
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by pUn15h3r, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Created by XlPun15h3rlX. All gametypes supported. 8-16 players


    Gateway is a symmetrical map taking place in all of Foundry except the back hallway. Players spawn in a base in the same areas they do in default Foundry. Between the bases is a big wall with a gate in the middle, and a "cave" at the end. Ways to get on top of the wall spawn after 3 minutes.( One way by cave, one at each base, and grav lifts)

    On each teams side, there is a generator tower, and a broken pillar. On the generator tower, there is a Sentinel Beam, and on the pillar, a needler and flare.

    Rockets spawn under the gateway. while shotguns spawn on top. There is a Brute Shot in the cave.

    Weapon Info

    6 Carbines (3 per base)
    4 Battle Rifles (2 on each teams side)
    2 Snipers/1 spare clip/ 45 second respawn (one on each base)
    2 Plasma rifles (1 per base)
    2 Pistols(1 per base)
    2 Bubble shield(1 per base)
    2 Warthogs/90 second respawn 9(1 per base)
    2 Gravlifts/ 90 second respawn/ not spawn at start
    2 Sentinel beams (1 on each side)
    2 Needlers (On the Broken Pillars)
    2 Flares (On the Broken Pillars)
    1 Brute Shot/ 45 second spawn (In the cave)
    1 Rocket Launcher/ No spare clips/60 second spawn(Under gateway)
    1 Shotgun/No spare clips/45 second spawn (On top of gateway)
    8 Plasma grenades
    2 Spike Grenades


    The Gateway

    Generator, and Broken Pillar in the back

    The Cave, with walkways spawned

    The Walkways

    A view of a base

    Another Gateway view

    Action Shots
    Me hiding in the broken pillar

    Bad Idea (Dont worry, the Hogs not too powerful)

    Battle on Top

    The Generators give you a great shot at the Gate wall

    The top of the Gateway is powerful, but doesnt provide much cover

    And just to show you the changes the maps been through, heres an Old Version

    Many people helped test this map, but I don't remember them all. If you did help, let me know and Ill put your name here.

  2. mista tipsta

    mista tipsta Ancient
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    I think we just found Forge hubs next great map. I like the looks of the object leaning to the side in the second picture. i would give it a 7/10 for looks. I have it ready for downlaod...
  3. Plasma Napkin

    Plasma Napkin Ancient
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    I personally like this map, but some things could be fixed. For example the middle structure. It could look way better if it was really symmetrical. You should interlock it so you cant see the top corners. Also, this map needs more cover. But to say something good, too, I like how you made the base structure, especially the geomerging. Make a v2, and I will dl.
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Ex Three.

    I like. Alot. Looks like a great map to play on. What Gameypes does it support.
    I especially liek the gateway area, and that odd structure on pic 2. Kinda like a Crashed Tie Fighter made of Lego. XD

    Yeah, good job. Good job.
  5. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    What do you think I should add?
    All gametypes

    Note: I hit the budget limit, so if you suggest I add something, plaese also tell em something I could do away with
  6. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Nice map, pUn15h3r!

    Everything is really smooth and the gameplay works pretty well. I would only suggest more ground cover, as someone already mentioned. Regarding your budget problem, I would just suggest placing the trucks, crates, and barriers more strategically to create cover. I don't really think you need to delete anything.

    Overall, 4.5/5. Good work!
  7. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestion Ravn, I'll probably get a v2 out soon, I just need to know if there are any other problems
  8. DistantStar11

    DistantStar11 Ancient
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    I see some nice new never before seen buildings. These are the kinda maps that make halo new and interesting. Nice interlocking but i also see some things that could be improved. Consider making a v2?
  9. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    I will make a v2. What do you see that could be improved?
  10. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    all right just a tip for you since i have not downloaded the map yet. Don't put effects on your pictures. They distort the features and allow for less effect. If anything just put a border and at most a little effect around the edges. The full picture blue is too much.
  11. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    OK my friend this is a great looking map. While I have only seen the map in a forge through, what I saw was pretty impressive. When you asked me too take a look at it, to be honest I didn’t expect to see the best map ever, but when the game started I was greatly imprested. A lot of the structures of the map are very unique, and I very much like the way of how you made it so you could get on top of the main gateway. Also the timed spawning of objects will certainly make for exiting game play. I haven’t had the time to play on it yet, so I can’t say anything about the game play, but I am sure it will play just fine. Great map I can tell you spent a lot of time in to making it.
  12. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone.

    I'll be starting the v2 soon, and I've been wondering,

    Many people ahve said that the ramps on top of the bases that lead to the middle structure make CTF too easy. What's everyone elses opinion on this?
  13. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Well I took a good look at the map and I am generally impressed. Some of the structures are very cool, and I imagine the design would be great for some CTF. You made good use of the asym/sym options that were actually quite noticeable from the moment I started walking around. The bases look very cool and remind me somewhat of Verbatim. However, that said, I felt myself really wishing that some of the merges and interlocks were better. I know you were going for the ancient ruins feel, but you can't sacrifice straight, clean interlocking and smooth walkways for the feel of ruins. I also felt that those trucks with the crates and dumpster were unnecesary, unless you ran out of other items to use as cover. Also that flare on top of the tower (I forget which one) was in a very ackward place, and I just happened upon it. That said, it's still a great map, and I'll have to try to get a good CTF game on it. I can just imagine sitting on top of that middle structure raining hell on those below me :)

    Edit- Oh, I didn't even realize those walkways up to the Gateway spawned in game. I thought they were only in asymmetric games as I started a multiflag and they weren't there but in the one-flag they were.
  14. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Wow, thats a lot. Thanks :)
    The trucks and crates were there for cover because I ran out of ideas. I'll probably trade them off for something else thats immovable.

    If you do play some games of CTF on it, let me know how it goes. Most people have told me that its too easy to get from base to base

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