You kinda just argued with an agreement. I said the power for that is by state law, but no states have actually use there power with that.
You don't have to go around calling ideas stupid, I just threw the general concept out there and it seems like you jumped to conclusions. You're actually talking about a system that is supposed to prevent minors from having sex, so what you said is a little ironic. And yes I am pissed off at your reply, but don't get mad back. Just accept what other people happened to be thinking at the time of their posting. I hate arguements.
You're idea was stupid, so I called it stupid. What you said would force minors to feel embarrassed about buying them and would make it harder for them to be bought. That is the complete opposite of what you should be doing to keep people safe. So in turn, stupid idea. Also if you hate arguments, what are you doing here? EDIT: I'm not talking about trying to stop kids from having sex you imbecile. READ what I post, I want them to have SAFE sex. They're going to do it anyway, it doesn't matter what you do. The only thing we CAN do is to make it safe. Talking about it and providing condoms is the best thing we can do.
Yeah, no I didn't think it was illegal anywhere, which kinda confused me about the purpose of this topic? Not at all true. The ****** gets torn all the time, including most severely child birth. It's made to handle it. I'm not sure there is much to debate? Agreed. Kids have sex regardless of pretty much everything, so what is the point of trying to keep them from having sex, when you can protect them and let them figure things out on their own.
Kids should definitely use condoms. I for one have never had sex but hell, im not about to be a dad at the age of 15 lol. The cons are completely unreasonable compared to the pros so theres really nothing to debate ahah...
This is like saying that marijuana should be legalized "because everyone will just smoke it anyways" No, the kids that didn't want to put in the work to hide it from their parents would all start, plus many others
Not to be a prude, but they were actually invented long before this century. I'll have to see if I can find the article I read that referenced a notable historic figure having condoms made out of intestines and was actually lubed with oil. Before I give my opinion on the topic, let me say that I am a christian and I stand by what I believe and my convictions. Mind you I'm not going to try and convince you to believe the same things as I do through something from the Bible. I think most of you don't believe whats in the Bible so that'd be pointless to try... And Reyn, try not to get too hotheaded, its just a debate on some forum. Personally, I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. Personal choice. But I do know there is an overwhelming majority that believes that you should screw until long after the sun goes down, and if you don't work the next day keep on hittin it. Promiscuity is promoted everywhere you look. Making it illegal for minors to buy condoms would just frustrate them and force the ones who wish to stay legal into having unsafe sex. Those who don't care about the law are gonna get their goods one way or another. Plain as that. It's the same way with guns, if people want it they'll get their hands on it regardless of the law. But thats a different issue alltogether. Condoms still have not been effectively proven to show that they prevent STD's. The STD's are small enough usually to fit through the sub-microscopic holes in the rubber, but sperm can't. However, they do greatly reduce the chances. Which is why I would say keep them legal if it came down to a vote. But I also think that if little johnny and susy don't have the balls enough to go acquire their own condoms before they turn eighteen they shouldn't screw regardless. Edit: And the marijuana arguement really isn't all that great. There are very few pro's to marijuana, as many of its affects are negative. There are con's to having early sex, but it can be argued that there are plenty of pro's to outweigh them. Oh, another thought. If you believe in evolution, you should be against condoms. Spreading your seed to the next generation is a top priority.
Firstly the legalisation of Marijuana is a completely different debate and it's also no where near the same league as condoms. Marijuana can potentially be hazardous to your body. Only in the way that you might fall over and hurt yourself, lol. Condoms on the other hand can only be beneficial. What you just said ZgreenZ, is completely irrelevant and did not really make any sense. Sex is built into every human as an urge to copulate. It's literally hard wired into our bodies to make sure it happens. Marijuana is not... Sex will happen no matter what, it doesn't matter who you are, your creed, sexuality, anything, you're gonna have sex eventually. So to protect the kids that have it young, there is only one suitable solution. Green, don't make such stupid remarks if you're don't have anything but what you've said as your basis for your post. Not the point, but yeah you're right. Probably shouldn't have said that! =] This is also not the point and you're just plain wrong on that one. This is a christian forced rumour that they like to use to tell kids not to use condoms. Do you know why chrisitans don't want people to use condoms? Because it intervenes with gods way, ridiculous. It's stupid christian based rumours like these that frustrate me to no end. I can't stand it when I hear stuff like this, so just don't. Marijuana has great medicinal purposes and there has been no proof of ill effects. Mrijuana smoking does not effect your body in the same way cigarett smoking does. Don't bring this argument into it, not relevant. [/quote] Once again, nothing to do with it. I'm aethiest but I don't want an STD, don't bring your religioun into the argument by trying to beat down others. Also the only way evolution can take place is via mutant sperm, which is only found in older males, usually above the age of 60, which does not factor into this argument...
Heh...I think you mean minors...there's a difference... For the topic, I support the right for minors to purchase condoms, because underage sex is going to happen. Might as well be safe. A few years ago, a couple of friends and I went to Dominick's and my friend grabbed some condoms. At the checkout, the checkout...lady didn't even say anything when he bought them, but you could see the "you darn rascals" face on her.
