Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Who cares, knowing that doesn't make you any less straight now does it?

    Anyways, back on topic. There is no real God. --I've already stated my case before but here I go again. People have their own view of God. This is known as The Image of God. Ah, you know what, I rather not go into detail. To complex for most IMO. But the basic idea is that we can view anything as God. In some cases it could be the same as other people, but deep down inside we all have our own Image of God.
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You already have your mind made up, regardless of what information I give you. Your thoughts are based on opinions, while mine are based upon science.

    Now for those who are more open minded, here is an article below regarding homosexuality and genes.


  3. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I thought we went through this. By that standard, you believe in the image of air or the image or Saturn, for you've not personally seen either.

    @DTL: Again, I'm not satisfied. You're insisting that I'm wrong because what I believe is my opinion. Somehow, I don't see how that doesn't apply to anyone, including yourself. Please, please, tell me you understand that everything in this world is bias?

    That includes scientists and even folks who wrote that jolly article you posted. I'm sure they've "made up their minds" as well. Simply because I refuse to acknowledge your stating of the obvious as grounds for disproof does not stand to make me a close-minded individual.
  4. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    An Image is made up in ones mind. It could be anything.
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It's a debate, and in a debate you need facts to be correct. You've brought an opinion to the table, and I've brought numbers and charts.

    So you are incorrect so far because you haven't provided sufficient evidence to prove that homosexuality is an open choice made by every individual.

    And yes, everyone is biased to some extent. No one is morally ambiguous. But that doesn't make the search for the truth wrong.

    I really hope you do read that article, even if you do disagree with me fully.
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Basically. He wouldn't be able to prove (used in the colloquial sense) you wrong if he hadn't learned the information. There are ways of determining what a gene will do and after we mapped the genome in the late 90's (or was it early 2000's?) we know a whole lot about our genetic makeup.

    Even if it was entirely choice, no decisions involved; I would still be in favor of that person's right to love the person they choose.

    What's most troubling dented, when shown this information you say, "You just believe in the image..." as though you can dismiss any and all scientific data as a fabrication (disregarding that there are well over 30 million scientists and the peer-review process) but you can't dismiss your own holy book because?
  7. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    To go away from the gay discussion, let's turn back to god. I haven't read almost any of this thread, so I assume some of my beliefs or views have been discussed and rehashed and so on. I apolgize for that.


    I think that humanity is slowly moving towards atheism.

    If you read any history book, take any history class, they describe early religions as ways for humans to deal with death, as humans are the only creatures on earth that have a conscious realization of death. Isn't that what even modern day religions are as well? Just a fabrication of the human mind to cope with the impending death of all humans? I guess I'll figure that out when I die.

    Some may say that they are also to govern humans, but I can't see that the current religions are doing a good job of this.

    I'm sure most Americans have some form of dislike or hatred towards Muslims, as a crazy few blow up our buildings and kill our soldiers. The impending war with Iran and the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan aren't helping matters. Sure, the United States and other imperial nations are somewhat responsible for the current situation in the Middle East, but I don't think most will see that.

    Christianity isn't without it's faults either. Hatred towards gays and lesbians is from something that "God" believes and dictates, and yet no passage in the Bible clearly states this belief. Go back a few centuries (even now), and the Catholic Church is corrupted. They refused to believe any form of science from the thinkers of the Scientific Revolution. The church sold "indulgences" to build grand churches and gain riches, while the poor were duped into thinking they were "saved".

    Organized religion has some positive aspects, but they are also responsible for negative views on groups of people that are unwarranted, yet this hatred is "validated" by religion (see Westboro Baptist Church and radical Islamist groups).

    I am not biased towards religion, as I don't consider myself an atheist, agnostic, or Christian. I just am. I still have a sense of a higher being, but I don't know where this being is and what religion (if any) this being comes from. Religion doesn't appeal to my logical side, as there isn't any PROOF of a God. I'm sure anyone religous will say that I shouldn't need proof, but rather should have faith. I have faith that the earth is round, not flat, even though I haven't seen the round earth from space. This is because scientists have provided facts for a round earth.

