I have noticed on all the weather channels they have been reporting on Blizzards and Snow Storms all across America. But one of the only states to not have this problem is my state of Pennslyvania. We had record highs two weeks ago with mid to high 60's, WTF. While just north of us in New York it is a couple feet of snow and bitter cold. I find that this is just ubsurd and completely uncool. We just got out of school early today for freezing rain not snow but rain that comes down and freezes. we have had a total of like 6 in. this season. I think that i might get no snow this entire winter which might just suck
PROBLEM: Our network has few to no watchers SOLUTION: Put somewhat exciting things (IE spam the states that have snow)
hey, I live in pennsylvania too as well as lawful chili. It sort of sucks with the warm weather but I like warmer weather. It is wierd though. It was 55 on christmas day.
It's dark right now, I can't tell if it's snowing or hailing. I hate the cold and I hate snow more. When I was younger I use to love snow, cause I'd get off from school. However, now, I have to drive through the slush, ice, and snow and worry about the crazy wackados driving 202029 miles an hour. Yuck Yes of course, I live in NJ.
Snow is so awesome and i wish we had more. And i like the cold it is better then being hot because when you are cold you can always put more on but when your hot you can only take off so much
To surf in the middle of a hurricane (NOT a tropical storm), takes balls. But even though you've got a lot of balls, you're ****ing retarded to surf in the middle of a hurricane.
Oh man, try wishing for snow living in Texas. Or anything. Weather here always sucks. And never consistent at all.
78 today. Although not entirely my preference. I would like to see much colder temperatures in Southern Cali. We enjoy the winter here.