
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Creeping Death, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Download Detached

    Recommended Players: 6-10. 4v4 recommended.

    Gametypes supported:

    Team Slayer
    One Flag (recommended)
    Multi Flag
    Territories (recommended)
    King Of The Hill (Recommended)
    Neutral Bomb


    Plasma Rifles
    Sniper Rifle
    Spartan Laser
    Plasma Grenades


    Power Drain
    Bubble Shield
    Overshield (Defenders side)
    Active Camo (Attackers side)


    Detached is an Asymmetrical influenced objective map created on Foundry. I enjoy making Urban based maps and I didn't deviate from that formula here. The map is a good mix of high ground, low ground, choke points, open spaces, and cover. The aesthetics of the map are in the structures and there isn't too much clutter although it remains full despite being a non budget glitched map. I have implemented the entire space of Foundry so as not to waste a single thing. You will also notice that 100% of this map is interlocked and 99% of it is merged into the ground and walls.

    The maps design was originally created to support one sided objective games, and in that scenario is where it plays best. I have set it up for a few other symmetrical games and you will see the staircase on the defenders side but the entrance to the Fencewall walkway appear during these games. Otherwise it will not be there. Highly recommended gametypes are 1 Flag, Territories, and KOTH. Enjoy!


    Attackers base

    Defenders base














    #1 Creeping Death, Jan 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  2. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Wow, i don't know why but that flag tunnel looks awesome. A lot of the map looks a little too open from some of the pictures, but I will DL and try it out.

    Edit- just did a forgethrough and the map is really not open at all. The center looks even cooler in game, but there are a lot of bumps. That may just be a problem with fence walls though. The left side (looking at the back alley) is kind of drab compared to the awesome looking right side too. Other than those few things, awesome map.
  3. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks, the tunnel is a focal point of the map. And when you run around in it I am sure you will find that there is really only 2 open alleys, everywhere else offers plenty of cover.

    Cause I liked the sound of it :0)

    Senior Member

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    This is one of my new faves. Great Territories map and fanastic for One Flag. Not many maps can use the Laser effectively, but the weapon really shines on this map while still not being incredibly overpowering. Its balanced rather nicely. The shotgun tunnel is a beauty and the D base is super clean. I also really dig the opposing attacker's side in the other default Foundry base. Its real clean, simple, and effective. I love the options players have in territories, and the teleporters really make that gametype shine and flow extremely well. Great job on this map Creep, or should I say map pooper :)
  5. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    It looks really good, and looks fun for territories, I've been working on a map for territories. And the interlocking looks sweet. I also really like the tunnel with the flag. I also like the first pic. the one that says detached. Anyways, the map looks like it has many different routes to take, and so many ways to get out of a fight. The map looks clean, very well put together, Im downloading as we speak.
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    that was fast!
    maybe my time keeping's off...
    i just enjoyed razzing round on the ghost kiling rusty :p
    great map
    knew it when i first saw it half built
  7. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Haha thanks bro. And you are quite the pooper yourself these days!

    You don't have to steal it, but feel free to do something similar, long as it's not a straight rip I could care less.

    Glad you are liking the look my friend, your impressions are pretty spot on. Hope you enjoy it.

    Haha, ah yes I remember. I actually took the Ghost out since it ended up filling up enough that it wasn't too pleasurable to slam your Ghost into walls constantly.
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Wow this looks like an amazing map. The long lines of sight seem to make a game environment that is less about cheap kills and more about skill.

    This is going on my cue now, hopefully I can check it out tonight.
  9. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I played this with Lights about a week ago, but didn't see the teles until now. Those would have helped a bit, haha. I like the defenders base with the "bunker" style it has with the windows to shoot out. I also thought I remember there being shield doors in the tunnel, I guess they were never there or you took them out.
  10. Elemantis

    Elemantis Ancient
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    Looks sweet. Played some One-Flag with some of my friends, and it was pretty good! The flag tunnel looked awesome (along with the various other structures around the map) and the Spartan Laser is not too overpowered because, with the many routes throught the map, there aren't too many Lines-of-Sight. Great job. 5/5.
    One little thing, though: you forgot to add Sniper Rifles to the weapons list in your post.
  11. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Yeah I ditched those. That may have been the budget glitched version also, but this one is a bit different and not glitched.

