Hello lovely members of forgehub. :happy: Happy 2009. I've decided to be really 'fantastically uberly awesomely' nice this year, I'm going to put up a 'free capturing service to members of ForgeHub' for a two week trial and if everything runs smoothly I'll continue. I will also render your clips into HD Widescreen Format so when you upload to youtube it will give you the HD option. _________________________________________________________________ How it'll work. - You PM me on this website. - You state the name of your gamertag and the name of the clip. (Fileshare) - You comment here when you recieve your clip by these following methods take your pick. What filehosting website should I use? Note: "Do not overwhelm me with clips, one per forgehub member, unless I decide otherwise, depends how busy I am." "If I'm not busy I will allow more than one clip per person." We'll just have to see how it goes in this trial OK? Hoping this will work, Steve x
I would love to use this service If I don't get a capture card. When I am finishing up my new map in like two week I would love to do some sort of sneak peek. Is it okay if you can just give me the footage and i can do the editing and such.
Yeah dude sure, I'll give you the raw HD footage, then you can do whatever you like with it. Though, I would like it if you'd subscribe to my youtube: Steeveness And if you'd put a link to me in your sidebar I'd be happy but thats all up to you and whatever you can be bothered doing.
HD videos will be rather large, I don't recommend setting up an account with a file hosting site, especially if its only for a short period of time. Just curious, what capture card are you using?
Uhmnn.... A one minute clip in HD only turns out to be about 17mb with the way I render. I'll give you a example of the quality I get: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=TH-NY4a3s8U
Is it just me or is the first part of the video distorted? anyways, i've been looking for something like this because a wanted to make a short promo video of all my maps, but with the one film cap thats not possible. But still, this is awsome and should be sticked or something
I'll try this out. Fileshare Please record the film clip "Killtrocity". Can you PM the video to me when you finish? GT: AmercanPsycho Fileshare slot: 3 Video format: Youtube is best
The file has been completed in HD, it's now uploading to a filehosting site. Then I'll send you the download link. Remember to say here how it went for you. And it WILL give you the HD option on youtube.
Also, the HD option on YouTube can take up to about two hours to appear, usually within 20 minutes for me. So don't freak out when you don't immediately see it.
hi Could you please record the clip "Rats Hiding" on my File Share? And if you have too much time... could you please also record Hiding Cold? They are both very short. Thank You
Oh, thanks man, this is a very good service, highly recommended. The quality of the videos are amazing.