Tunnel <<Version 3>>

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KevinXI, Jan 9, 2009.


What do you think of Tunnel v3.2?

  1. Awesome!

    15 vote(s)
  2. Average.

    2 vote(s)
  3. Bad.

    1 vote(s)
  1. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    After 300+ downloads of my tunnel maps, I've decided to make a version 3 while taking into consideration all the commenters from this site. I completely remade this map from the ground up to include two tunnels that go from wall to wall, so in essence it is even longer than before. The tunnels are placed on top of each other and there are side passages that go to a middle area, connecting the lower tunnel to the upper. The bases are identical, so there is no advantage or disadvantage in either one. This version of the map utilizes more advanced forging techniques than the previous versions. I had used respawn areas as a "laser level" of sorts to make the tunnel perfectly straight and to alight the red base features to match the blue base. The respawn points have been fixed so there is no spawning outside the map. Each base contains a mongoose, now more tactical since they can travel in the lower tunnel, possibly flaking the flag carrier before he reaches his base. There are also two shied doors at the bottom of each side passage to the middle to add cover for players storming one base. This map is completely within the budget of Foundry and is set up for flag, hill, assault, and oddball.

    In each base there are:

    Two battle rifles at the entrance plus one on the wall edge of the side passage.
    One shotgun located in the back of the base (180 sec)
    One bubble shield located by the window (90 sec)
    And one mongoose (150 sec)

    In the middle underneath is a sniper rifle with two spare clips (180 sec) and above are two plasma grenades (30 sec)

    After countless testing of weapon placement I have found this setup to be fair. I have found that the sniper rifle acts as a power weapon on this map enough to replace the rockets and laser. I had placed the sniper rifle in a vulnerable spot in the middle instead of in each base to make for better gameplay. Shotguns are placed in each base to add to the defense of the flag and bubble shields for cover from offending sniper fire.

    Download Here

    I made a game variant of Multi-Flag that should play very well for 4 to 6 players. It includes BR start, flag home to score, and 10 sec team respawn.
    Download Game Variant


    << Update 1/25/09 >>
    I made some minor tweaks to the geometry and weapon layout for better gameplay.
    You can download the latest tunnel here:
    Tunnel v3.6 aka SLAC Tunnel

    #1 KevinXI, Jan 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  2. Quello

    Quello Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this is pretty cool, I like the bases, they look nice. also can you get out or is it enclosed. becasue if you can get out, I highly suggest you change that. Otherwise its awesome 4/5 and ill dl once its clear.
  3. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map is entirely sealed, there is no way to get out.
  4. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    wow. really cool map judging by first pic i would love to play snipers on this
    good job ill dl and get back ....
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Amazing this map reminds me of paragon. It is combined with amazing aestetics and impressive object placemet. As long as the map isn't too tight the gameplay will be good too. I hope that this map gets featuredin the near future because this map certainly deserves it. Great map Kevin!
  6. Quello

    Quello Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good lol, like I said, ill dl when my que isent full. ill give ya a rating of gameplay later. (if I remember)
  7. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    the forging is excellent, although im personally not a fan of the tunnel concept, otherwise great map 4.5/5
  8. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    This map is EPIC i love some of the geomerging and asthetics i love how you combined the back room with the rest of the map and my favorite part is how you added that fence box walling off the little crouch area it actually makes the map look like Bungie made it a little.
  9. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    This is one of the best tunneled map ive seen latly i love it looks real intense. i like how you stuck them fusion coils in the fence box you but in the back room wants again love it 5/5 hope to see more this is too good for a v2 i think [if you need me my gamertag is pjboy24]. Love it defianly wanna see more great maps like this from you.
  10. cow for cow

    cow for cow Ancient
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    awsom looks like you took some of my sugestions ;)
    invite me to play soon id like to test it out see if theres any thing cool for a V4
  11. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Looks great, I see a vast improvement from the last versions.

    It's good to see that you added another floor to make it have 2 floors and that equals to better game play. I'm not sure if it was a good idea though to put those shield doors because sometimes they can be annoying.

    Try to refrain from making game types in non-infection maps because it takes up space. You did a very good job on the map and I congratulate you for making it look so interesting.
  12. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Job well done on this. I've been expecting the update to this one since you first posted v1. Considering the massive overhaul, I really don't have much to say other than; It looks good, and I'll get back to you with a semi-semi-half review.
  13. Cheeeeese

    Cheeeeese Ancient
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    Bungie made it a little? Bungie couldn't make anything half as good as this ! :)

    I love how the map is so well balanced, I bet it plays really well.
    I'll get back to you with a full reveiw, but from what I see here 4/5!
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I truly loved testing this map out with all my friends, they couldn't wait to play another match of it when it was over. Although I am upset about there being only 1 sniper rifle, and in the middle of the map. It makes the game more evened out. Great Job!

    From everybody else who has posted, I see that everybody likes it and I just have to say: "Feature NAO!"

    Rofl, 5/5 stars because you listened to the comments and made a second tunnel. To bad the Mongoose doesn't work like it used to...
  15. Godavari

    Godavari Ancient
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    This looks pretty cool. I've never played any tunnel maps but I'll DL because this one seems a little different than most. Interlocking + Geomerging look nice, and the game doesn't completely rely on just the tunnel (in other words, it plays much better than the blue room, LULZ).
  16. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    Thank you for your review. I had placed shield doors on the map because I didn't feel like there was any good cover when trying to storm one base. Could you clarify what you mean by "Try to refrain from making game types in non-infection maps because it takes up space." When you say space do you mean memory?

    Lol, Thank you for your epic review. The red base fence box into the wall was actually extremely hard for me to pull off, it took me 3 straight hours, lol I must've been doing something wrong. But what I did was use sender nodes to keep it aligned, receiver nodes to keep it from going outside the map and doors + man cannons to push it in the wall, I also had to hold it in place and save and quit or else it would disappear. It took me a good 50 save and quits to get it as straight as it is because it would shake like hell. But I think it's feature well worth its time and effort.
  17. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    Oh, wow...
    The first time I saw this map, it was just a buncha wall corners and it was soo easy to get sniped and lasered. I guess v2 totally flew by my head, and now here's v3, all spiffed up and looking all Beastly! I like the fact that, apparently from the screenshots and from what Conkerkid11 has said, that the mongoose isn't a cheat-vehicle now. I also like the added tunnel for better gameplay. For sure I'll Download this, it looks very, very, very good!
    9.999/10 - I made it that because obviously I haven't played it yet but when I do, I'll come back and probably Edit. To a 10. Most likely. Hopefully. Yes.
  18. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    I downloaded and played a game on this, and Id have to say.. Im impressed. its very fun and out of the ordinary. 5/5 for gameplay
  19. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    Now that I think about it, I never posted version one. Version 1 had no merging whatsoever and the bases were radically different from each other. I made tunnel when foundry first came out. The original had the same triangle top as the latest version. None the less, I did post three versions on this site: 2.7, 2.12, and now 3.2. The only difference between version 1 and 2 was the use of merging and symmetrical bases. Up until this version, you could easily escape by just exiting the mongoose while inside the tunnel since it was so narrow. I had fixed this problem by just making the tunnel wider, now there is absolutely no way to get out, or to get back in. lol
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Then why did you put walls on the outside? Have you had it tested yet?

    When you say 'the tunnel maps' do you mean the Tunnel Rats maps? This looks very clean and your interlocking/geomerging skills are amazing. How did you even geomerge that fence box that far into the Foundry door? Very few maps actually confuse me enough for me to ask how you did it, but this is amazing. I hope it doesn't lag with so much merging...

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