Hey there guys, I'm Lincoln. I'm horrible at introductions, so I'm gonna stick with the five Step Plan. =P Lincoln is my real name, and I'm not creative enough to think of an interesting username so I just use my real name. I joined Forge Hub because I'm interested in Forging. I just got a 360 for Christmas, but was always intrigued when I saw forged maps at my friend's house, and thought they were really cool. My hobbies include hanging out, playing my 360 (currently just Halo 3 and the Orange Box), and surfing the web. I live in Ohio, some little tiny town nobody has ever heard of. I have a picture of myself somewhere, I'll have to dig it up though. It's from last summer. I've really got nothing to do lately, and have been spending all of my time in Matchmaking and playing the Orange Box, so hopefully this place will get me back into forums. =D
I believe the five step plan includes your age. Welcome to ForgeHub though and hopefully you'll be forging your own maps instead of drooling at them . Nice status by the way.
Yeah, I couldn't think of anything either, so I used my name as well. And I decided that because I'm not too great at intros I just never did one. Welcome to the friendliest and most welcoming community of assholes on the web.
Speak for yourself! Not all of us are assholes, I'd say, most of the assholes are the people who just insult you, make stupid things or post retarded replys. Now I'm not calling all of ForgeHub assholes (That's me too) because that results in us being assholes. Oh yeah, welcome to FH! (ForgeHub) Read the rules, post some maps, keep your own thoughts about others to yourself and you'll be fine. Rules Forge like us (Epic) Happy Forging!
Welcome to the hub. If you have any questions, check the Customer Service forum, or PM me if you can't find it there. Well done on bagging your real name on the site. I just assumed "Alex" or "Alex Smith" was taken, so I just used my GT. My embarrassing alcohol-inspired GT...