Foundry Manifest (Help's on the way, right?)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Infection that DOESN'T SUCK. There's not enough of it, making this game a rare prize. The gameplay mechanics are ones I've seen attempted in infection, but never used well. I especially like how you used the zombie transportation system well. One thing I recommend (and you may have thought of) is making one teleporter that sends zombies to random receivers so you would probably never have an army of zombies running at you. I know that would definitely hamper some later timed map events, so I see why you did it this way. I really like the many different teleporters though, it reminds of something I heard, no idea where though, Stay on you toes or fall to your knees. I especially like the grindnaut, it reminds me of Grinders from GoW2. Is there a custom powerup for him, because if not, it would take only one shot to the head to kill him. Whatever. This is at the moment becoming my first permanent infection addition to my hard drive.
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thankyou for the great reply, and yes there is a CP that changes his values, the stats are in the drop down settings spoiler in the main post.
  3. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    very original desing and idea, i love the journal and the fact that a machnima will be based around it. also very smooth interlocking. I've always been a warthog fan and am glad you added them in 4.5/5
  4. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    This would be great for TGIF (is that this Friday?) because I, like many other folks, usually cannot find the right amount of people for a game. That and the fact that I cannot explain games to people because of my lack of a working headset. I like an infection game (with an actual zombie theme) that requires tactics and teamwork to survive. There will (almost) always be a fool who separates from the group. And I especially like an infection game that is more difficult for the humans than the zombies. The map post is brilliant with the stories and fan fiction behind it, and the map itself appears to be wonderfully crafted from the screenshots. I would be thrilled to see this game in the next TGIF so that I can finally experience what all you folks are overjoyed about.
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Vorpal actually played this in his last tgif, but it was a bit laggy. I'm sure he'd play it again, especially if people request it.
  6. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    As promised, my review on: Help's on the way, right?

  7. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I got a game going on this map today, 10 times. Lol, I'm not kidding. The people in my Halo 3 party liked the game that much.

    The beginning spawn is pretty interesting. I like the exploding warthog idea, but it has its flaws. The first is that it damages players who are near it. The second is that sometimes it either pushes out or dissapears, and humans can freely move into the small area behind the hole and camp there.

    The rest of the map is pretty straight forward and gameplay is solid throughout. There are some areas along the way that people liked to camp at rather then move on, but they usually died before the end of the round. However, there are two other ways for people to get out of the map. Both ways are for zombies only however. The first way is from the high perch at the end of the map. You simply jump out of the map from there by landing on the fence boxes making the outer wall. The second way out spawns at the last minute mark of the round, when the signs spawn to block the ground level teleporters. After going up the stairs, instead of going through that teleporter and going to the high perch at the end, you can jump across the tops of those signs and make your way out of the map. It was really easy to find but only I knew about it in my party.

    Overall, great gameplay and a well made map, other than the flaws I mentioned. I highly recommend that you fix these things, it'll help with the map. I'd have to give this map a 5/5 still and I'll be holding onto this map and gametype for a while.
  8. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I really am not one for infection maps, but this map stood out from the rest and is probably why I enjoyed it. I loved how you guys evolved this to something bigger than "just a map", but made it into some sort of mission. Great job guys. Loved playing this one with you guys, especially when xX5w33ny70ddXx kept making me laugh when he was yelling at one of the kids. Definitely a 5/5.
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow this definitly was a fun game to game to test. I didn't relize headshots were the best deal on this map untill like the last round. I just sat there and nailed the zombies with SMGs. Yes this was very fun I really liked how the game was set up and the layout with the teleporters made this game even more fun.

    BTW: I thought you were making a video on this, did I miss it on the post somewhere?
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Epic, epic review phreakie, thanks a ton

    Well see we intended the warthog to damage you some, it's supposed to make the starting more diverse. You never know who, or how much damage will be dealt. When we noticed it flew out, it was originally an issue, but we kinda liked that it again added diversity, so to avoid people "breaking" the map this way, we added that pointless space out there. If you wanna go out there, by all means do so..but you won't accomplish much.

