the names hArIkIrI, im a huge halo fan since the pc version came out, loved to make maps on custom edition. Read about this site on bungie a while ago and i lurked around a bit. let's make a map, gt is xoxharikirixox
Welcome, although this should be in the intro section, i cant really do anything about that can I? What i can do is ask you to not make your text the color blue everythime you post! YEAH!. It is very hard to read that, for those that use forgehub X.
??????? I thought it was just forgehub. anyways blue is my favorite color. harikiri, something i heard off a show before.
Forgehub X is an extra skin that you can "apply" to the website to change the background to a dark gray shade. It's probably white currently, but if you look in the bottom left corner of the screen, there is a small drop-down menu that you can click to change to Forgehub X if you would like. PM me if you need more help. Welcome to Forgehub.
Ah, I see. Well, harikiri is a form of suicide. It's done by disembowleing one's self. It's japanese, I believe.
is this how you do those box things? im just checking it out, It's kinda dark grey right now. Whats better?
You've just double posted, consider this a formal warning about it. Double posting is posting back to back, with no reply in between. To prevent possible trouble from doing this, simply edit your original post, and if you catch you already double posted, you can actually delete your double in the "Go Advanced" part of the edit section. About your question, only coloured members have the privelege of animated avatars. You can put in your own avatar or signature in user CP.
It's all a matter of opinion about which Forgehub skin you use and prefer. I personally use Forgehub X, but sometimes will switch back to OldSchool. Neither is better than the other.
It's Hara Kiri, not Hari Kiri. And then it's still seppuku first. Bloody wapanese anime fankids. Talk about bastardization of Japanese culture.
forgehub's biggest mistake is forgehub x or oldschool they should only have one so we can get used to using the proper colors,anway welcome and enjoy your stay at FH
I used to play HaloC like religiously about a year ago, loved it. Were you part of any clans or did you stick mainly to CE?
hes banned lol??? lol, sorry, haha. Im just a huge anime fan, that's all. i love bleach and naruto and death note! Kawaii des! lol is that right? I just played around on a bunch of different servers, nothing really serious. CE was fun though, especially getting all those maps like vehicle mods and stuff.
Yeah, those were great. I never got into making maps just playing them though. I love the Area 51-53 Campaign-ish levels. On PC I used to be part of the RP Clan, every other clan seemed to hate us.
I'm pretty sure that this has been said before, but just in case, and since I'm in a hurry, I'll say it anyway. To introduce yourself, go to the introduction section. You'll meet many people starting off like yourself. If you want to forge, sign up on the forgemate thread. Happy forging!
Wow, OCM: Obsessive Compulsive Moderation lol Nah, it's your job linux. Welcome to FH HariKiri. Nice name too.