    Thanks man, glad you played it before commenting :0) And thanks for pointing that out, I will fix that.
  12. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok dude I played the map and it was fun especially for 2v2 one flag, and team slayer. I found the gameplay more than fun with a 5/5. but there was one mishap, Ill be messaging you about what happened. It's private.
  13. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I remember the one pic where LIGHTS is trying to flag kill that one gay and i sniped right before he killed him. I also am the guy in the Detached picture at the top. The funny thing is i kill Phreakie right after that shot. And the time where i no-scoped Hydrozoid in the back of the head while i was dropping down underneath the fencewall path in the attackers base.

    For the map. I think that it is super awesomeness. Territories the best game i think it is just fun for some reason. I like the right side mor then the left but thats just me i think its more complicated but the overall map is queit awesome. i like the walkway it has that nice quality of a quick route but it is also very dangerous. The teleporters were also quiet useful when you had camo cuz you could just go through sneak to the flag or sneak the bomb right to the base and the other team would not know what happened.

    Overall i say this is a 95/100
  14. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Wow, all I can say is queued...

    Oh, and by the way, that twelfth picture is amazingly epic (the one with the flag carrier jump toward the return point)

    I'll be back with a review ASAP
  15. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Well, after downloading it and doing a thorough Forge-through I have to say that this map is definitely a diamond in the rough. I've yet to see a post criticizing it whatsoever, so I figured now would be the time to be "that guy," "the critic," or even the "c-c-c-combo breaker." Mindless praise because you're a higher-ranked member of this site (though flattering) is unfair in my opinion. In other words, I haz konstructiv critisiszszm! Know while you're reading the following remarks that I do absolutely love the map. It has an excellent layout, your Forging is clean, and your aesthetics and weapon placement are top-notch for a non-budget glitched map. You've done an excellent job, and my criticism stems from my desire to see this map reach its full potential (and partially because of the special bond we share by having the same birthday).

    Your first major flaw is the easy access one has to the top of your map (specifically the ease with which one can get on top of the central building), and the problems that will inevitably cause because the position has cover and great lines of sight to every area of the map save those beneath.
    One way up doesn't even require a grenade, and this is perhaps the easiest to exploit and the easiest to fix. From the fence box in the center of the map (the one with two staircases leading up to it) one can easily jump to the "aesthetically" tilted wall nearby and from there crouch jump onto the bridge above. This is an easy fix: tilt the wall a little more so that you cannot walk on it. The wall needs to stay there though because it blocks the line of sight from the flag hall front entrance into the back Foundry tunnels.
    Three more ways up are straight grenade jumps from the areas around the center structure. Number one is grenade jumping from the aforementioned fence box (or even the tops of the nearby staircases, for that matter) onto the "lip" of the roof. This lip is fairly large and should be removable by pulling each staircase out a little bit farther (note that a grenade jump to this lip is also possible on the other side, where the back entrance to the tunnel is). Number two is from B side's geomerged single box and its trendy interlocked wall accessory. It's extremely easy to make the grenade jump from the wall to the roof. Number three is in the same place on the opposite side, but is significantly more dangerous than Number two is. Though Number three's jump is slightly more difficult (requiring a crouch at the end of a grenade jump as opposed to Number two's simple grenade jump), Number three is way easier to accomplish during an actual game than Number two is. Two items near Number three can assist a player in executing a protected grenade jump, the most gameplay-breaking kind. The Overshield and Regenerator may be used to shield a player making a grenade jump and actually make it a viable action in gameplay. The proximity of each item to Number three's jump spot makes the spot quite dangerous indeed. Bubble Shields may be used in a similar manner but thankfully the Bubble Shield on this map is located in a neutral position. How you can fix Numbers two and three I haven't the faintest idea, but know that they're there. :'(
    Three ways from the back "base" are possible with grenades. Number one back here is from the platform leading into the flag tunnel. It's fairly easy to grenade jump up toward the crane, land on a small lip of the geomerged open double box, and from there jump onto the crane and to whichever high structure you prefer. Number two is from the garage door above the Plasma Rifles. It's quite easy to jump onto the garage door and from there grenade jump on top of the back base, especially because of proximity to the OS as well as a lack of enemy lines of sight toward the top of the garage door. Number three is the most far-fetched but is an honorable mention solely because of its proximity to the OS. It requires two grenade jumps but could be done in an ideal situation. There are two lips of the double box behind the OS spawn that are easily accessible. From that lip one can grenade jump to the top of the single box, and from there grenade jump to the top of the structure.
    If you can't tell, escapability and map exploits are what I feel to be most important.

