important things in now, so read it!

    - Changed the thread! Changed some Pictures and added some hints.
    - Edited the 'Mercyless Gate' and the 'Regenerator Part'.
    - Made a system that shows you clearly that you screwed it after 3 minutes at the bridge.
    - Cleaned the forging up at some parts.
    - It is now possible to pass the mercyless gate with more players!

    - You don't have to end the game anymore when you're stuck somewhere when playing on your own.
    - The second part has changed a bit. A very little bit.

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    .. Stay tuned for the next one!

    #1 SuRv1vOr, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009
  2. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #2 DDjusD, Jan 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  3. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    I thought it would be another stupid maze, but I was wrong. It is a puzzle map! It has all of the right things- A challenging course, the newest and best traps, clean interlocking. It's a really good map! Good job.
  4. SuRv1vOr

    SuRv1vOr Ancient
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    Thank you for posting here. I don't need a review tomorrow. Just play it and have some fun. You can post a review whenever you want.

    I'm glad you like it. Have you allready tested it? There are some nasty parts wich require some thinking.

    And about the name Labyrinth. I know it sounds like a maze, but ones you go into the thread you will find out pretty soon it is something totally different. I hope I don't scare too many people with the name 'Labyrinth' :p

  5. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    looks good! i never played too many puzzle maps, because i thought they were all stupid and easy, or i could cheat REALLY easily. but this is really cool. a lot of the puzzles in this map are tough and original. 5/5, keep on forging!
  6. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    this is a really good puzzle map and yes it has good interlockzzzzz. lol. but some parts did require some thinking but it was quite easy for me. I like how you used the touch sensitive traps and I love the mongooses lol. Good job 4.5/5
  7. SuRv1vOr

    SuRv1vOr Ancient
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    Yes, I know it's pretty easy. I actually did that on purpose. I wanted everyone to enjoy it.

    I guess you've played some other puzzle maps, that's why it was easy for you, but if you never play puzzle maps, this can be pretty hard.

    Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maybe I'll make a new version later, wich will be a bit harder with new traps etc.

  8. AMidgetAndAClub

    AMidgetAndAClub Ancient
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    You are absolutely maniacal. I originally started this on my own. I don't know how many times I got splattered. You really need to think outside of the box. Literally. By time I got to your 4th maniacal booby trap, a friend of mine jumped in the game. Then another and then another. There was 4 of us taking turns trying to figure things out. Each one trying to outsmart the next.

    All I have to say, is this is the most evil, twisted, forge engineering genius I have ever seen. All 4 of us were in complete awe over your design and thought put into this. Please, please make more.

    (After we got through it, a friend and I put it into Forge and were in complete amazement of the engineering in this map.)
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Looks fun! Qued for DL. I like to figure out puzzles. The pics look sweet. I have never seen the movie yet, but I want to see it soon. I will have to come back with some direct comments on the map just after I try it in a few.
  10. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Good job! I played this with my friend. The puzzle itself was fun but trying to get past all of the traps with both of us surviving was insane. The part that took the longest was the road block part. Even if both of us made it without touching the roadblock the door still closed every once and a while from the "Bump".

    Like some people said it wasn't the hardest made but that doesn't matter much. The reason a lot of people play puzzle maps is just for fun. This map is fun beyond measure. I could play this a thousand times and still have a blast running for my life. This is, well, not quite a puzzle for most of it but you do have to think and be quick on your feet.

    I say you should make a completely new map following the same basic principle you used in this map. Only, on the next one try and really maximize your creativity. Try and create really tricky puzzles that make you act and THINK quick.

    I really liked the map, if you can't tell. I haven't seen a lot of the things in it. I especially liked how your basically advertising the traps other people found, giving them credit, and making a great map all at the same time. My favorite thing was the mongooses. I loved it. I also would like to know how you did the pressure pad thing at the start.

    Well anyways, good map, great job, and keep at it.

    P.S. I usually don't like puzzles that have a lot of interlocks because the creators tend to focus to much on the map being clean and looking good but you focused on both the looks and the actual map. Good Job!
  11. SuRv1vOr

    SuRv1vOr Ancient
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    Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you liked it. And yes, I am planning to make a new one, but it will be much harder as this one.

    I hope you will like it. Well, it hasn't anything to do with the movie, but there's one trap wich you can compare with the indiana jones traps. (where you pick something up and you have to run for your life).

    Thank you! I will make a new one wich will be much harder. You'll see it one day. I also changed the gate. It is now possible to pass it without activating it, so you can get with as many players to the next part as you want. If you can do the next part with that many people is the next question.


    All of you, again, thanks for the comments.
    I hope you enjoyed/will enjoy it!

    If you are stuck somewhere and you really don't kow what to do, check the hints above the pictures than. If you still don't know what to do than, send me a message!

  12. niceone

    niceone Ancient
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    This is a good map :p lol he played it numberous times with me so i beat it in like 60 seconds >.< but the last version is easyer on some parts (the gate) and harder on other parts (walkway to gate) but just think logical and maybe you need to wait some seconds before you can start moving ;)
  13. Jesus

    Jesus Ancient
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    Very well done Haha well anyways I thouroughly enjoyed it and am eagerly awaiting your second map (s00n pl0x?). I was entertained mainly because I had not seen some of the traps before. Excellent job, you seem dedicated to the post.
  14. Aftershock 10

    Aftershock 10 Ancient
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    I wasn't a huge fan of this map :( sorry. I liked some of the concepts, but i didn't like the fact that i had to go into forge to find the turret clips. I liked the idea of touch sensitive traps and the orginal puzzles were good, but i felt you could have made it clearer where your supposed to go next, and mark the turret clips maybe. Hopefully i'll like v2 better, look forward to trying it out :).
  15. SuRv1vOr

    SuRv1vOr Ancient
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    Thank you! It was fun to do the gate part with some more people. :p
    And yeah, the gate part is a bit easier, but i had to make it easier because the roadblock was like impossible for beginners lol!

    Thanks for the comment. I also thought the turrets were pretty hard and annoying to find, that's why i made them a bit easier. But I see it's still pretty annoying so I putted signs in the map, so you know there is something at that spot. The signs are weapon holders. But you still have to see them! :p

  16. -DUB-jacky

    -DUB-jacky Ancient
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    dam i cant get the firtst one:S
  17. SuRv1vOr

    SuRv1vOr Ancient
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    You have to spawn the bridge by shooting a fusion coil ;)
    You'll find it in the starting room.

  18. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    Qued for DL! This map looks really well forged and looks like it would be lots of fun to try and beat. By the looks of it, I would have to give it a 4/5 but keep up the good work dude!

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