
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by megathumbs, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    This map is the sequel to a map i made in the summer. It was called canyowna and it was my first map and i was quite proud of it, so i made a v2 and had it tested. i was not proud. So i gave up and went to other ideas, but i just couldn't come up with anything else. So in the end i came back to canyowna. I completely redid everything and made it better. I wanted to stick with just a central area with combat happening everywhere. I enclosed the map more and took of the very top floor and side buildings. I always like enclosed maps more than open, because they feel more original, and i have tried to make this amp as original as possible. When i completed the map i wanted a new name. The name that the map finally ended up having completely made up and the story below was made so it would seem as if the name had a purpose, but it really doesn't. i had trouble thinking of a name, so in the end made a new one from scratch with absolutely no relevance to the map.

    A group of scientist made an arena to study the affects the Telmson material had on combat. There isn't much story for this map since all it really is is a map to kill each other on.

    Telmson is a small enclosed map for 3v3 at the most. It is best for 2v2 and great for 1v1 matches. It is symmetrical with three levels. all three levels take up the height of a double box. When playing the map most people tend to circle around the map in a figure eight around the double box structures. it is incredibly hard to camp anywhere, and each point has it's advantage and disadvantage. This map will work with CTF but make sure the flag carrier is very slow. also to those of you who didn't figure it out, the map does have a roof, but i took it off so i could get an overview shot.

    Weapon List
    2 needlers in basement set to 45 second respawn and spawn at start no
    2 BRs in base set to 30 second respawn place at start yes
    2 carbines in base set to 30 second respawn place at start yes
    2 SMGs set to 30 second respawn place at start yes
    2 spikers set to 30 second respawn place at start yes
    2 plasma rifles set to 30 second respawn place at start yes
    1 shotgun with 1 clip set to 180 second respawn place at start no


    and if you didn't read the description there is a roof i took it off for the overview only the map is completely inescapable

    blue side overview without roof

    overview of shotgun spawn

    view of blue base from middle

    view of middle from red side

    another overview


    inside of blue side

    Action Shots


    many thanks to the people who tested and for the helpful advice.

    download link
    #1 megathumbs, Dec 29, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2008
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll check this map out. It looks very nice and has a good design. The pillars and star arches looks vfery nice.

    I'll get you a rating later :)
  3. CryptoKnight

    CryptoKnight Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a very good map, my xbox comes on thurs, and i have my 100 custom limit, so i cant download, but i want to, it looks very enjoyable
  4. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks legitimate. Bunch of small passageways and alternate routes. Looks like a lot of fun. dl'd. 5/5
  5. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    i like the idea and layout but it needs a tad-bit moren interlocking. Also raise the side walls so you can't grenade jump over.But overall 4/5..
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Read the text. Don't just look at the pictures. The map has a roof on it.
  7. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    does nobody read the description, there is a roof i took it off for the pictures.
  8. Snowblusk

    Snowblusk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry I'm New To This How Do I Download It?
  9. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    click on the name at the bottom in blue
  10. _aj

    _aj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Telmson, eh? Well let me tell you somethin, son!

    This map is tiny. I was breaking my neck, almost literally, trying to swing my head around the tight corners. I was playing a 3 man FFA and we didn't tend to circle around the figure eight, rather spawn and run to the center. Also, this got old very, very fast. How long can one run around a tiny map littered with fairly random dual-weildable weapons? Another small peeve was the propane tanks in the center. But again the main thing is that you block any lines of sight over a few feet long and force people to scramble around with plasma rifles or SMG's (A carbine or BR won't get you far on this one.) until the shotgun respawns giving any smart player a free 5-6 kills.

    Normally I'd pity you for the utterly idiotic posts above, but it's only fitting for this utterly idiotic map.

    1.03 out of 5 minutes of gameplay interrupted by having to massage my neck.
  11. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yay bumped, but no seriously, thanks for the review, glad you got around to it, and i hope you didn't hurt your neck to bad. and just so you know this is a small quarters map, oh and also how should i fix this map to make it better, i thought that was going to be part of the critique that everyone yelled at you for. much appreciated for your time, and if you need i know a good chiropracter. thanks. =)

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