    The other main problem with this map is its broken continuity and predictable flow as a result. There are a grand total of FOUR ramps to higher ground on this map. FOUR. That's even including the default staircases in the Foundry bases. For a Forger of your caliber, that's simply inexcusable. You have plenty of access points to your structures, but your structures MUST be accessible without jumping in order for them to be fair. Obviously you can't do anything with the single boxes that are merged on either side of the center structure to provide cover and elevation, but there should be a minimum of three ramps/staircases into your back structure. "Hop-ups" are stupid because they make a player's motion predictable and endanger them, especially when under fire. Only extremely dangerous positions should be limited to jump access only; take Wizard/Warlock's center structure for example. This is a basic principle of map design and one of the things that a Forging 102 section would need to cover.

    Lastly, some nitpicking. Take every gameplay-related comment with a grain of salt though, because I haven't actually played a game on Detached yet. The Shotgun in Flag tunnel should probably be limited to one spare clip only, as that's general wisdom if it's not an extremely open and large map like Avalanche. If it plays well I can't stop you from including it, but myself being a "professional camper" it seems to be a tad overpowered.
    I also find it a bit ironic that the side with both snipers (B side) has degenerative items like the Power Drain and quite a bit of fenced cover whereas the side laden with regenerative items (A side) has solid cover and no sniping weapons. From a layout perspective, the Snipers could be overpowering in the right hands, seeing as they're placed in prime killing locations.
    You have used three different types of grenades on this map, Frags, Plasmas, and Spikes. That's a massive no-no. Keep it at two. If you want to know why, read my "Guide to Effective Grenade Placement/Usage."
    There's a z-fighting "render glitch" between the bridge covering the lower open double box's top hole over on A side. It's hard to miss if you're up high. :p
    The two fence boxes in the back corner by Foundry's windows disappear from view on the default Foundry wall's plane. This implies that the fence boxes are not geomerged straight and can add some sloppiness factor to your design. One of the steel supports disappears into the wall with each fence box.
    The single box geomerged into the ground on the corner of your center structure nearest the fenced teleporter is a waste of a box. Placing that box there adds no "aesthetic touch," it merely wastes your budget and screams "I can geomerge a box all the way down! Am I cool yet?" Delete it!

    That's about all I have to say for now! I hope my criticism helps you, and I can't wait to see the final version of this map get into matchmaking! Keep up the good fight. (Haha now you know what Felipe had to go through when we were Forging Ire of Fire!)
  16. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    debo, thats some forgtastic critisizm, and probably the most ive seen from a person that didnt actually play a game on the map yet.

    i actually never thought about that kinda stuff, as i was always far to busy trying to secure the outer territories, fighting 1v1 on lights, and failing. jumping like crazy about a fence catwalk, and getting sage-no-scoped in the EAR(get it right man).

    all the meantime we played this game, i dont think being utop the buildings would have helped at all, considering the position of the flag and territories. other then the center territory, being utop the map is useless. and in a match of 3v3 if your blatently sticking out like a volcano in a field of flowers utop the building, then your dead.

    other then that, my favorite map for territories to date, not so much for flag tho, the round was just to fast, and as The Cheat says, once you round THAT corner, the flag is a give-in (aka fast rounds) or maybe thats just me.

    exelant job creep, as usual, and surprisingly, the shotgun didnt seem to devestate as much as i thought, but still you need to lower the clip number.
  17. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Whew! My eyes are bleeding from all the reading I just did lol. I appreciate you taking the time to check out the map Debo and I especially appreciate you offering constructive criticism. I will do my best to answer all your questions and thoughts.

