The render is a little too fine and sharp for the background, atleast for my tastes. Although you do have a very nice artistic ability. Welcome to FH, and enjoy your stay.
haha hello there... newbie. First off, i dont much like the bubble c4d i can see.. well on the left is good, but not the right. Also, to give the signature depth, try blurring the scarf thing or whatever is blowing off into the distance behind him. hmmm idk what else. oh yeah, the sword. i can tell its just another of those anime renders with a, and may i quote from one of my dear friends/sig makers... "Huge ass sword" over his shoulder. EDIT: and welcome to forgehub lulz
ah well in the sig it looks like a huge sword over his shoulder. really, look at his right arm. and i will, but i gotsta do homework first