First off, I know that this has been done already. The difference here is that it's 10 maps instead of 5 =) Please give me your Top 10 Favorite Maps. Mine is: 1. MLG Onslaught 2. @DifferentLevel 3. High Voltage 4. MLG Conflict 5. Gridlocked 6. Aerialis 7. MLG Lockdown 8. Xyience II 9. Grindstone 10. Remedy I will be posting a blog showing my TOP 50! (soon)
1.Onslaught 2.Triumph 3.Lockdown 4.Xyience (Flux) 5.Gridlocked 6. Unleashed 7. Amplified 8. Aperture 9. Paragon 10. Vertebraille You have good taste in maps Blackout, Also looks like your into MLG which is awesome seeing as 95% of FH has no idea of what competitive gaming is
Gridlocked Remedy Curbstomp II Terminal Verbatim [version 73.4] Metro Grindstone Reflex Scarlet Redeemer
1.Pallet Parade 2.Remedy 3.Moon Waffle 4.The Singularity 5.Electric Slide 6.Tunnel Rats 7.Ribcage 8.Pennyless 9.Jenga Tower 10.Peasent Hunt
Atrium by werem1dget Cat N' Mouse by TrueDarkFusion & The Yavimayan Vertebraille v2 by thesilencebroken Curbstomp II by BlazeIsGod Aerialis by Zombievillian Traction by Vicious Vice Distortion Ø by buddhacrane Gridlocked by DrawTheLine Teamwerks Arena by Cosmic Rick 3rd Judith by Vorpal Saint Yellow = Nonfeatured Green = Featured-preDLC Red = Featured Orange = Nonfeatured/no interlocking and my own map
This was harder than I thought. Remedy - I don't consider it to be above and beyond everything ever made but I love what I've made. Grindstone - Epic 2v2, splendid FFA. Plays like jesus Gridlocked - Sheer win. Curbstomp - Being an almost exclusively Slayer player, I love this. Yukon Canyon - 2v2, 6v6, whatever you prefer, it's awesome. Sanghelios - Again, epic slayer ensues. I <3 Slayer. Kentucky Tango - I could played One Flag on KT for ever and evers. Metro - Paulie's greatest to date. Slayer is awesome Xyience - Not being a huge fan of MLG, I'm very fond of this. As well as Iv0rY's other most recent maps, but I can't remember their names. Heat Sink - I feel this is underated. Gameplay is solid. Multi level'd win.
Heros Boulevard (no joke) Framework v2 Gridlocked Grindstone Satellite Mice v2 Eight crazy legs Fave Creeks Kentucky Tango High Voltage Redeemer (I already know it will be, as I love your forging style, and I know Linu brings from my second favorite map)
In no particular order: 1. Nightfall (the map by Time Glitch that I liked so much, I remade. Unsuccessfully) 2. Building Arise (Can't remember who made it, but every gametype I played on it was instant win) 3. Jenga Tower (Just awesome. And I'm good at it) 4. Tremor n Mouse (shame about the honour rules, but this is fun still) 5. Moon Waffle (When you flip the chopper, it pushes a fusion coil onto a line of other fusion coils blowing them up with the chopper, and they also blow up a grav lift... no, is that right? Damn, it's so complicated!) 6. The Lost Chamber (Epic Minotaur dodgings and wins) 7. Teamwerks Arena (It inspires teamworks!) 8. Kentucky Tango (A good objective game on Foundry? This cannot be!) 9. Cave Freaks (Nice hybrid) 10. Haunted Manor (Bungie liked it; I love it!)
1. reflex (Whats not to love about this map.) 2. grindstone (It shows so many details and awsome gameplay.) 3. paragon (Has some of the best athestics ever.) 4. sewage lines (I like the idea and the gameplay it's really fun) ddball: 5. sanghelios (I love this map, it flows so perfect, I get a lot of inspiration from it.) 6. underbog (This map is truely outstanding. Its has some amazing features in it.) 7. terminal (I'm very impressed from it, especially the main hallway.) 8. cyvision (I really like how everything on this map has a meaning. And how well it was put together.) 9. Eight Emerald legs (The athestics on this are truley amazing, and actually I didnt think it would be, but the game play is also really fun.) 10. Vertibraille (Just the main idea of the map is awsome, I've always been a fan of this map.) Ok thats my top ten, I'll probably come and edit it, because I more than likely left some of my maps out that I really liked.
In no order: @Different Level (actually, it's my favorite after all this time.) Gridlocked Faction (best Conquest map around, and the first that used the CPU) Cenotaph (so far above the other MLG asymmetricals that it's almost stupid) Zenith (I'm pissed that this didn't get chosen to be tested for MLG v6) Grindstone Vertebraille Greenhouse (incredible forging to make a 1v1 on Ghost Town The Hangout Verbatim
1. Reflex 2. yet to be released Riptide 3. Redeemer 4. Cathedral 5. Renegade 6. Paragon 8. Apperture 9. Metro 10. Distrotion
1. Aerialis 2. Gridlocked 3. Chasm 4. Iced Valley 5. Pallet parade 6. MLG Hybrid 7. Paragon 8. Ramparts v2 9. Interrobang 10. The Archive (Clue map made by JustCallMeDrago)
1. Reflex 2. The Citadel 3. Pallet Parade 4. Faction 5. Gridlocked 6. Paragon 7. Metro 8. Terminal 9. Jedwali 10. Kentucky Tango Competitive Maps FTW!
oooh, tough one here... my list has to be in no particular order. 1. Distortion 0 2. Kentucky Tango 3. Interrobang 4. Traction 5. Gridlocked 6. The Ire of Fire 7. Conflict 8. Hype 9. Coldfront 10. Skyjump (best custom RR map ever btw...)
1 Pallet parade 2 gridlocked 3 pennyless 4 doognitized 5 tremors n mouse 6 moon waffle 7 eight emerald legs 8 lilly pads 9 constrictor 10 fish in a barrel (yes i know its my map but it is fun)
1. Onslaught 2. Ribcage v2 3. Castalanche 4. Tunnel Rats 1, 2, and 3 5. Haunted Chapel 6. DK's Jungle 7. Interrobang 8. Rainbow Road 9. Halo Basketball (The first one I can remember on Valhalla) 10. Sabre's Journey 1 and 2
1. Grindstone 2. Terminal 3. Moon Waffle 4. Remedy 5. Verbatim 6. Anathemia 7. Ramparts 8. Gridlocked 9. Vertebraille 10. Sanghelios