ok i used an unlimited budgit glitch map and i made my map got most spawn points down and i deleted all the stuff that makes it a budget glitched map in the middle of making the map because something went terribly wrong. Now when i try to make respawn points or spawn points it says to many on map and i have tried everything the only way to make spawn points is to delete stuff that is allready on the map that i made so does anyone know what to do iff so please tell me. Thank you -Jakob hunter
ok, if that doesn't work, try spawning the object again and when the message appears save as new map and end game
That has nothing to do with it. There is...318 I believe it is...item limit for items. When you reach that you can't place any more unless you do the item trick, which wont work if your budget isnt good anymore. So, you need to delete whatever number of objects you need for spawns to place whatever number of spawns. If they arent the original object, you should be able to put them back, should you somehow decide to delete something else.
The mayor of the interwebz is right. You have reached the item limit and it wont let you put down anymore objects. I suggest you delete any spare fusion coils, movable objects, unneeded weapons, or movable cover so you have more room for doing gametypes.