I haveta agree with Frag, it looks like a mod, an extremely convincing one, but a mod nonetheless. I used logic for this one, not actual facts, but its mah opinion so live with it. When they released the footage of all the AI on Rat's Nest and people got really excited that a new map editor was going to allow us to use characters from campaign, bungie quickly denied it. Now, towards the end of the video we are treated to a shot of a scarab exploding. As far as I can tell, the scarabs run themselves and are not driven by characters. This means that it is separate AI from that of vehicles and according to the statement above, will not be incorporated into the next map pack. And modders do have the ability to make such things so I don't doubt someone could.
I don't think they actually denied the last part though. I think they kind of hinted that it would be in progress. They did deny the AI, but not the map. I think they're just pulling our legs though. Sandbox is a name in progress. Not the official name, but a code name to cover up the real deal. Just like they code named all the other maps. So you wouldn't be able to guess what it really is.
Well, if the scarab runs on AI like I'm assuming, I'm sure its a safe bet to assume the video is a fake. But I didn't make the game so I don't know how it works. Actually I think Sandbox is the confirmed name. The reason I think this is that when the achievements were revealed by some guy at PAX, it had an achievement for finding the Sandbox skull, as far as I know, it hasnt been changed since (not that I've checked).
I mean the video I posted. Hmm, didn't see that. As far as I'm concerned, they're most likely going to change it again. I mean, after someone's seen it, I think they will.
Seriously, this could be some guy that got out of the map in campaign. Notice how when he shoots, the entire background jitters. It's obviously fake, and in my opinion, part of campaign. Edit: PLUS! Look at the hand on the spiker. It is not a color. It's the arbiter's.
Seems like just a regular ol' spartan hand to me. I've got to agree that this is a mod though. Some mod fellow once invited me to a game, where he showed me a modded version of one of my maps. He explained that you can take the actual walls from default maps and use them as forge parts. Those walls look like the ones found on Last Resort to me.
If its a mod , then its a really good one. I think the first pictures might be some test shots, but the part with the scarab was probaly modded.mg:
Ok, maybe it is a spartan hand, but definitely not a multiplayer spartan hand. Looky. See the colors of the hand? The color is not the standard green and definitely not a multiplayer color. Case closed for me. Not multiplayer. Not real. Campaign.
Mod. Why? No HUD. There's no real reason not to show the HUD. Also, the POV was way off. And lastly, it's Sandbox. I saw no sand. Only grass. And a wall from Valhalla.
Bungie stated in one of the first podcasts that the scarab is complete A.I, and acts just like any other enemy
And as usual, about 90% of the youtube comments believe it's real and you can forge Scarabs. Youtube- Bringing All the Stupid People- Together.