Cod4 is probably the best they will make. But the biggest game let down for me was Kung foo panda Lol just kidding, it was probably Bio Shock for the Ps3.
Fallout 3 and Burnout Paradise, oh and 007 Quantum of Solace. Tried them all, couldn't stick with them. I think the 007 got the most play (about one weekend) or these three.
I agree, Fable was supposed to be one of the best games to come out. After 5 minutes of game play I was having a wonderful time but after I finished the hero of strength i was completely and utterly bored. LOL I sold my copy to some random kid.
Yeah, i can't stand it, it gets soooo boring after just a little while. But it is a little fun i guess. But, still, Far Cry 2 was not what i was epecting when i got it.
Fable 2 was a great game, the only problem I had with it was the multiplayer. I actually LIKE the Farcry 2 multiplayer, it's challenging on a scale much like the original counter-strike. The story was really good as well. My biggest dissapointment would have to be GH: World tour. I spent $200 dollars of my money on this game only to find out that the music sucks, the story mode is overly repeditive, and the song creator sucks. I really wish I could return it and get some better games...
I feel the same way. While I did enjoy the game and still play it regularly, it was definitely not worth $180.
you know i have noticed that most people complain about the online in gears of war. i don't care about the online, all i wanted it for was the campaign, and i thought they lived up to expectations. i couldn't careless about the multiplayer, that was not what gow2 was for me. dont know why you only have mentioned the multiplayer in your complaints., but anyway, i think the only disappointment was Dark sector. i think it came out this year, don't get me wrong i though it was a good game, i just though it was to long. got boring after a while. otherwise i think this year was okay.
The bundle of disappointment that was Smash bros Brawl convinced me to give up entirely on Nintendo. As disappointing as the wii was, at least I always had Smash bros to look forward to, it was the game that would make the console worth having. So I get it the day it comes out, I'm all excited, I mean, they'd been hyping this game hard for what must have been over a year, they kept pushing it back, kept you interested by slowly releasing info on that blog of theirs, I was understandably pumped up about this release. I dive into the single player, and it's terrible, like totally irredeemable, it would have been difficult to actively try and produce a less fun way of playing a video game. But it's all about the multiplayer right? Smashing with my bros will surely justify this game. Brawl's multiplayer turns out to be significantly worse than Melee's multiplayer. You've got these incredibly floaty, sloth like characters who just kind of shamble around the board. It's such a drastic departure from the fast gameplay of Melee, Brawl is completely bland in comparison, it's like Nintendo slowed the game down to appease their new casual audience. And then they toss in random tripping, and they ruin Captain Falcon - the best Nintendo Character, not to mention the unplayable online, where you get to press a button and then watch as two seconds later your character ineffectually punches the empty space where an opponent once existed.
I Hate Far Cry 2 So god ****ing annoying, the game is just complete crap. 4 game modes? Please how do you play a game with only 4, the map editor is quite good but with the limited game modes it made it terrible. Practically every second something would go wrong, either it being running to fast, Car engine going for too long, or some other stupid ****. It annoys the crap out of me, I cannot believe that I actually bought this game. No party system either are they ****ing dumb?! You get paired up with random people, and it's just dumb. The campaign was not what I was expecting either, the open world type **** was lame. Every where you went, their would be a bunch of guys shooting you. Those stupid ****ing "no guns" zone or what ever it was called, was dumb because if you were just to bump into a guy or look at a guy for to long they would all try to shoot you down. It would be impossible with the limited saving check point areas, they didn't add enough. The multiplayer is crap too, the way they set up multiplayer was total crap. Im never buying a far cry game again, this was such a huge disappointment. Don't know how they could screw it up, but they did. I haven't sold my Far cry 2 disc yet, mainly because I want to finish getting the achievements. It really bugs me though, don't buy this game!!!!
QFT. I followed the developement of that game from day one, and was shitting bricks with my friend over how mind-blowingly insane this game would be, especially with Sonic in it and a campaign and online play. Imo, the campaign wasn't bad. Kept me interested and the story was good. Although 2d side scrolling is sort of lame. I know that has always been the SB way, but they good have tried 3-D, you know, to keep up with the times. Anyway, online play was a joke. The hyped it up, saying how lag free their test games were and whatnot, but once I got it, and tried online, I think you exaggerated it Batty by saying 2 seconds later he punches thin air. Try up to a minute or so later. Not to mention how hard finding a match was to begin with. And the map editing thing... was lame as hell, not just because of how limited the pieces to build with were, but just how stupid it was that you could send the map to friends and all, but you can only play on a map you made, if your friend is at your house. Not online or anything. Fail. Also, and this is more at Nintendo, WHY THE **** did they make friend codes? Really? Instead of just using names and easily being able to contact people, you have to memorize and give out 10 digit codes that vary for each game. VERY good idea there Nintendo. /sarcasm Definitely major fail. I also thought Fallout 3 was sort of a let down, as was Soul Caliber IV. Oh and the game Legendary. Spent months trying to follow it, which was hard with barely any info released, but I just looked foward to it, because it had sounded interesting. And it really wasn't horrible, but the graphics sucked, like they were from CoD1 or something, like that, and there were only 8 weapons to use. Only 8. Killing anything was like fighting a boss, except there were at least 5 or so at a time, and those annoying little vampire pixies were annoying as ****. You cant hit them until you turn around, they attack, and you have to turn and swing in axe, and hope you dont die. Though the werewolves were cool, as were the minotaurs and griffins. That is all I can think of right now.
Don't buy this game?!?! wow.... I remember playing a game with you and you said it would be 1000 times better then halo singleplayer will be awesome it will have better multiplayer then halo. The map editor will be 10,000 times better then halo and it was going to be game of the year best game ever ect ect.... I tried to tell you how you were wrong and how minigames would be impossible with the game types... Did you listen? nope... You almost got me to buy it you talked about the game like it was like being in heaven while with hot ass girl ready to have sex with you. Look who was wrong... all I can say is..... I TOLD YOU SO!
Im glad I saw through thew hype and didn't buy these games I played them before desiding and I knew games like far cry 2 would fail because the community just wasnt there just like timspliters. As for the other games I thought they all sucked just from the trailers lol.
edit; not highly anticipated but I thought I'd be getting more than what I got. :/ Guitar Hero: Aerosmith: WTF... why was this not just DLC for World Tour or GH3 even. Army of Two: this looked as if it were gonna be sooooo bad ass, which the game in fact was it just seemed as though running through Co-op took about 2-3 hours mabie and all I was doing was working on upgrading my goddamn guns. I spent more time in the store (where I ended up waiting for whomever I was playing Co-op with to buy something) other than shooting people in half.
ledgendary. I for one thought that this wuld be an epic game,but as it turns out I was wrong. It has sub-par graphics compared to what a 360 game should have. there is only 10 or so weapons and the story mode is very repetiive,kill the little variaty of enemys and move on tho the next city. I truely wanted to get this game,but after seeing some video's etc,etc...I decided against it. and I an proud of that chose
force unleashed for the wii why would they do such a thing. i thought it was ganna be such fun. it wasn't