The Great Arch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Hawk, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Hello forgers of forgehub, I am presenting to you, my second map !!! I know I know, stop the applause.

    Download Link!

    This map is made for Multi flag, preferably start with BR's! Also slayer and MLG.

    Anyway, as you should know, The name of my map is... The Great Arch.
    One of the coolest things about this map is that it's completely symmetrical, aside from the odd crooked object here and there. Even all of the weapons are facing the same way. I'm seriously devoted. The main point of this map is getting over the wall, and blocking your enemies ways over. All of the ways over, never respawn. Anyway, On to the
    The Overview of the middle of the map. When you grab the sniper, you automatically get a fully loaded sniper, each one has zero spare clips.
    This is the right side.
    This is the left side.
    The left side... again?
    And now, the right side again.
    These are the right side's grav lifts, which never respawn.
    And now the left side's grav lifts, same thing as the right side.
    These are the pallets, that never respawn.

    Now, everything may make sense to you on how to block the wall, except the teleporters. To do that, notice the dumpsters in the corners. Use a deployable grav lift under the wall corner at the original bases (back rooms) and lift up the dumpsters, which will go into the man cannons and fly away. They never respawn.

    Weapon List:
    3x Sniper Rifle, 150 sec respawn, 0 spare clips
    2x Brute shot, 90 sec respawn, 2 spare clips
    2x Needler, 90 sec respawn, 2 spare clips
    2x Carbines, 90 sec respawn, 2 spare clips
    4x SMG, 45 sec respawn, 2 spare clips
    4x BR, 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips
    2x Mauler, 60 sec respawn, 1 spare clip
    2x Machine gun Turret, 180 sec respawn
    All Weapons are spawn at start and both symmetric and asymmetric.

    Equipment List:
    6x Fire Grenades, 10 sec respawn
    1x Spike Grenade, 10 sec respawn
    2x Overshield, never respawn
    2x Active camo, never respawn
    1x Bubble Shield, 60 sec respawn
    4x Deployable Grav Lifts, 180 sec respawn
    All Equipment are spawn at start and both symmetric and asymmetric.

    Thanks to all of my testers, If I can remember right they were : xSharpshooter94, Whats a scope, dimmestbread, Drearycord (Who helped me a LOT with the crane merge), Halo kid 024, And tons of others, you know who you are (not really tons but...) anyway thanks all of you.

    And me!!! Amer1can f0od
    It's not for me you see, its for my fans...
    #1 The Hawk, Jan 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  2. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    This is not a non-Foundry lol. This looks very good though, i like the middle, greatly interlocked. Good geo too, i like the layout. 9/10. BTW kewl pallet stairs too.
  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Pretty original layout, I like it. The map is pretty open, however, and it's not the neatest map in the world (at least the last picture with the pallets shows that). Good use of geo-merging and interlocking. BTW, where do the sender nodes against the back wall let off to? I don't see the receiver node anywhere.
  4. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Oh wow... I'm such a noob, I can't beleive I forgot to take that off. Can a mod fix this?

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    those are a lot of power ups you've set up around the map. if those are supposed to be aesthetics, interlock them into the corner wall. if not, i guess its ur design.

    edit: and u have to call a mod, a simple can a mod lock this will not work. go pm one. they aren't omnipotent
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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  7. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    The powerups actually are my design, and by the way they never respawn, they are all accessible and somewhat easy to get to, so they don't get in the way of the gameplay. Oh and by the way, apparently Insane IS omnipotent, because he just fixed it without a PM. :)
  8. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    yipee its posted.well the interlocking and all that hubla is fine,and thats a smecky crane merge.the gameplay is great *looks at CTF* and you have really good taste in spawns.I would say qued,but I already got a version.
  9. Thundercat the plunderer

