I don't know but, I think Condoms should be sold to minors in stores to help prevent Teenage Pregnancy. It seems to make sense if you think about it. Since Teenagers won't ask their parents out of fear and Humility then they can just go to a store and buy a pack and not tell their parents and at the same time avoid STD's and Pregnancy. What do you guys think about it? Pros Less teenage pregnancy Less stress amongst sex for teenagers Safer Sex Cons Parents don't know about it Teenagers gain to much confidence in their sex life Less pleasing for the male. Resulting in more desire to take it off. (DeathToll77)
defninatly should be sold to minors, the pros outwiegh the cons by far. thier going to have sex anyway, why not make it safe?
I really think that you should though, yea is increases the amout of it, but ur just getting preprared. But i wouldnt want them to get warn out. idk really EDIT : The funny thing is, i was just thinking about condoms, lol. EDIT AGAIN : It would also reduse of deseses, like aids, and stuff like that...
Funny story about condoms... My friend (a girl) and I went into a Longs Drugs store to get some snacks and food items. I also picked up some trojans. We went to pay for it at the cash register. Hilarity ensued.
Hell yeah we..AHEM they have sex. That's why gas station owners put machines in the bathrooms. Even though the best way is probably to rip off gangsters at high school for them.
See I dont understand why they believe that stopping stores from selling condoms to minorities is going to stop them from going out and having sex. They should sell it to them because it prevents pregnancies and helps to prevent STDs.
Silly I don't have STDs Condoms are like the training wheels of sex You use them till you want to hit the ground and cry about it kinda like marriage
ya i gues its a con that parents dont know about it but they also dont know about their kids going out spreading std's and causing pregnancies. But if they allowed the selling of condoms i still believe the pros overcome the cons but i believe more teenagers will start having sex because they believe that its safer
You should add the con that it is less pleasing for the male. Resulting in more desire to take it off.
Well, at 15 or so, you can't leave ANY chances. At around 18 you can start getting them knocked out 'n' knocked up.
How bout a debate of whether of not you should have sex prior to marriage? Oh and maybe get the opinions of some older members. Most of the people in this thread are 13 (I know for a fact)
Hey, I'm 15, and I never thought I would prior to marriage. But all it takes is a party and a little beer, and if she wasn't drunk enough to forget what happened, then you ask her out, you get more.
Exactly my point, I am fifteen as well but however I have no life experience in sexual relations. Hell I don't think allot of the people that replied to this know what a condom is, or how sex works, or what a condom does, or what circumcisions are. I am saying to get opinions from either parents on this site(highly unlikely) or somebody who has had sex before and is old enough to understand the pros and cons. And I know we have a few married couples on this site.
But if you attend a public school or anything like that, how the hell WOULDN'T you know. It works better when you know what your doing, just a future tip for the people you were referring to.
I really hope you meant to say "minors", not minorities, given that saying minorities would be impeccably racist.
I'm pretty sure she meant minorities, bnasty. This is Ann Coulter Jr. here. Plenty of dumbass white teenagers have unwanted pregnancies too, or does that not bother you as much? But everyone should use protection when having sex. End of story. Yeah, it feels better, but that's just the price you gotta pay if you want keep your youth and not be forced to turn into a parent too early. Besides, surprizbuttsecks is so much messier without a condom.
I'm confused, why is the word Minor and Minorities being freely substituted? a Minor in the U.S. is someone under the age of 18 a Minority is usually how races besides white are referred too. Th Ops question was referring to minors buying condoms correct?
I think that she's confused on the terminology, first and foremost because I'm pretty sure anyone can buy condoms if you're over 18, even minorities. lol ..... but the one thing I'm confused about, I used to buy condoms when I was 15-17 without a hitch? ... shoot I bought some when I was 10 once for a water balloon fight .... where is it that minors can't purchase condoms?