I don't think it's actually true. xD And I believe the article I read said the hormone or w/e that makes guys good at action games such as Halo, so being good at CoD and Gears counts. =P
****, well. I'm only good at Call of Duty when I am in the zone, and that zone only happens after I get my first 7 kill streak that day... Dosen't happen to much though... And gears, I'm a chainsaw *****, but I still manage to get kills.. Dammit.
Maybe that's why my girlfriend likes me so much and hates my friend who is always talking about video games she read the article and knows that my suckage on the controller= win in bed
You wanna know what really makes a girl win in bed? First time is pretty drunk (on her part, more) and not dating (in a bed), Second time is dating and a few days later(after school). It also helps if the girl is this one She's the one on the right, the blonde on the left is way too damn hard to get to. She'll reject anyone.
You have a lot to learn. This is about reflexes, not about halo. So many sports players and soldiers would suffer from the same thing.
****. My reflexs are off the charts. They messured them in school one day, and they couldn't take mine, I was to fast. That just ****ed up my day.
it's actually slutitis, if you can get their friend to catch it, they will fall in line soon there after, just make sure you're in line first or you'll only get the leftovers ... : /
Actually it was pretty much even with people saying they are bad at halo, and people saying that they are good at halo and this isn't true (or that they were sad its like this).
Ok whoever the hell said that, that's just making yourself look like an idiot and it wasn't even ****ing funny. This is a picture of my sister Don't be an asshole just because you think your funny or some ****. Just keep your damn mouth closed. Family/GF jokes don't work well with me.
lol you owned him TeXn. And this is a load of bullshit, Premature Ejaculation is much older than video games, and unless those 200 dutch guys all came in contact with some sort of genetic altering substance, they would still be prone to it, even if they had never come in contact or heard of a video game before. Even if their genetics were altered, there would still be no correlation between Video Games and Premature Ejaculation. This is under normal circumstances though, one who may not have experience in having intercourse before might obviously be bad at it, as well as those with medical conditions, and even those who rarely partake in the activity.