    Senior Member

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    Orgasmic interlocking with the center boxes, and your geomerging seems flawless. But, the main problem is that this map isn't as good as it can become. With your skills, you can make something way better. Try working on your layout and other playing qualities, like adding more to it. I can't wait to see a map made by you with that taken into mind.
  10. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Yea, when I was testing the main problem was that there wasn't enough on the map. I tried to fix it, adding something else every time. (If you think this isn't enough, you should have seen it then.) But, thank you for all the compliments, it did take me quite a long time, and now I'm almost ashamed of my old map pinned down.
  11. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    Hey man I'm looking forward to playing this with you! The map layout (U) will most likely make a good game of CTF or bombs, and the collapsable crates is a good idea as well.
    Now for a few suggestions that you may want to incorporate in a version 2: To start, I would only have one passageway to the other side, albeit maybe a secret passage or something of that sort. In other words, delete the grav lifts, teleporters, and pallets. Having only one main passage promotes the importance of controlling the map, and the map will look much more professional without grav lifts and teleporters. Additionally, I would spend some time constructing one unique cover spot on each half of the map. This would serve as a checkpoint in which attackers could hold out to wait for respawning teammates. Finally, I would add more scenery. Just a stack of barrels, a pallet leaning against a box, or a crate here and there would really spice up the aesthetics. I hope to see you get The Great Arch to its potential. Send me an invite next time you're on and we'll get some customs kickin'!
  12. nopego

    nopego Ancient
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    This looks like a good map defintly downloading and i like how you can block everything but you need to fix the link delete one of the http// because when i loaded the link the url had 2 of them
  13. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This was OK. It was just a little plain. There just... was something lacking. The forging is clean and good, and the layout is good, but it needs to be less open, and mayby have another floor. I just think it needs more cover or something. A 3/5 on your first go. I like the pallets, but mayby sometime I could invite you and we could work on the map together. I'd like to work with someone else, being a bit of a noob. I am pretty good though. So back to the map, it was good for a first, but I definately want to see a V2!
  14. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Yea, a lot of people said I rushed the map, without putting a lot of thought into it, or putting much scenery, and so I think I might do a version two.

    Thanks dude, but the main thing I wanted in the map was for each team to have the ability to control the wall, so you would have to incorporate tactics into the game in order to win. The idea of sabotaging the other side just appeals to me. If I do a version two though, I will probably add more scenery, and maybe take away the teleporter way over, but that's all. I still want it to be focused on getting on top of and across the wall.

    Thanks for the catch dude, I fixed it, and I'm really grateful. I would have been really mad if it would have been left like that.
  15. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I remember playing this map a few days ago. Unfortunately, it was a game of slayer, so I didn't get to actually play it how it was meant to be.

    Anyway, much of the map seemed very random, though it all fits together for multi flag. I like the different ways of getting past the wall and blocking the enemy's path. If you don't have it so that they have to go to their enemy's side to block the teleporters, you should probably make it that way.

    Other than some crooked placement, the map seems to be well forged. The problem though is that you added cover. If you don't understand what I mean, sorry, but I don't remember where the thread is that talks about this. Basically, most of your cover should be part of the main structure of the map and other structures that fit its theme, but never just cover (random barriers, A signs, out in the open that are just there). That's the best I can explain it.
  16. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    So wait, did you test with me? Sorry if I forgot your name, anyway you do have to go to the enemies side to block the teleporters. Also, I understand what you mean about the cover, but if the main part of the map is just a wall... I don't understand how I could've incorporated cover into that. If you have any ideas on how I could do that, I would be glad. Oh and by the way, most people say that there isn't enough on the map, I don't know if your saying that there's too much, but if you are then most people would disagree with you.
  17. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    there is no possible thing as a solution by just "adding cover"

    however in this map, youve created a rush to the high ground. this is mostly because you havent blocked a whole lot of lines of sight.

    this give the high ground waaaaaaay too much power. fix that in a V2

    like freezefry said, delete the grav lifts, pallets and such.

    otherwise an interesting style. i dont particulary like the powerup style, but then again i dont have to.

    this map definetly has some potential to live up to

    (no rating as i havent played it yet *tear*)
  18. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    lo,I jus thought Id remind you that this is being added to the americankid inc portfolio and I thought Id tell all of you that a V2 is on the way.

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