Prohibited Beta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by domomd367, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Download Prohibited {Beta} Here!

    This is the 'Beta' of my new map, which eventually, i hope to put forward to atlas. However, i understand i will need a very good map to cut it there, which is why i will be making many versions.

    I hope you guys can give me strong, professional feedback as to this maps strengths and weaknesses, and will also appreciate it if you inform me of any bugs you find.

    Map Details -

    Supported Gametypes: Recommended players - 4v4
    -Team slayer (Note - All of these gametypes are set up for 2 teams only)
    -Team Oddball
    -Multi Flag CTF
    -Team King [Needs Tweaking]
    -Neutral assault
    Weapons and equipment -
    BR x 14
    Carbine x2
    Plasma pistol x2
    Plasma grenades x4
    Frag grenades x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Brute shot x2
    Mauler x1
    Rockets x1
    Overshield x2
    Regenerator x1
    Power drain x2
    Bubble sheild x1
    SMG x4

    Pictures -

    'A' base
    'A' Overshield section.
    View from 'A' base
    'A' Sniper section
    'B' base
    'B' overshield
    View from 'B' base
    'B' side sniper section
    Overview of rocket tunnels
    Overview form the back

    As i said, all feedback appreciated, especially from those of you who get a 4v4 on it. Thanks, Dom.
    #1 domomd367, Jan 8, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  2. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    this map looks really fun , i like the layout of the map , since it is a beta and u said things will change ,,, the map needs more geo merging like in the back corners , where the boxes are on top of the fence boxes ..also in the center with the four open boxes u should mold the staitrs into them to make a cleaner look .. if u need a tester or some help with merging hit me up on xbox ...(twisted gaming)
  3. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. I already have testers, but if i do need any, i will add you. Or you can add me if you want -domomd367.
  4. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    i like the layout, but the forging is mediocre to be honest. i also see alot of jumping and that really can ruin the flow of a map
  5. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Hmm. I know it does not look amazing, but it is neat, and gameplay is good. The weapon layout and spawns are just as important as map looks, you know.
    What do you mean by jumping will ruin the map?
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I think a few areas could have been made better. Some areas suck as shown in pictures 6-9 just look thrown togeter and are difficult to move through during gameplay. It seems like you had alot of items that you didn't take advantage of like you could have replaced some of the cement barriers with some solid cover that you could have forged it just makes it look thrown together in my eyes.

    Also the top side areas you blocked off seems like a wastes of good walls and bridges, I think better planning could have saved you thoughs valuable items.
  7. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    In the first version, those ledges were possible to get to. So i had to block them off. I then lowered the sniper tower, and forgot to remove them. I will remove them in the next version.

    Also - Everything id where it is for a reason. There is no object which i did not think about first. Although i appreiciate it may look that way, and thanks for the feedback.

    Edit - Thats why its a beta =)
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I know and fully agree that gameplay is first. I did not imply that wep/spawn placement weren't important either. All i said was the forging is mediocre. And too much jumping can ruin the flow of any map, it's hard to explain, it just does.
  9. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    I tried the map, worked great, looked great simple and clean. But when my party of eight divided into 4 teams of 2 things got hectic. The spaw killing was endless and unless you are on red or blue team you didn't have a chance. You may want to slightly edit the spawning and tweak it to work with every possible gametype. 4/5
  10. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Ah, that is because i have only set it up for 2 teams, not multi team or anything. I should have metioned, sorry.

    Do you mean, for example, i should have bridges to walk up instead of dumpsters to jump up? If so, i agree, there will be chnges such as these in my next version.
  11. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    Map looks fun and that FIRST pic is pure pwn, love the base =D 5/5
  12. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The bases are symmetrical, so there should be 2 pure pwn sceenshots =)
    If you do get to play on it, could you give some feedback about how it plays? Thanks.

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