I'm sure most of you have played Gears of War 2. There is this achievement in the game called Seriously 2.0 where you need to kill 100,000 enemies. Well I was playing GoW 2 last night with a buddy of mine and I just past 800 kills, Now I know that doesn't seem like alot since the game has been out for about 2 months or so, But I don't own it. So basically my question to FH is this, Where are you at with your kills for this achievements?
Over 9,000. Lol, sorry I had to. But really, I don't even think I've passed the 1,000 margin. Though my friend reminded me of that one part in campaign where all the guys that climb onto the...rig come out of the ground. There is bound to be at least 100+ guys there, so what he taught me is to get on the turret, and pick them off. Then just keep restarting from checkpoint, and you'll be right there again. Just thought it was really helpful.
I've got about 4,000 or so. It's gonna take a very long time to get, especially since I've been playing it less and less.
I have around 4,000 myself and I got the game for christmas so I'm still playing it and getting my kills up. I'm not sure what the "cheap way" is exactly but on the last level when you ride the brumak you can get tons of kills cause the enemy locusts just run away and there are a large amount of them. It would probably still take a while to get it.
Cheap Way ^ That's how my friend did it. Don't do that. Yea it gets it faster, but its no fun, boring and just is a cheap excuse to say you got it. I'm earning it fairly, through loads of MM and horde and stuff. And I have 12K, so that works. Although I have RRoD now, so I can't do anything for a while. sadfaic. :/
As someone mentioned before, if you do Brumak Rodeo for 4 days straight you can unlock the achievement. The level nets you about 200 kills per play. Either that or run it for an hour a day for 96 straight days and you can do it. I personally believe I will play this game for a while, but 100,000 kills is gonna take a long time and I will probly never reach it.
4200-ish I found Horde the easiest way to get kills that was not only fun, but more "legit" than the vehicle missions.
Well I think there are people out there who do the SPG to get most of their achievements, which i believe i have a friend who does it, but i recommend you get it the actual way people like him usually have an ulterior motive.