I photoshopped that background ouf of machinima storyboards I took. The top and bottom rows of programs work great! I just have to orgainize my projects more. I just like the design of it and the way I can put my programs in rows around the shot. I put it up instead of my usual photo for the screenshot. (Screen isn't that tiny by the way)
Mr. cakeChart, what you've just made is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. At no point in your eye hurting, incoherent patterns were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational background. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having seen it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Penguin- I have already changed it. My eyes started to hurt. Whisper- No, but I do see the ballerina now that you mention it. New
Just got back from a 23 hour drive from Miami to Detroit. I don't feel the left side of my face. (jk)
Watch the Pimp your Desktop vids (link in my sig) No, but I was right where it happened. I had just returned from Ft Lauderdale from a Cruise. I spent New Years at Bayside. You?
I went to the game, actually tailgated for ****ing 6 hours. On new years I was on the South Beach, except it was boring even though that's like the place to be on new years besides new york. I just sat on the beach.