Fallout 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matty, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I just bought it, anybody else have it?

    I thought i'd take it slow, but then i got the oppertunity to destroy that nuclear warhead, and i couldn't refuse. Should i have done that or did i ruin many potential oppertunties?
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Now, I don't own this game, but I am praying to in time. However, it is an RPG, so any chances you might have ruined, I am sure you opened up new ones, and only a second play though with different choices will give you an answer (which is what is so amazing about RPG's).
  3. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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  4. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    If you hadn't blow it up, you would have gotten the same amount of money. BUT, if you don't blow it up, you still get to go to the hotel. So, not blowing up gives you more chances. Plus you will miss out on the most epic side quest "Wasteland Survival Guide".

    A BIG mistake imo. Plus, if you have good karma, you can get the best follower in the game. Blowing up the town plunges you into horrible karma.
  5. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    yeh i agree. dont blow it up. restart ur game quick, now! its a great game though, i did the first main quest and have been explorng the wasteland ever since. anyone met the talking tree is "oasis" yet. its hilarious and a great quest.
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    You can still do the quest. Moira is just becomes a ghoul at Undeworld.
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    As others said, the warhead choice is pretty much up to you. I held off it ever since I chose to tell the Simms about the offer and he gets killed, I reloaded for fear of losing quests. But now I've reached the level 20 cap and don't think my explosives skill is high enough I might just kill 'em all, but I think I'll finish Moira's stuff first.

    A couple of other interesting things I just found out are the planned DLC's. The upcoming one in Jan sounds interesting, a simulation section (similar to the one already in the game I guess, dunno if you're there yet Matty, but I will say that it's cool) which should be very far removed from the standard environment. The second one in Feb sounds pretty cool also, but it's the 3rd one that interests me. It allows you to continue the game after completing the main quest, which was something that had bugged me about the game since I found out. The first one should cost 800 points, and I'm hoping the others will follow suit, it's not too expensive imo, it's just a pity that the 3rd one won't be out till march.
  8. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Oh yeah i forgot?! lol
    I remember when i went to Megaton Ruins, and she is just chilling there. I still like megaton better.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah, I know, I've just gotten used to going to her at Megaton and listening to the crazy guys there, I'm a creature of habit.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Play it any way you like, it isn't about being the 'best' character but about how much fun you can have. Besides you can always play through it again and make different choices.
  11. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Rusty i am playing it how i like.

    I like to play a game through once, no more.

    I was asking if destroying the town at the very beginning was a bad idea, because they appeared to be the only shops i could access, and i would have ruined a lot of quests.
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Just on a little note.

    In Fallout 3, you can start quests at any point you want. For example, the 'find your dad quest has point A, B, C, D and E but you can start at point A, B, C, D, or E.

    I say that because many missions in Megaton are just point A of the mission. You can still start at Point B.
  13. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Well the destroying stops you getting 1) The Strength Bobble head (unless you got it) 2) A house (if you disarmed the bomb) 3) A quest (from the store lady.)

    If your looking for a store, try Rivet City. Has A good Weapon store, Food, and other things.

    Again,just play how you want.
  14. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    1) If you explore the ruins, I believe you can still find the bobble head.
    2) For blowing it up you get an apartment suite (house) in Tenpany (spelling?) tower.
    3) The lady for the Wilderness Survival guide either stays in the ruins or goes to the ghoul city, so you can still do the quest.
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Got this game for christmas and I cant put it down. Anyone find the prototype medical armor? It injects Med-X into you if your taking too much damage, its a power suit, and it talks! whenever a enemy is nearby it sais "Time to kick ass!" and more. I found it in old oldney's sewer (Be aware, MANY deathclaws - they can take alot of damage and will rip you to shreads)

    And the best minigun in the game, the vengeance (Gatling laser) can be found in Deathclaw Sanctuary, its a 1 hit kill gun.

    I plan on getting the first and second dlc.
  16. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Fallout 3 is a great game for people who liked Oblivion. Otherwise, don't get it.
  17. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    It is a truly awesome game. My advice is to play nice. It always seems to give more. Of course now I have bounty hunters after me for being nice, but hey, extra exp!
  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Clear you name!

    Yea, that's generally a problem for those people. Unlike Fable 2, you get rewarded for being nice.
  19. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    I played this with my friend on my account. I asked him if I should blow up the bomb and he said 'yea.' Now I'm regretting it seeing how I have bad karma. I really want this game.
  20. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    It would get boring after a while if you don't have much of an attention span. So if you want it, make sure you can play it and enjoy it.

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