    Videos are on the way. Our voice actors have been hard to gather together and the film footage for gameplay is being edited. Sweeny is an edit *****.
  11. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Oh yea! It's finally posted!

    I remember testing this when the name was "Keep it" and "down low" so the game showed keep it on the down low. I thought it was funny.

    Onto the map!

    At first I thought is was based of L4D then you told me that it was in motion before the game was released and I was amazed! I love this concept so much. I always tried to save it just to find out I had over 25 more recent games before I got a party leader position(and i'm to stupid to leave and save it...). This map made me say "wtf! how is this possible with no honor rules" but somehow it is, and you found how how to make it so. I give this map a 10/10 because it uses the concept of regular zombies and a new concept which I hope will be used more because of this in which you do need teamwork or you can be assassinated very easily! I am going to DL this right now now and to all people who might read this, DL it as well and you will not be dissapointed!!
  12. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I am so mad I didn't notice this. I read the entire post =D

    EDIT: I forgot to mention how epic this map post is. This is probably the best map post ever. It should be used as an example to newer members of to post a map. When I see a small description and like one pic, I am disgusted. Take pride in what you do! Try... This post gave me an orgasm. (Metaphorically and Literally)

    EDIT Continued: What's this **** about Holy Barber? lol... It's cool. I get the barber part which is the same color as Sweeny. Holy? Chrst, you are holy? WTFHAX /edit , bishes


    Finally this is out! This map is epic win. Sweeny and chrst, this is absolutely amazing.

    Summary for Noobs: EPIC WIN

    This post will include some history, all of my thoughts, likes, dislikes (if any), and a detailed guide (=O).

    Here is some history. The first time I had ever heard of this was when I joined chrst and Sweeny’s XBL party(the chat one). They called their “secret project”. Someone said something that kind of gave away the story. Then they ended up telling me it. One day, I get an invite from them. I join. After many people got in there, they began to explain the map. I thought (and still think) that that is the quietest an XBL party has ever been. Everyone was listening closely. After the epic explanation, they started the game. It was one of the most fun things I had ever played. I had little too complain about. After more tests, they finally present you with what you all can see now.


    The map has good aesthetics. Nothing “wow” about it, but it is still good. It looks a feels like an urban area. I like the fire escape that’s at the begining. Also the windows are cool. Very nice touch. As many people say, the rubble actually looks like rubble not randomly placed ****. Some people say “Oh, I placed that crooked on purpose because it’s supposed to be debris.” Your debris looks like debris. At the begining, it looks like a warthog actually crashed into that wall. I also love the holes in the roof of the bar. They seem like real holes to me. Something else is that you didn’t geo-merge for no reason. Some maps try to geo-merge everything. There many more aesthetic touches that you put, but I won’t mention them all.


    I added this section because I feel like this is one of the most creative maps I have ever seen. The whole idea in itself is creative. The idea that it is a “game” and you go through the level. Then the idea of a boss, just like in other games, is great. Also like games, there will be more =D.


    This is the big one. The gameplay on this map is like no other. This infection gametype is very fun. Unlike most infection games, you have equal fun. Some gametypes it is fun to be a human, but not a zombie. Others it is vice versa. In this game I don’t feel like I am dreading one or the other. Either one is fun.


    For humans it can be easy, or it can be difficult, depending on how well the players work as a team and if you can get headshots. If work as a unit, like you are supposed to, then you can and will defeat the boss zombie. If you don’t work together, you die. If you don’t watch each others backs, you die (by assassination). If you run ahead, you die. If you fall behind you die. This map also prevents camping for the most part. If you camp, you are only putting a gun to your head in the long run. For one, there is NO scoring. (Everyone should look at their stats after the game is over.) This makes it pointless. Also, you will only get cornered and easier to kill. Humans have no shield recharge. This means they can keep coming until you die. When the boss zombie comes, you have no chance. Anyway, as you continue on your set path, you can pick up better weapons. Once you get to the end, it will almost be time to fight the boss zombie. The goal is to kill the boss zombie and stay alive until the time ends.


