Hello as many people know me i am forgegod117. During school weeks I am not allowed to play Xbox in order to keep me from getting distracted. So I decided to try out The bungie private group thing on bungie.net. It is awsume and i started a group based on forge called the Forge union. I am looking to recruit somebody to help me run it. I will start you out as an administrator if you are really trustworthy. But if I sorta know you but am not ready to hand unlimited power to you you will start as a Moderator or maybe Staff. I am only going to chose the best choice to run my forum. After that anybody can try to join but will not be granted normal treatment. Things I am looking for: 1) Good grammer so that you can post proper news articles and such. 2) A trusty person who knows how to be in charge. 3) Somebody who will be completely active once they join. (log in once or maybe twice a day to see how things are going.) Here is the group.
Let me be the first to say, LOLFAIL EDIT; This is not the Map section, the use of FAIL in this situation does not count under the rules written on these forums. I followed the rules under the knowledge given by these rules. Why have I been infracted Nitrous? You said your rules. I followed them... I don't get it...
That was a little bit harsh? But ForgeGod why would you start another forging forum when you are already an established member of forgehub? But, maybe if it goes well I would join it? Good luck on it by the way, I don't want to sound to harsh.
Yeah, he will proably get in trouble for that. i started it cause I like the satisfaction of running something. I already have one member.