All new track style from AnF... eleXtric feel Created by AnF Ryan... Track Design- I designed this track way more differently that I have ever done before, until this point I have always used a "skeleton", but i saved and quit this one instead... This track is double wide with deep banked turns, drift turns, slide turns, bounce turns, and wheelie bumps (if you do it right). This time i actually took the time to create a non-cheating system so everyone on forge hub doesnt rip out their hair going crazy about cheating (haha no offense) Track Gametype- Do whatever the hell you want I really dont care what you use, but if you wanna go professional use my clans race type AnF Racing. Pictures- Download this! eleXtric feel : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details AnF Racing : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
it looks very shmexyful. i really like the surroundind scenery to. ill check it out and tell you wat i tink.
looks pretty average when it comes to race tracks, nothing too impressive. Your poll is kind of worthless though, all the opinions are positive, there arent any other options
From what i see in the pics, it looks like it can race well. The way everything is set up from the scenery to the track it self. Very Nice ! !
Awsomeness you should have txted me being like "Lolzersauce I made this like racetrack and I was like woooooh dude."and I would have seen it sooner.Yah though great racetrack looks awsome I'll have to check it out soon.
Totally awesome with all that lolzersauce, haha thanks guys for your awesome comments i hope to hear more, especially some about my non-cheating system and such. -AnF Ryan!
Dude nice race map it looks like smooth bank turns and I can tell where the drift turn is as I made one on my new map ill post eventually. Also yes I know all race maps have to be uncheatable otherwise people do go crazy. lol . 4/5
I raced on this track already, and its amazing! The box part is extremely smooth and the elevator works 95% of the time! The scenery on the side looks great as well I'll have to give this a 5/5
Yeah the elevator part, does not work all the time, you pretty much have to get a really long running start at top speed to do it, that's why i made it a complete straght away. Also you probably already know this but you can do a little trick where you turn your car before the bounce door to the right and land on the off going track saving you like 3 seconds haha!
I got admit,this is a pretty good track.The only thing i dont like is theres a wall turn that when you go it ,it like slams the moongoose.But besides that its a really good map.Good Job
Yeah i know about that slamming at the wall turn, I kinda really didnt have a choice when it came to that, but i did fix alot of other parts that were pretty sketchy
Ok, 2 things... this is by far one of the most amazing tracks that i have ever seen, like it looks smooth, and fast, which are my favorite things in a track, i heard that this track looks like quassar but ive yet to see that map. oh and second im like going to dl this later, i have to play it, keep up the good tracks dude for me 5/5