It's really a shame that people think setting up a fun, playable gametype requires no forging skill. That mindset is what has turned this community into an obnoxious group of monkeys that fling poo at anything that isn't set on Foundry. Snowbound is a great map, and not enough was ever done with it to make it a unique experience when playing a standard gametype. LIGHTS has set up a great take for playing CTF or KOTH (sorry, didn't play the other gametypes), and it's fresh enough to make me enjoy being back on Snowbound (Boundless) again. Well done, sir. As usual.
Why are people hating this map. Who gives a crap if it doesn't have interlocking or geomerging. I like it lights. I made one on snowbound once that used barriers to make a tunnel beyond the turrets and some scattered cover but I couldn't get weapons or spawns right so I scraped it. I'm itching to try this as it seems you got the spawns and weapons right. How does territories play? I'll be back.
ok first things first, one of the most basic rules of forging something that some people seem unable to grasp is gameplay>pretty much everything else. lighsout has changed the complete flow of snowbound instead of rushing the tunnels you actually have to go outside and the weapon selection is great. second point, its snowbound you can't geomerge our interlock our even use unmovable objects, a big problem with a gravity hammer on the map. Once again, It's snowbound theres almost no forge objects available and i think that making ctf playable and forcing you to use the outside is a lot more fun then getting owned by the shotgun ***** in the basement, he's managed to do something bungie couldn't with boundless, make you use the outside and 3rd and most important, its lightsout for gods sake! this guy has done some pretty great things with forge and he has would have enough common sense to understand if he made a dumb map, and maybe one of the testers would tell him. in other words just because he didnt make it from the ground up dosent mean you should hate it , give it a go and see what you think instead of being forgenubs and on to the subject of the map, im pretty sure ive explained up there how much i like this map, weapon placement is awesome, and the use of deployable cover to block doors is ingenious so stop flaming
i mean, you clearly put effort into it, kudos for that. As for the map itself, I dont really see how it could be TOO much fun. Boundless is reknowned for being inbalanced and annoying, but if you worked hard to shift gameplay and flow, then im sure it is a fine improvement. q'd. 3/5
Save your rating until you actually DL and play a map, please. That trait is far too common in posters at FH, and is a terrible habit. Thanks for the support for those of you who have. I appreciate it.
I played a game of flag and team slayer on it. We played 3v3. Overall, I enjoyed it. Here are some things that I think could help out the map. I think you should move the gravity hammer to the top of the rock instead of lean it against it and place it on a weapon holder. That way, both teams can see it easily instead of it being blocked most of the time. Also, its easier for the lower bases team to see it at where it is. You should rotate the ghost 90 degrees so that it faces a wall. When one team picks it up, they either have to back up into their base or go forward (which is easier) into the other teams base and the other team gets to go forward into their base and backwards into the other teams base. The way I said it, both teams would have to move sideways each way making it more fair and more dangerous to get the ghost (which wasn't overpowered). It seems you are trying to go for a covenent theme but I think you should put a set of 2 frag grenades on top of each base to increase variety. Even though bungie maps have certain themes, they will contain weapons from other themes as well. You should put a battle rifle at each base on a 30 second respawn where the default battle rifle usually is (on the slanted part). The radar jammer seemed pretty pointless to us. It never really helped like the deployable cover did. Plus if you are submitting this to ATLAS, I don't think bungie uses radar jammers in matchmaking because of the radar jammer jump. Try replacing it with a flare, regenerator, or power drainer. Up the spawn times of the plasma batterys down in the tunnel to 60 seconds or 90 seconds because its a nice tactical area to go to traverse the map but its a bit too dangerous with those spawning quickly along with the explosivse on the wall. Overall, I enjoyed the map. Those are some changes I feel are necessary not just to make a good map but give it a better chance of getting it into ATLAS. Some really nice things you did where the spawns. They worked great in our game. The cover was actually placed pretty nicely. Not too safe but if used right, could lead you around the map. The map had pretty good balance. Nothing was too powerful. People stayed on top of the map for the most part. THe only time people went down low was to try to stop a flag cap, like the windows in isolation, or when they needed to get to rockets, but couldn't because there was too much fire above ground. Now to all the idiots that say he placed random cover, your idiots. Its not close to random. EDIT: Do not put snipers. We forged two of them on and it was extremely hard to get past them and one in the middle didn't work because whoever got it would dominate.
note taken, i may just do that I plan on turning it a full 180 degrees, to balance the fact that the defenders have better lines of sight and a bit of a height advantage to the attackers upon spawn I'm not putting frags on the map. You spawn with two, and with games like multi-flag and flag rally, there are dead bodies all over the place. Grenades have ever been a problem in-game Im not adding any BRs, but I may add a couple more carbines. What? You must have been playing the wrong gametypes, because the radar jammer is a great asset to people storming a base/hill. It works very well in CTF, Koth, and Flag Rally. Bungie took it out of matchmaking because the maps it was on provided good equipment jumpers a tactical advantage by reaching previously unattainable locations. This is not the case on Snowbound. Also, both the flare and power drain provide the same tactics. Thanks for this, I had the spawn times rather quick before I blocked off the central tunnel passages, then I must have forgot about them after since they never really came into play (except for a bit in KotH). I'll up them.
Having played a game of the territories varaint with you 2? nights ago, it makes for a most interesting game. Snowbound is used in different way as a map. instead of going underground when you start, you go above ground. instead of camping the main underground room, you activley go across the map. I find this a very fun way to play a very boring (default) map
I applaud you for working outside foundry. The map even looks excellent! I will try it! 5/5 on simplicity and originality 5/5 on sticking it to the man! good job, great map.
You have a really good point with the frags and the BRs don't matter too much. Glad that you like my ideas and I hope this map turns out great. I always play like I have no radar so The radar jammer doesn't bother me much so I am a bit biased about that. I'll keep playing to see if there are any other things I think should be changed and because this is better than snowbound or boundless
some changes were made before I posted it at ATLAS a few days ago. I rotated the ghosts a half turn, added a couple more Carbines at the bases, and added a Power Drain in the central tunnel, raising of respawn times on plasma batteries in tunnel The DL link has now been updated, and any and all support at ATLAS is appreciated. Much thanks, guys. Edit: oh yeh, and I added some sweet lil covenant camping stools around the map for lil aesthetics. thanks, Novak
I like the idea of improving Snowbound only because the original sucks so bad. Knowing you are an experienced forger, I am sure that this is as good as a Snowbound map is going to get, but I am not sure this is going to be very popular on the site. Long story short, it is a map that needed to get posted just for the sake of making Snowbound the best it can be, but it is not going to be accepted by those that you refer to as "thick-headed"! lol