    Hooray for a game that is fun for zombies. The obvious goal for the zombie is to kill and infect the humans. You get to go through teleporters and try to stop the humans. The boss zombie gets a turret to kill the humans. Not much else to say.


    I think map is really well-made and thought out. The gametype works well with it. It is good to see an infection game that doesn’t suck and still has nice aesthetics while being original. Every once should play this map at least once because there aren’t any games like this. The only complaints I have are caused by the noobs that don’t understand how to play this, and it is too short =O. Now we all await the next part.

    Now for my detailed guide as promised,


    The game will begin, and you are in a closed room. There is a shotgun in it. You can get it id you want. Stay clear of the warthog, because it will hurt. When the door opens, don’t rush out first. Keep your back towards the wall and run into the first building. While you do this, watch out for zombies on the short path there and inside the building.
    On one of the barriers, there is a pistol. I’d advise getting it. It is good because of the one shot kills with headshots. If you can’t get that one or want more ammo, when you leave the building there is another around back.

    On this path, you must be careful because the zombies can jump from the roof of that building and kill you. Also there is a teleporter receiver node near there where the zombies come from. You will have to turn right. When you walk into a more open area, watch out because there could be zombies on either side of the opening.
    On this part, keep your back to the wall and run over to the “bar”. On the “bar” in the “bar” there are various weapons. While in the bar, you must watch out for zombies coming from the holes in the roof. Next go up the stairs where a battle rifle will be. This a very good weapon to use for this. Make sure your team is with you because you are going into an open area.

    There will be a truck where you can get weapons. There are more BRs and some snipers. Once you have what you need, start making your way down to the other side. Here, it is hard to keep your back to the wall because it is hard to see around to kill zombies. Be careful because zombies could be coming from where you came or we waiting ahead.

    Once you get to the end you will have to turn the corner. This is very dangerous. It is easy or zombies to assassinate you here. Also there may be zombies waiting in the room that is around that corner. In the room there are more weapons. Do NOT stay there for a long time. It is important that you do not camp that room. However, someone could stay back and help shoot through the “window” for the upcoming challenge. Hop over the wall to enter t he last area.

    There are rockets there. By then, the Boss Zombie will be there. Everyone should work together to kill him. Keep your back to the wall and try to kill him while watching out for the other zombies. If you do, you basically won the round.

    Then there will be a small room where you can stay until the round ends.


    This only applies for Alpha-Zombies.

    When the game starts, you will have 20 seconds before the humans leave the room. Use the game’s time limit countdown to see how long you have.
    I wouldn’t advise waiting outside the door.

    Option 1

    Go through the first tele and wait on the roof until the humans pass below. Jump down and try to assassinate them. This one is hard to do because you are very noticeable.

    Option 2

    This is my favorite. Either go through tele 1 or 2 (I usually chose 2), and go inside of the first building. Stay on the wall that is connected to the opening to get in, or you can hide behind some barriers. Wait for the humans to come in. Try to assassinate them. That way is the easiest way to kill humans.

    Option 3

    I don’t do this much but it can work. Go through tele 2. Jump off the roof where there is a pistol and a firebomb on a pallet. Walk forward until your path merges with the human’s set path. As said before, try and assassinate them.
    This is not the only options, but I think these are the best.

    After the game has being going a bit,
    I would say go through tele 2. You would be on top the building. Jump off into the open are that leads to the “bar”. You can wait on either side of the opening that the humans go through to get into the open area. This works very well if do this with a partner, one of you on either side.
    Instead of that, or after, you can go through tele 4. You can either wait in the roof, or drop down and wait. If you chose to stay in the roof, figure out what hole you will drop from and when. If you decide to drop down, either stay in the back room or hide behind the “bar”. Be patient and wait for the humans. Remember assassination is key. There is also another thing you could do. You could wait in the truck. When the humans pass, kill them.

