the map that bungie accepted with had better not be sandbox because that is WAY TO SMALL unless that is a small part of the map and they didnt want to show much. in other words if urk is watching over me right now i would like him to hear this... WE WANT SANDBOX NAO! just kidding didnt mean to yell but it would be nice to see at least one small picture like what we got for orbital
I like that Bungie isn't giving out a lot of information, that way I'm not going to be extremely disappointed if they only spend time talking about how insanely great it's going to be and it ends up not living up to what they said.
well i do believe in all honesty that it is a map editor/forge upgrade. Otherwise bungie would simply have stated that it wasnt. Just like last time when everyone thought bots were gonna be included in the title update. That said looking at the gphoria exceptance speach, if you look behind the bungie guys you can see some clones at the back. You never know
To be honest, I don't think that this idea is very user-friendly. By allowing you to change colors in such a complicated way Bungie would be alienating their core fanbase. Bungie knows the KISS principle, and Forge shows that. Some glitches we've found in Forge were likely unintentional (geomerging and the budget glitch especially, but interlocking was intended). Bungie has watched the Forging community grow and expand. They glorified Gradient's interlocking. They allow interlocking and geomerging in matchmaking maps. They condoned the budget glitch as soon as they could. Hell, Shishka even looked at my out-of-Blackout map. The point of this is that Bungie knows what we want, and consequently they know that we want texturing. They won't make it hard to texture an object; they'll keep it simple. The most likely way I see it happening, Bungie will modify Forge very little. In fact, the interface will likely be VERY similar to that which we are used to now. For texturing, they'll likely add such a thing to the X button menu. Simply select the object that you wish to texture, press X on it, and in addition to the options for "run time maximum," "respawn rate," etc. there will likely be an option called "texture" or "skin" which allows you to change the color of the object by choosing one of the predefined textures. You'll probably be able to pick from anywhere from 10-15 different textures, hopefully ones like dirt, snow, grass, asphalt, concrete, covenant styles, Forerunner styles, and hopefully various "building" textures like bricks, stucco and the like. I doubt Bungie will allow us to make our own textures (even though that would be AWESOME!) because you'd get the idiots that would make maps completely out of poorly drawn ***** textures. I would hope for a vast variety of textures though, so that objects could be disguised as actual map geometry. As for easy-interlocking, objects would also have the option to change a property that would make an object like a door in that its Forge motion collision hitbox would be different from the object's player motion/bullet hitbox. This property would likely be called "solid" and could be set to yes or no to allow a user to manipulate it as they pleased. In the best case scenario, everything from skybox editing to light- and bumpmapping will be possible. Textures will be fully customizeable, and Sandbox will be a stand-alone game launched from within Halo 3 or Halo 3: ODST (much like the Halo 3 Beta was launched from Crackdown) so that it gets 100 memory slots to itself and therefore gets around the Xbox 360 restriction of 100 items of content per game. Maps created in Sandbox would hopefully allow full geometry modification instead of mere object placement, and would allow us to create our own textures with maybe a 36x36 or 50x50 grid which we would fill pixels into in an MS Paint fashion. The key difference between Sandbox and many other map editors would be that Bungie would allow us to switch from editor mode to player mode within the Sandbox game to run around our maps, rather than having to wait to export them to Halo 3 to see a first-person view. It would likely be the case that maps created in a Sandbox like this would have to be compressed into a single file for export into Halo 3, in which case all Forgeable objects would be left changeable and saved to the base map, whereas all geometry and objects unavailable in Forge would become solid and unchangeable within the default Forge accessed by Halo 3 players. A Sandbox-built map would appear in the custom maps menu (in a Halo 3 Custom Games Lobby) as a map in the same tier as Bungie-made maps, not under a list of maps titled "Sandbox." If Sandbox-made maps were listed in the same tier as Bungie made maps, it would be likely that everyone in a party would have to have downloaded the map in order to play on it. Hopefully these maps as a whole would be simple enough that others wouldn't have to download them to play them though, but intricate enough that great and polished maps could be made. The reason Foundry maps can be played by others that haven't downloaded them is simple; they have Foundry and its objects installed on their Xbox, and when they load Foundry they simply load an object configuration atop the saved default geometry. With Sandbox maps this would be much tougher, but if it's really as impressive as we hope I'm sure Bungie could find a solution. That's all I wish to say for now.
If Sandbox is a Super-Foundry and if they do allow texture variants then it'll probably be something like a theme change. Tony Hawk's Pro skater 4 (the first game I had, PSone) had the option to build you own park. You chose the size you wanted and the theme (shopping centre, skate park, industrial etc) and all the pieces and scenery would change to fit the selected theme. I'm sure Sandbox is something to look forward to, thats why Bungie is keeping it hidden. They'll most likely reveal more information about Orbital and Assemby first.
I will laugh if bungie releases the maps and Sandbox is like a big square version of sandrap for CTF and Assault Big Teams.
Guys, Bungie is not just gonna let the fans down like that. They are not just gonna not say anything about the map for no reason. The map is gonna be big, no matter what anyone says. Why do you think no one from Bungie has released any info on it? Their not gonna just not say anything about it, then when the time comes, release it, then come to find out it's just a bigger version of Sandtrap. Bungie isn't like that if you haven't noticed that yet. Usually when they keep something secret, it's something big. Take H3: ODST for instance. That was supposed to be the "big surprise" for E3's 08. But someone canceled it (forgot who) and people were VERY disappointed. But once word got around about the *secret*, people were so hyped up to get it. Too bad it doesn't come out until late Fall though. And the same thing I'm sure will happen to Sandbox. Everyone seems disappointed now, but once word hits the community, people will go apeshit of how sick it looks -- I'm sure as hell on that one.
True for the most part, but think about Cold Storage. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not a huge fan. It's not horrible, but nothing close to what I had hoped it would be when I heard of it.
Well Cold Storage wasn't really kept in secrecy from us viewers/players. There wasn't real much surprise in the map last time I checked. We all knew it wasn't gonna be good nor bad. It was just a map whipped up quick for 7/7/08; they had to get something out into the public.