Thats right, a verb as a map title! You cant get any better then that. This has to be the longest project/map i have ever made. Its been about a month or so of testing, with the map being started in around late october. First off this is most likely my favorite map out of all the ones i made, it plays well and is very balanced all around. SO without further a-do... ABOLISH : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Well, for the most part, this map is ASYMMETRIC. Basicly, it plays best in One-Flag and 1 sided game varients. The looks may seem abit 1-sided, but the attackers actually have a "Safe-Spawn" room that prevents spawn camping in one sided gametypes. If a defender heads into the attackers' base, it will increase the chance of spawning in the saferoom, witch is "One Jump" from the rockets and "Two Jumps" from the bubble shield. Now, the safe room isnt competely safe, no, its more of a spawn inside the "Wall" of the map, creating a higher advantage on enemys if they enter your base. This is also used for the defenders, just they dont spawn off the ground as much, and they spawn closer to the sniper. The system works well in 2 team games, but with more then 2 teams, there is a chance it wont work as well because of spawn area setup. The main power weapons are actualy pretty evenly placed (See Pic Below). Now, RED DOTS are the power weapons. Everything else can be used to see the balanced weapon layout. THE LINES in the picture are to show the areas that i set up in my head while weapon placing. (NOTE: some are slightly - couple feet to the left or right - different since the picture is alittle off in the building layout) With that done, here is the weapon set: x2 Assault Rifle - 30 seconds - 2 spare x2 Battle Rifle - 45 seconds - 2 spare x1 Shotgun - 150 seconds - 0 spare x1 Sniper Rifle - 150 seconds - 1 spare x2 Plasma Rifle - 45 seconds - N/A x1 Rocket Launcher - 180 seconds - 0 spare x2 Carbine - 45 seconds - 2 spare x4 Frag Grenade - 10 seconds x3 Plasma Grenade - 10 seconds x1 Bubble Shield - 90 seconds x1 Power Drain - 90 seconds x1 Gravity Lift - 90 seconds Now time for the pictures Gameplay Video: YouTube - Abolish :: Halo 3 Forged Map Download:
Doesn't look too shaby RPAL. My main problem is that you don't have any ramps up onto the 2nd floor levels. This would greatly improve your gameplay flow IMO. --But I'll give it a looking sooner or later. EDIT: It may just be me, but for some reason your links aren't working. Might want to check it out.
Um parts of the geomerging look a little uneven, its very obvious, but I dont know if you specificly made it that way or not, but if you did I dont think it will fit in this map. Also in construction for v2 if you make one, I think you should make more ways to get to the second level. I cant think of ways to get to the sniper unless you grenade jump
Thanks Vorpal, and there are many ways to the top floor, just might be harder to see in the pictures. Ill check the links now. - Links Fixed - I ment to have them like that, in the first picture and second picture, that single box is supposed to be slanted. And the double box inside the base is geomerged alittle higher then ground level to provide more of a cover spot. You can get to the sniper by a wire spool or from the base part in the bottom corner of the picture. EDIT: I just counted and there is around 6 or 7 different ways to get to the rockets/top floor. Also, the attackers respawn areas are set up to prevent spawn camping, so they would spawn in that little area you see the player in, making it a 1 way jump from rockets and 2 from bubble. Also, the gameplay works great. Im adding a link to a youtube video now if you want to see some gameplay.
nice job with the spawn system, most people just overlook that aspect when they make a map. it seems like a portable grav-lift would really benifit this map if you decide to put one in the v2. 4/5
I see that in this map you experimented with geomerging and more complicated interlocking, and in some places you succeeded, but the last thing people like to do while playing multiplayer is jumping... that is why you really need some stairs or some type of ramp to get up to another level. Using bridges to do this is fairly easy. Otherwise, your map seems fairly good.
I haven't played this yet This map looks like a 'Jumping' Map because you would have to jump a lot to get to most places. In my opinion, if you can crouch to every spot on a map without having to run/walk, then the map flows. The map layout is pretty cool and unique though. it's just that you have to jump so much.
Thanks, and there already is a portable gravlift, its under the geo in picture 2 I did experiment with alot of geomerging. Also the whole idea of the map was to make a jumping map with ledges and vantage points. There is also a portable grav-lift. Again, there is a portable grav lift. But the map still flows very well, considering it is fairly easy to get up two the second floor area. And if thats not enough, the spawn areas can spawn you in that spawn room, witch is high above. Thanks for the comments, and ill consider your suggestions if i make a V2.
Nah RPAL --I checked out the map. I didn't see any ramps leading up to the higher levels. If you wanted to get higher, you'd have to jump. This makes flow very off. I saw a few areas were you could easily put in ramps. A few on the other hand would be tricky, but with good merging it could be pulled off. I'll be willing to help with a v2 once the following happens: A) Play a few games on it. B) Get my X-box 360 back.
Thanks for the suggestions, and if you would like to help when you get your box back that would be very helpful.
Yeah, I'll do it. Oh, and for the jump to the sniper... it may look hard in the pic. but in game you don't even have to crouch-jump to get to it.
No offense, but it sort of looks like a 9 year-old just discovered how to interlock and quickly set out to interlock every single thing on the "Scenery" list on foundry. the game play is choppy due to the multiple levels that are pretty much inacsessible.
Have you played it? I would like to see a video of it being "Choppy". It plays great for me, the multi-floors is the theme of the map, and i dont understand why you say its "Inacessable" when there are MANY ways to get up there.