Umm, where do I begin on this one... First of all, who limited the age of mutation to someone over the age of 60? I read all kinds of scientific journals, christian and nonchristian, and I've never heard of this being tossed around. I also wasn't trying to beat down anyone else with "religion". I've based my statements on actual studies that I've read over the years. I honestly wish I had the information here with me, but I don't have it here at my house its packed up. And marijuana can have harmful side affects. It decreases brain function through the fact that less oxygen gets to the brain. If you deny that fact you're just outright ignorant and unwilling to hear anything to the contrary of your own opinion. I have personally known guys who smoke only marijuana and have a harder time breathing than someone who only smokes cigarettes or whathaveyou. I do agree it more than likely does have a great medical potential. I was also simply stating, same as you, that marijuana does not compare to condoms. The evolutionary comment wasn't really directed at you Reyn, as to my understanding you are gay correct(please correct me if I'm wrong on that one, I don't want to offend you through that)? That kind of sexual lifestyle doesn't promote the promotion of ones own genetics, so it was kinda pointless for you to respond to that. But last I checked, the sperm didn't have to be mutant for the mutated genetics to pass on. Only the encoded DNA and RNA have to mutated. I can honestly sympathize with you when you say you don't want an STD, Reyn. I really do. I don't want one either, thats one of the reasons why I'm waiting to have sex until I marry a girl that I know hasn't had sex either, cause then the only other way to get it is either through the parents or a medical screw up or something similar. Generally in the areas where you say its not the point, I understand what people are saying and generally what I said was a sortof side note to the previous comment. I'm seriously not trying to sound like I'm attacking anyone here, so if thats the way it sounds let me know. Don't take things so personally Reyn, save your ferocity for something more important than condoms =P
Just to retort this section, that's just me. I haven't taken anything said personally. It's just the way I come across I guess =] I would add more but I'm going out in a sec... So yeah... =] I think I've pretty much put my thoughts in here enough. I mean it's pretty simple, read my other posts.
I'm all for condoms. I'm 13 so excuse me for my possible lack of knowledge on this subject, and if most is my opinion. At around the age of 11 I began watching porn. It wasn't a past time hobby that I really enjoyed doing, but rather something my human nature made me do. At a young age I wanted to decipher what sex and related words were, so I did. I felt sexual urges, and an immense hormone influx upon my self. I soon realized that its how the world works. Whether you like it or not, you're body is suitable for sex at around the age of 12 to 14. Whether you're straight, gay, bisexual, etc. Males fully develop sperm cells, and females have eggs ready to be fertilized. Now rather our body wants us to reproduce, not pleasure or whatever the holders intentions are. Though with 6 billion people in the world, we really don't have to anymore, but our body is unaware of that. I'm christian my self, but am not an avid believer, or its just my age, whatever. Personally I'm going to have sex when I want, where I want, etc. I don't want to be subjected to a religion when practicing my own sexual experience. Now condoms. Just picture this. If condoms were never made legal, or therefor, never made how many pregnant teens, STD positive, etc. people do you think would be walking around? I see no liable source for the remark of condoms being bad. In my opinion they do more good than possible. I'll address the cons you posted Rain. For one, condoms is one among the plenty parents don't know about teens. If you're buying condoms behind their back, then you're probably already masturbating too (Not to sure on that one, may possibly only be the males, but they're the ones who buy the condoms most of the time). So if you feel you should tell you're parents about buying condoms, then I guess you must have your parents aware of all you're 'dirty little secrets'. Now teenagers gaining too much confidence in their sex life is rather based on that teenager him/her self. I for one know that when I want to have sex with my girlfriend it will most likely be a one time thing. I won't be doing it every night, or as frequently as other people might, and I'm sure some people are with me on this one. I know the risks of sex, and won't want to be myself or my partner in possible danger. So that leads me back to the teenager him/her self. Depending on that persons ego/personality/partner/etc. its all going to be derived from that. If the person feels they're going to do it frequently, well then go right ahead. Now less pleasing for the male is just outright crazy. First off, if you're having sex with you're partner you're probably already gaining as much pleasure as you want. If I had the choice to take the condom off, and feel possibly a little bit more pleasure, rather then making a girl pregnant or getting an STD, I'd go with option two. I really don't see anyone at my age choosing pleasure over pregnancy. Now I'm not to educated on the whereabouts of STD's. I know about AIDS, Herpes, crabs, etc. And I've heard there is about a 99.9% percent chance of the condom working perfectly, and a 0.01% of it now. Now whether that be valid or not, I'd take that chance, as I'm sure many other teens would. Now just remember, I am christian, and try to be as open as I can. I don't really see myself as an avid follower, as I'm sure you might have inherited from this post. I try to be as open as possible, and hope I didn't offend anyone.
Great post Playerhata... Glad to know you created a wall of text worth reading... And since this is a debate I am forced to put Cons... Otherwise it would only work with one side and it would not be a debate but more of a "Choose this side" type of thread.
To be honest, most people follow the rule of "pulling out early" so it's not too much of a problem. But still they should be sold
Lol, that's seriously the most illinformed statement I've ever heard. Goodluck with that one.. And Reyn, I think you are kinda more referring to Catholics, rather than all Christians. I'm Anglican, though couldn't tell you when the last time I've been to church is. Presbyterian and other subsets are so strict on the "no sex before you are married", or "no condoms it isn't Gods way". Meh, for the most part...religion is dead. People barely ever "live their life" by it. But I agree with you, anyone trying to tell me what to do and what is right and wrong based on something I don't "have" to be apart of is just plain ridiculous. And on this topic...there isn't really much of a debate, maybe it should just be locked.
Agreed. I don't really think that this ever really was a debate seeing as the debate starter was amazingly ill informed and theres not much to debate off of the information given...
Of course they should. They always complain about people our age having sex. At least give them protection right?