    First, I am glad you like the layout and the design and the forge skill involved here. You aren't to shabby yourself either so I will take it as a huge compliment. The first criticism I would like to address is the breakability. I knew even in the early stages of the build that I was not going to be able to keep people of the roof. I did my best to make it a pain to get up there, with the exception of the slanted wall break everything else requires dangerous grenade jumps or buddy jumps or control of certain power ups. In my mind I truly feel however that these methods are methods that just don't play well in the course of a game. If someone is cutting through the middle fence walk or bolting out back with the flag are you really gonna waste your time trying to get on the roof? Or if someone is capturing the defensive base territory or the fence walk territory are you going to try and get on the roof? Probly not. I really want to keep this map within budget and there is simply not enough budget or leftover items to raise the roof any higher. The only real immovable object I have left is corner walls and even at that I might not have enough to go around the whole roof. For now I will fix the slanted wall and leave it up to players who like to play right not to go on the roof. It really doesn't offer that great of an advantage, especially in objective type games.

    Second, I do appreciate those types of players who love maps with no jumping. With limited items and a limited budget you can only do so much. Both bases offer a ramp way into the base that requires no jumping and both offer ways in that require a jump. The more subtle approches, like through the fence walk, offer camo and power weapons such as the shotgun. The more dangerous entryways are jumpable, such as the side door. But the benefit is that the flag is right in front of your face when you make the jump. So I have created pros and cons when attacking the base. Take the longer smoother way, or the shorter more dangerous way. Also, the right side of the D base offers 2 quick jumps distanced perfectly so as to not slow you down, essentially the same as a ramp. I like the idea of the forging 102 section in essense, but somewhere down the line it may turn everyones maps into MLG maps, and MLG is about as predictable design wise as they come. I believe that a map should have ramps AND jumps. But jumps should be at a vulnerable position, like on this map. During testing if people could run right up the ramp at the side door they would grab and be gone in a flash and I would have to dub it a failure design wise. This way it's a bit tougher, but not too tough to get in there and grab the flag.

    The grenades are something I do agree with, but disagree as well. Typically I like to stick to Frags and one type of sticky grenade, but in this case I made an exception. Typically I may place 4 Frags and 2-4 stickies. But for this map I took a diferent route and only put a total of 6 grenades, 2 frag, 2 plasma, 2 spike. Frags are negligable these days because there is always a smattering of them laying about from dead bodies. So for variety sake I added 2 of each sticky rather than 4 of one. I didn't think it would unbalance anything and it hasn't proven to yet.

    I liked your comment about the waste of a box. I too look at those types of things and scoff, but this one was a complete accident. I save/quit geomerged a box there for cover during the time I was playing with the design and when I cam back it had sunk that far down on me. PERFECTLY in line withthe floor. I thought it was funny and quite the anomoly so I just left it. In a future version if I feel I need the money then trust me, it will be the first to go. But don't think that it was the result of my uber leet Forge skills or anything, it was a complete accident.

    In closing I appreciate your comments Debo, hell they were a lot more helpful than the typical "5/5 grate intermeges" could ever be. And I will be taking a few of them into consideration, such as the roof. If I ever find a way to do it in a manner that it works and is still pleasing to the eye I will. Other than that I thank you again and I am glad you liked it and didn't give me any "special treatment" :0)

    Edit: Ok, fixed the slanted wall break that was also pointed out by myshotsaskill. Also, took away a clip from the shotgun. And finally, fixed the "B" sign that was pointing the wrong way. Nobody noticed yet, but you can see it in one of the fence walk pics. Thanks for the suggestions everyone and I am welcome to eve more :0)
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    The attacker's base seems pretty basic but the game play is great in it. I really also love urban maps and they pretty much fit 1-sided games such as 1 flag.

    The defender's base looks like it's hard to invade and it gives sufficient cover for the defenders

    I love the middle part, good job.
  19. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I remember testing this map with you.
    Detached was extremely fun to play on. Territories was my favorite but One Flag went really fast when we played on that. Downloading the map as we speak.
  20. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    ok after playing a game of one flag on this ive come to a conclusion, this map kicks ass. yeah thats about sums this review up. The shotgun tunnel was my favorite part though, glad to see you've put a little bang! back in your maps. However the area under with the splazer was kind of open but worth it for the weapon. this map is one of the funnest, i mean most fun to use the sniper on especially through the shotty tunnel, i once shot at a sniper on the other side of the splazer lane and shot a guy going through the shotgun tunnel. all in all a must download oh yeah i got on top of the house and spawn camped the whole game with the sniper but theres not much you can do to fix it
    5 shotgun flag face offs out of 5

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