    On the proof front, I heard recently on the news that new archeological evidence further proves the famous event of David versus Goliath. But, still. I never understood why the Bible is considered such a great guide and the "rule book" of Christianity, when in reality Jesus Christ didn't even write it. I understand the Islamic view of the Qu'ran, however, as it was written while Muhammed was still alive and written down by his followers.

    I'm just looking for more concrete facts, more evidence of existence of a higher being.

  8. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    So just because you hear someone else research on the subject there opinion is valued over any one else? Just because it happens in the field there isn't any link to why this occurs as well there is no link to actual gene's connected to the traits of homosexuality.... So all this matter of Source is still in study...

    So the thought links could be even a natural act for a species as it becomes over populated in a sexed environment. Thou this is again interpreting the information that this source provides... and it is my opinion of said source.

    Please by all means when you have the right to state what is right and wrong ...and such please let me know.
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Look at it this way if 60 PhD's testified that the twin towers should not have fallen, their opinion is baloney until they participate in the peer-review process and their evidence and results are scrutinized.

    If it is peer-reviewed and the scientific community isn't able rip it apart their opinions become accepted.

    What do you mean, "no link to why this link to actual gene's connected to...homosexuality." It wouldn't be accepted by the scientific community if they hadn't answered these questions.

    Homosexuality couldn't be triggered by overpopulation, it doesn't make sense as to why it would trigger itself then. Besides, we have an ample food supply so why would the homosexuality gene kick in when excess is abundant?
  10. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Who are we to question the reality of god?

    You either believe it or you don't. Obviously it's to make people be good.

    I'm not mocking people who have faith, I've just been one of the unlucky ones who have not had a good life, therefore if god exists why is there cruelty and poverty? why is there hate? and selfishness? why isn't everything in this planet good?

    Too many questions need answers.

    Steve x
  11. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    This is so far what I have interrupted.... nether of us know the facts till we read more into this research... now answering all your little questions ... I said WHAT IF... meaning I'm not going to cut the research off Yes there is a gay gene... or no there isn't. Second question are you suggesting that a gay gene passes on down from parents... take that in for a second.....
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    It would have too. Many people who were gay in history still had children because of societal circumstances, so maybe the gay gene hasn't been filtered out because we have been overly oppressive of homosexuality. Maybe its like cancer, you do one thing to get rid of it, another thing goes haywire and you reset yourself to normal.

    Who else would?!
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I just skimmed the entire thread since I left it, and I'm surprised no one has brought his great noodlieness...

    I know our Great Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't really disprove God, but it is the reason there is the Flying Spaghetti Monster that helps in the discussion, by raising questions about the realism of the religious Gods'.

    For those who don't know the great Noodly One, see here:

    I'm not really going to start the argument, but I'd like to bring it up.
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Here's the thing about religions. I know we all have friends who believe in different things. Do you think that your religion is the only one that is right? Do you think if someone doesn't believe in your beliefs then they will burn for eternity? If not, why believe in something like that? Religions claim to have all the answers, like many have said before. How do you know they are right? I'd rather go with logic and not say that I know what God is and what's gonna happen, etc.

    Anyway, why would God (if he's there) punish someone who simply looked at the facts and said, "This seems unlikely." I mean, if I were God, I would think it silly that people claim to know my plans. You can't know; religion is only speculation. However, by turning it into all these cults, it creates unnecessary conflict and strife. It blinds some to the truth and facts laying in front of them. So I ask all you religious folks again, what has religion done for you?
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    You are arguing for atheism right? Just checking.

    Anyway, that's the point for atheism, to prove those things don't exist and show just how outrageous the cult like religions are. Eveytime they say you will burn in hell for your sins and what not.

    Which of course is stupid.

    Also, if, hypothetically of course, there is in fact a heaven and hell. Then Heaven would be empty except supposedly for angels and some sort of possible God like figure. Hell would be filled with every person to ever have lived on the Earth. Because there is no one in life who hasn't done something considered sinful. So just because you believe in a God, doesn't mean you go to heaven automatically.

    Sure I exaggerated, maybe there would be a small amount of people in heaven, like, the nobel prize winning eco crazy do-gooders, as few as there are.