    If the humans are already out of the window, I suggest going through the 5th tele. Then you can wait for humans. When they go over the wall, just keep helping the boss zombie by slashing the humans.
    If you are the boss zombie, pick up the turret and jump down. Shoot the guiz.

    I hope my guide helped everyone. =DDDDDDDD

    Just saying again, everyone, try this map. You may not like it, but then it’s your loss. You can go back to your one shot kill zombies and fat kid.

    <3 Whats A Scope a.k.a. WAS
  13. Bluedude426

    Bluedude426 Ancient
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    I remember testing this.

    It was quite fun. Nice job. :)
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    a guide to someone elses game roflol.
  15. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thanks zack, and thanks for testing. We honestly didn't try to recreate any L4D, it just happened. I guess it's a good thing though. So many people try and fail, and we accidentally pull it off.

    Thanks for your appreciation, but please do not spam. I really don't want to give out infraction on my own map :(

    To avoid infractions in the map forums, just list a few things you liked.

    He tested a lot. Lol he was in our initial test group when it was still secret. Whats knows what he's talking about.
  16. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Words don't even express what I felt with this map.
    Now i am not going to express my opinion, i will express the FACT that this is possibly the best, not even kidding, THE BEST map i have EVER seen. I have been looking for map inspiration for so long and I came up with something. I can't beleive that this was the map i was looking for. You unblocked my mind set for map making. But i must rate RATE RATE RATE!

    duh duh duh dah

    1: Totally great followthrough with idea
    2: Holy #($* a machinma and map! (can't wait to see it)
    3: Geo-merging... GEO-MERGING!!! @_@
    4: Such terrific interlocking that it resembles that of something holy.
    6: The city and buildings really paid off, even the staircase that jutted out to look like a fire escape.

    =10,000 bazillion/10

    Please don't stop making maps, and if you don't get this featured i will personally show this map one by one to everybody on forge hub.

    (This map also resembles left 4 dead in a way that if this map made out with omega journey it would be even better than EVERYTHING)! :)
  17. nopego

    nopego Ancient
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    realy nice 10/10
  18. camel assassyn

    camel assassyn Ancient
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    very nice halo story and i like the paged look its pretty cool but i like themap most of all.9.5/10
  19. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Wow this has got to be the greatest map post ever! i played the map for errr what was the reason again? oh yeah for sweeny to make a video. It ws fun although i stayed at the beginning one round, blew up the warthog, waited for it to unspawn, hid half the game. This map was very fun indeed and imo it deserves a feature!
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    To start with, let me tell you how creative i think the post is. Bravo.

    On to the map:

    I have gotten to play this in several stages, and i like where you progressed to. It went from pretty cool to epic in a mere few weeks. The innovation this took left me without words my first time through it. I really was amazed at how detailed the map itself if for being a linear story map. I was really jealous of some of the locations on the map and how well they were put together. For example, the beginning scene with the crash site. It really looks like the warthog crashed through that wall. The fusion coil that makes it set on fire also was a fantastic touch.

    The gameplay is pretty solid, but there are a few drawbacks that you guys cannot help. The party size must be relatively max capacity to even work, and the party has to cooperate with a silent set of rules. This isnt a huge deal, but if you get some douchebag, then they can ruin it. Additionally, you'd better hope you got a good set of players on the human team. You really need to work together to survive this. Another thing would be the zombies camping the final stage to get the final boss powerup. Again, nothing you can really do.

    As for the actual playing, i much prefer being human. Being a zombie can become repetative to me. I like having the options to go into several different teleporters, but the novelty only works for a few, since the humans progress too far to let the first teleporters have any real effectiveness. The human aspect of it is much like being a herd of cattle. I enjoyed having to watch my back and keep 360 points of interest all around me. Danger could come from any direction.

    I suppose the biggest thrill of this map would be playing as the final boss. I think it has its flaws, but nothing is cooler than feeling bigger and more badass than all the other players in the game. :)

    Anyways, i cant wait to see the rest of the story. Keep forging guys, its awesome.

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