
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Given To Fly, Jan 5, 2009.


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  1. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Map Description:

    Vagabond is a generally small team slayer map meant for head to head gameplay, all the way up to 4v4. The architechture proves to resemble Renagade. Naturally, since Renagade was my maps begining inspiration. It was the first map I had ever seen on Forgehub.

    Forge Guide:

    This is a Foundry map that was started a long while ago. This map has pushed through many changes as time went on. It started by having the arch bridge and right side blocked off. and in the middle were bridge pillars stacked to the ceiling. Next came the Box pillars, then the left side of map being blocked off. The boxes are ever so slightly merged into thecieling on the left side block off. This didn't look right until I continued the boxes to stick out straight from the wall. My map preview showed two curved stuctures of boxes, but those too had to go, for the lack of supplies, and they were just too escapable.[​IMG] Then I added the tower tips, which are the long straight up pillars at the end of each branch. Naturally I loved the design layout. I then added structure surrounding the perimeter, and thus Vagabond was born.


    Vagabond plays most gametypes and will support many custom types as well.

    * Slayer / Team Slayer / FFA
    * CTF / Multiflag / One-Flag
    * Oddball / FFA Oddball / Team Ball
    * Territories / Flag Rally/ Others
    * Assault / Neutral / Team Assault
    * KOTH / Mosh pit / Team King / Crazy King

    (Does not support Infection, VIP, or Juggernaut.)

    Map Weapons:

    EQUIPTMENT - Respawn Time -

    * 8 Frag Grenades / 10 second Respawn
    * 4 Plasma Grenades / 10 second Respawn
    * 1 Regenerator / 60 second Respawn
    * 1 Bubble Shield / 60 second Respawn
    * 1 Power Drainer / 60 second Respawn

    WEAPONS - Spare Clips - Respawn Time -

    * 1 Rocket Launcher / 0 / 60 seconds
    * 1 Shotgun / 0 / 30 seconds
    * 1 Sniper Rifle / 1 / 45 seconds
    * 1 Needler / 2 / 30 seconds
    * 2 SMG's / 0 / 30 seconds
    * 3 Battle Rifles / 1 / 30 seconds
    * 2 Carbines / 2 / 30 seconds


    Map Structure:









    Gameplay Pictures:










    Thanks for checking out Vagabond, Please, if you're commenting, make it because you've played it, or because your talking about map architechture. I don't want any WOW 5/5!'s.

    Like It?

    Here is the link to the Want to See Featured maps Thread.

    Download Link:

    Thank You Forgehub ;]


    Vagabond MLG / Swat Coming Soon...
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice Work

    This map looks really tight. The arch bridge is awesome. Looks like great gameplay and good cover throughout the map. I will check this one out when I get home from work. Nice Forging.
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow I've been picking my fav. Map of the day lately and this one is with out a competition the best all day. The athestics look sweet. And all the different routes and places you can go makes it so much better. The geomerging, is fantastic. Also the flow of this map looks awsome. I really like how much work you've put into this, I saw some threads in the fourm about it. I will definetly have to give this one a download.
  4. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW 5/5 har har har. No but really, this map is awesome. I'd actually give it a 5/5 anyways. The first picture is my favorite, it's just one of those that's a really good angle that you can't see in-game. I played some 2v2 multi-flag on it and it was great. I kinda had to anyways, I'm not much one for architecture reviews. I do like your use of bridges and fence boxes. One opinion is too many floating weapons. Those just don't look as classy to me, but the power drain spawn I like. Good job with interlocked objectives too.
  5. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    haha I just posted it 5 mins ago, theres no way you could have,
    lol liar liar plants for hire!

    but thank you for the good review
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well i remember when you previewed this, and i thought it looked pretty nice, i loved Renegade, artistic, yet still playable, with the most beatiful wall ive ever seen, and i like alot of this here, although it doesnt REALLY resemembler renegade, i can see similarities. but remember, when going for amazing, go for original, something no ones made before. ill download this and give you my thoughts later if i have time.
  7. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok so I just got done looking at the map. I thought it was really cool. I didnt get a game on it, but I definetly will host a game on it. But I've downloaded 100's and 100s of maps and I know fun gameplay when I see it. So I cant wait to play on it and it look fantastic

    And since I saw the link I think I will say this needs featured. Its definetly my top 3 maps that I've seen in the past month I for sure deserves it
  8. Two Car Garage

    Two Car Garage Ancient
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  9. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks really good and it has some unique features but to be honest and not im not pointing it all at you but this map almost looks like all the other maps ive seen. also not the best choice making a link to the featuring thread the best thing to do is hope for the best keep adjusting and patience if you want it featured and dont ask. to finish off the map you made is very well made with good interlocking and merging so im going to have to give it a 4.5/5

    good job and keep forgin
  10. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  11. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I understand and I don't want to come off asking for it,
    that's not what i intended anyways. Simply to give it your honest opinion, and recommend it after gameplay,

    EDIT: hah two people already posted it there..
  12. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map, nice interlocking and noticeable geomerging all together in one map. This one looks nice and must have great gameplay. It even looks like this map has been featured! A+ material dude! 5/5
  13. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey the only thing I could figure out about the pictures is that there is too much jumping involved for the map to flow well.
    In my opinion I keep 3 things in mind for flow. (I know I can't make a map myself that flows, but this is what I've noticed about other maps.)
    1. Jumping should only be an option. If you can crouch to every part of the map, then that's awesome.
    2. There should be multiple pathways and more than one choice you can make in a fight. If there are dead ends, there are no choices.
    3. Spawn points. This also somewhat has to do with line of sight. If you can see someone spawn across the entire map, your map does NOT flow. Spawn point should be set up so that the person respawning has a chance to recover and set up for the next battle.
  14. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spectacular forging! I've always thought that bridges jutting out of double boxes gave a clean, perfect feel to the map! Anyway, the bridge made of walls, the crawl-spaces, weapon mounting and just all around perfection really deserve my download. I have no doubt that the spawn system and gameplay are optimal as well. I hope to play this soon with a couple of friends!
  15. africanBoi

    africanBoi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map, i love the layout. i especially like the bridge...
  16. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Woah this is epic! The interlocking and geo-merging are perfect, to the point that the sniper slit in the left Foundry base looks like it's a part of the actual map. Seriously it does.. In the wise words of an elite somewhere on this site "FEATURE NAO!"
  17. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map has been copied to my fileshare for a download.

    Is it just me, or did you post a preview on this a while back to prove it was yours?

    P.S- Review is promised
  18. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the layout of this map, it looks simply amazing. The use of interlocking and geo-merging is superb and well executed. The curved wall walkway (or whatever you want to call it) really is well designed and most importantly, it's neat. There's a good amount of cover, not too many weapons (including power weapons), and great aesthetics. A definate download from me. You did a great job on the map, 5/5.
  19. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    First off, If your a good player, you dont need to crouch the whole map, that seems "noobish"
    Next Whiile I played i noticed you cant see where the person spawns next because i read the guide on spawns, even if there not the greatest, don't judge, esspecially since you said yourself you cant make a map flow.

    I realize this is just your oppinion, but you didn't even play, so assuming my map doesn't flow well, is epic phail. thats right, i used interwebz termage.

    ya dude people joined and quit right away, so i had to be sure people knew.
  20. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The gun placements look awsome, the geomerging and the interlocking are amazing, Most of it looks very original, soo good job, 5/5

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