    Went off on a tangent there, but I think somewhere in there, my point is made.
  16. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Two things I think he is Agnostic and who are you to say who would go into heaven or hell. The rules could be very loose or very tight. We can never know, also it most likely doesn't exist.
  17. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    And that is simply an issue of morality; or rather, your definition of morality. I don't personally even view it as love because of the current misconstrued idea of love in our society.

    Because of your slight error in the possession clause: 'tis not my book. I don't feel it to be written by a man or men. Ya know, the whole inspiration deal. Scientists=humans.

    That in mind, I regret that I appear to dismiss all scientific evidence. Get ready for the Sunday School answer.... I'm not one of those, "no sex, no fun!" Christians. Science, just like sex and fun is absolutely glorious when practiced in the proper context. I am in no way against testing my faith against correct scientific ideals. I often don't trust scientist's research, though, because I also don't believe the human race is half as advanced as it wants to think it is. Therein lies our disagreement- not the denial of science, but the validity of those who practice it.

    I realize the exaggeration, but you still offer an incredibly poor understanding of the "cult" of which you speak. I'll start. According to said cult, there was this dude named Jesus. Follow me? He was perfect and stuff. Again, according to the cult. Well, he died as an offering of perfect sacrifice so that those of us not classed into the "God-like figure" category (everyone) could have the opportunity to enter heaven.

    Again, this is all Bible stuff. If you're gonna attempt a disproof, at least make up a statistic conducted on Egyptian jumping frogs (with an amass 14% genetic similarity to humans) to show Jesus' chances of not ever sinning. At least, those who you're debating against won't be able to call BS as quickly.
  18. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Oh so basically, this PIMP God was all, "lol Im in ur universe, creatinz ur pplzzz lol"

    Really. Don't talk down to people in a debate like they are ****ing retards. Unless they really, REALLY are. Thus I really refuse to respond to you, because that was a horrible attempt to belittle me in a debate with no proven facts or answers.

    Oh and Idiotninja,

    When did I say I was the one to choose? I just said that everyone commits sinful actions. And so only a very small percentage of people would get into Heaven going by the rules, on an average standard, not loose or tight, but average.

    Anyway, what I was doing before that post, was trying to bring up the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Because up until now the debate, and my Atheism vs Theism debate, and all others, have been mostly Atheist proving Theists wrong as theists explain their beliefs.

    I just wanted to see what will be said in the oposite way, because I am a pastafarian, and want to know what any christians here think, because most of the time, any religious people yell that the FSM is a mockery of their God. But it isn't, and despite being somewhat satrical, it also makes a good point. Anyway, I'm going to dinner soon, but I want to know what is thought about it...
  19. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    Moses, Solomon and especially Jesus were used as men for others to look to, they were told everything they know so that they could lead their people or followers, and god requires faith because there is no solid proof of his exhistance, and believing in him and following in the life that hes set for you would show you care at least a little bit about him, and doing the opposite would then directly show the opposite, that you really arent that concerned with wether he exhists. and is following the bibles teachings and ultimately gods, a bad thing? i dont think its debatable wether the people who study it and live it to the word are good people or not.......and are of course, judged by thier faith. the christian falters-theyre all hypocrites......

    did you know Moses killed a man? and he still led a great life, then freed gods people from slavery.
  20. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    We're not saying that people who are for religions are bad. We're just asking you to honestly look at what you believe and tell us why. If you can't, then why believe in your religion?

    Look, I came into this site as a pretty devout Catholic. I had never thought of challenging my beliefs; I just accepted them because everyone around me did. That is not what you should do. You should really think about what you are getting into, and most importantly why. I didn't turn agnostic because people told me it's better than Catholicism; I did it because I was shown reason and I chose for myself what to believe.

    Many arguments say, "Gee, why not just believe in a religion; no harm in that, right?" Well you know, I could also just start believing food will rain from the sky and world hunger will go away... but it doesn't work like that. You can believe what you want, but if you're just doing it because "it sounds good" and there's "no harm done", then you might as well make excuses for everything else you don't know.
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