I swear, it's the same with all of the online streaming tv playback websites. It just pauses every two minutes for 30 seconds. Even when I'm watching the same bit for a second time, it doesn't work. It still pauses. I'm not even watching in High Quality. I'm trying to watch last week's Top Gear special. Does anyone else have problems with BBC iPlayer or any problems similar to this? EDIT: It's now playing for around 10 seconds, and pausing for 15 seconds. It's ****.
Really? You must have quite bad internet connection. Whenever I watch anything on there the quality is absolutely fine, honestly - it's actually quite good Are you talking about the Top Gear Vietnam special? If you are, you're missing something pretty good =)
See that's the thing, my internet is 4mbpsand I never get bad lag on Xbox Live. I'm watching the special now. I'm 13 minutes 48 seconds into it and I've been wacthing it for an hour now. I restarted it 11 minutes in, hoping it would let me watch it non-stop for more than 11 minutes on the 2nd viewing like it does with YouTube. No such luck. I tried downloading it, and it estimated download time at 22 hours. And I can't keep it forever, either. I'm not relying on Dave to watch the episode...
Haha, I know what you mean. I'd start the programme, pause it and just leave it. This way, the entire episode will load up and eventually, you'll be able to watch it when you want. It may take a while, but this way you should be a ble to watch the episode soon.
I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave. Buy a better product. It's probably because it overheats too much.
No. Google it. It lets you watch tv shows that were aired on the BBC up to a week after they were aired. Also, after 20 minutes into the video, it stopped pausing. It6's not that ****.
Works fine for me. One thing that does fook it up for me though is if you try to play the video from a certain part on the time line, so just pause it and let it buffer/load when it starts acting up.
yeah but what's most annoying is the intro bit is so much louder than the program so you end up getting blasted with light music lol