Created by xSharpshooter94 and eguitarplaya33 Quadrivium- (n.) Latin word meaning crossroads Quadrivium is a small map that was designed completely with conquest in mind. It is, however, unique from most other conquest maps, in that the players are able to, but not limited to, move in the linear pattern. The bottom of the map is a wide open battlefield that allows for players to attack unsuspecting foes with a barrage of bullets from beneath the fenced bridges. The bottom, as good as it sounds may not do you such good though if you venture down without a grenade. The height to jump is far too great and there is no salvation in the form of life. There are, however, a line of teleporters that allow you to slay yourself and return to the bridges to fight again. The bridges are also where the conquest points are located. The first three are easy to procure but the central one is were the grudges are born. The bulk of the fighting takes place here and the exhilarating feeling you get when you run in, guns blazing and grenades erupting overhead, is astounding. Although this map is designed for conquest the team slayer variant does not at all disappoint. The long hallways and numerous turns give the feeling of a well oiled battalion of soldiers storming a room in an enemy base. Overall the map strays from the normal MLG style of play to a sort of run-and-gun feeling. Supports: Oddball, Team Slayer, Conquest v3 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 Back to Top It is a really small map so we limited the amount of weapons we place to the very minimum. Battle Rifle – 4 SMG – 2 Plasma Rifle – 1 Needler - 2 Spike Grenade – 4 Frag Grenade – 6 Bubble Shield - 2 Back to Top bubble replaced with sniper extended back room Back to Top Back to Top Also thanks to our testers: whatsascope megathumbsss playahata27 camoflaug smellytaco LOLzombie Xanon ThoraxtehGreat Bl00D F1R3 Polishedlake and anyone else I forgot... version 2 - Active extended neutral room - Active sniper added - Active territories moved for efficiency - Active bubble shields removed - Active Back to Top
It looks like it has smooth interlocking and has a great design, but even though its supposed to, i don't think i would enjoy playing it because its very cramped. Maybe even if it had a higher ceiling, Well good job though!
Wow this looks pretty nice. The low ceiling probably gives an intense close quarters combat experience. I can also see some amazing sticks and snipes with the mancannons and the shield doors. 5/5 Nice job man. EDIT: Nice presentation btw.
thanks and the thing is that the ceilings in the side rooms are normal height but the ones in the bridge/main roomn are low to prevent jumping between the bridges. Thanks and all I did was type and organize, eguitar did the graphics. ill tell him you said so.
I played this map today with sharp. I think it was rather enjoyable and pretty unique. I would suggest to put more pictures because, even though I know the map, it looks confusing. PS: I can be seen in the final picture. I am the red spartan farthest to the right.
Haha me and my amazing graphic skillz...not.. Ya well I wanted the post to look rather attracting but ya this game was very fun to test today. Basically Sharpshooter set up the layout and we both basically talked about the weapons while I set up the aesthtecs. If you actually play it, the ceiling does not bother you at all and there is rather space to jump. Thanks for the comment though Well thanks, I did the graphics But ya its actually harder than you think to stick people How do you thats you lol
It is conquest, so I must download. I'm going to enjoy seeing how it plays with the limited vertical movement which has always been a favorite part of conquest for me.
Wow sharp and eguitarplayer this map looks pretty sweet. Although i cannot tell how good it probably is ill just have to download it for myself and see how it plays. Ill be back with a gameplay rating asap.
This is awesome!! I'm sad there are no plasmas though. The map somewhat gives a spaceship feeling, all the game types look really fun on this. It's been such a long time since you posted a map, and the time was worth waiting. The map is so unique seeing the roofs are placed lower. Great job.
Looks very similar to Chasm from the pictures. I do like this map very much. I will download and see how it plays. Then I'll get back with a short review.
thanks for the comments guys. we worked really hard on this and, im not gunna lie, it is nice to hear some praise. as for phreakie, yeah it looks like chasm. i relized that too, but the tiny design changes make the gameplay much different and more fast paced
This map has some great qualities to it, like it's design and layout, but it is kind-of Claustrophobic, It is too cramped for grenedes, CTF, and Lots of people, as seen on your pictures. Nice Map Overall, 3.5/5
That looks really cool but to me all the pictures look the same, maybe it's just the colouring or the angles... I suggest taking off the roof for a nice birds-eye overview of the map. Also two of the pictures are repeated
I really enjoyed testing this even though xanon is a fair person to play against. But I really enjoyed it, game play is fun, conquest that doesn't involve massive amount of vehicals, very CQB even if there arn't that many CQB weapons, also like the little pit below the bridge that forced to commit suicide. Only thing I found in this game is that you can slip to middle of the map from one of the bases you can walk on a ledge. I highly recommend this map. 5/5
Great job 5/5 , great post by the way i loved the effects but i have a questions when u are at the bottom are you stuck and have to kill urself?
I aggree this map is awesome it will get your adrenaline pumping very cool map! good weapon spawning too!
If you read the description it hints in that you can grenade jump back up. floor is raised off the ground to ensure that you can only jump if you have a grenade. wait what i thought i fixed that. show me later what you mean and what i think you may mean is that with a well place jump you can jump between bridges. yes you can but it is only on your side which doesn't present a significant enough advantage to fix. I'll take a birds eye pic later for you and ill fix the pics now and the pics look the same because well the game has so many collisiopns witkh ars its hard to find a pic were everyone is not flying all about! it is for that reason we decided not to format for CTF. It is also not a CTF type of map. Most conquest maps are designed for just that, conquest. We actually went out on a limb to format it as a slayer map as well! also as for your grenades. The fence walls (for reasons unknown) do not allow for grenades to bounce. so when a grenade hits the ground it sticks. Weird i know but it works out.
yay another conquest map good job on the visuals eguitarplaya. but the lack of weapons is...disappointing but understandable for such a small map, wish there was a sniper our something to spice it up but the needlers good enough. the floor were your not sussposed to go looks a little boring and you can still shoot people under there so maybe make it more dangerous like constantly exploding from fusion coils are death teleporters god job interlocking it's super smooth couldn't find a bump anywere 4 pink needles out of 5
great map i played this last night and it was wonderful. the bottom pit is a nice idea. Good way to catch people off guard. Definitely recommend this map. My first impression was that this map was like chasm. but after playing it i could tell it was different. Well done. 5/5