It's getting on my nerves. I have one thing to say. POPOUT SIGS ARE UGLY They do not automatically make a sig look good. /thread
Agreed. 100%. Now i'm like: True, i don't like them very much. I mean, if its just some random graphic, then it's okay, but a popout sig looks dumb 90 percent of the time. ALSO, those sigs that are just text with a clipping mask, GER!
I think they all suck, except this one strikes me for some reason:
OY!!!! haha its the only thing im good at! or was.. i havent tried making sigs... and thanks sw33ny.. who likes my pop-out? i like them sometimes, but not often. i actually prefer my gears one, but kept this one cause people liked it more
Just because you view something over-used, doesn't make it bad. It all depends what you are trying to go for here. As for your sig knight, I <3 because it is Republic Commando. Making that sig taller, and not pop out would totally ruin it.
In some situations they work brilliantly but when they're done "just because" they generally don't turn out all that well.
Ok, ok. Well, knight, your sig is rendered clean, which makes a huge difference. And the effects are good. But that is only why is looks good, because of the rest of the signature.
Don't flame me for this but... They are usually ugly because noobs make them. They think something that extravagant will suffice for their shitty skills. sorry
I just gave it a go and i thought it came out okay... I know, i guess you can call me a hypocrite. : (