ok so i know that most of the forgehub racers do not like honor rule but i really like this map so i thought i would give it a try. This is my new map Air Stream it Features: a huge jump across the map thats pretty much it since im not very good at descriptions heres the pics Starting First Turn Second Turn The Huge Jump Last Turn Downlload Air Stream just use the regular racetracks gametype or battletracks will work too.
No offense, but this seems like a very small track. The jump across the map is alright, and it looks smooth, but that's about it. All that's left are a few turns. This isn't a racetrack really, its just a big jump. I know this must have been hard to make, but you should really put more time into your maps. I'm not going to say it's nooby because it doesn't have interlocking or geomerging, but still, those might have helped a little. Sorry but this map is not good at all.
^this is a fail post.^ this is an awsome map with innovative features (i personally have never seen a ring of fire), i just wished people would dl maps before they comment. 4.9/5
The ring of fire has been in numerous race map you need to work on your Raceology LOL jk.... but thi map is not really original it just has one big jump what would be really interesting is if somebody built a racetrack in standoffs sky.
NICE! the gameplay on this is flatout amazing! i cant stop racing with my friends! i love "the huge jump" to.
just wait this is an awsome map with innovative features (i have never seen a ring of fire), i just wished people would dl maps before they comment. 4.9/5[/quote] yeah me too uou guys just wait for the next one it is way bigger
I think, and correct me if I am wrong, that Goldman is the longest posting active poster of new maps in the racetracks section. His maps have clearly come a long way in terms of development, and for his endurance, i believe he deserves some respect. The map looks great. I have no room to dl, but i will as soon as i clear it out. Keep up the great work. P.S. Foundry does get boring after a while. P.S.S. BUILD SOME SINGLETRACKS. Like avalanche or something. 5/5
Ok so the map is very simple and i respect that because come on it is on standoff and thats a hard map to forge on. What i like about this map after doing a quick play through is the big jump at the end. The map does flow very well but it is pretty easy to cheat in some places. ill give this a 3.5/5 for gameplay
thank you thank you desert fox i can see theres only some people that respect me. p.s. i have 3 more maps on the way 1 on avalanche
Well, I just had to post after what you said on Tonka's thread. > I should have earlier because this is the only Standoff map that I have on my hard drive. Not that I haven't raced others or had them on there for a bit. This one is by far my favorite. The jump, being the focus of the map, is incredible. Most of the time you come off of it at a perfect angle and the shield doors and grav lifts are placed perfectly so that you land smoothly everytime. Sometimes the jump does launch you so that your nose is in the air, but you still land okay, with maybe a quick flipstart. The rest of the track flows smoothly. Shield doors and grav lifts aid turns very well. My friend made a comment that you could just ramp over the start instead of going around it, but I kinda like that added difficulty and I don't know that I would want to shorten the track as it is already kind of short. But this track allows you to keep maximum speed and the jump works everytime unlike some other Standoff maps, and everything just flows well. I don't really know how else to explain it. There is always the little launch pads or whatever the heck they are that will stop a mongoose short for some reason, but that would be hard to fix unless you just lined it with pallets which would look tacky. But as I said, I love this Standoff map and plan to keep it on my hard drive forever. 9/10
Woah! i saw a couples of other tracks like this one, one was a rollercoaster and the other kinda looked like this, i like the layout and stuff, its a 4/5 for me Keep up the tracks!