I would have gotton some effects in the background because its just a moon and a character nothing else special around. It looks good, it seems like the perfect background to make floating weapons around to make a picture of something Nice job though
Well for your first screenshot It looks pretty good. My own recommendation would be to use equipent like reginerators and flares or maybe even grenades to try to make cool effects.
Thats cool, most people can't make pictures like a pro. (including me) Anyway you can achieve the same arm up effect by using and empty sword, and he wont have a sniper rifle in the way. But yes some effects would make this cooler. Try throwing a regen, or blowing things up. That usually works.
Maybe if you added something inside of the moon made out of wepons or something it would look alot better, the reloading with the gun doesent look to good but i like the angle alot. 3.6/5
Looks pretty cool, but kinda dull. And all the cool people stare at the moon when they get bored of Halo, right?