Why the Wii and Xbox are killing Sony's PS3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    I don't like the ps3 personally because i heard it freezes and it gets lots of viruses I'm just a xbox 360 fan because of its live and many great features! And the xbox 360 is a family console the ps3 isnt that much!
  2. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    lets do a comparision: +1 for first,0 for second,and -1 for third


    online service

    # of games

    quality of games (IMO)

    # of sales


    just my openion but:
  3. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    PS3 was a failure from the start, it was severely overpriced when it came out, so initial sales were low. Games for it that were supposed to be big hits ended up flopping, delays pushed back release dates for mediocre releases and games that did not get close to expectations. The PS3 is down and out of the console war if you ask me.

    The Xbox 360 on the other hand is doing great, it has many big hits for it that for the most part met expectations and turned out pretty good. RROD and other problems with mechanics are the only real downside to buying a 360.

    I do not think it is fair to compare the Wii to the 360 and PS3 as Wii is completely different from both. Its aimed at an entirely different audience. I think the primary players of the Wii are aged between 6 and 10 (ill try and find the link to that article).
    The 360 and PS3 are best known for their shooters and other games that are not little kid friendly.

    360 > PS3 > Wii
  4. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    So was he... Foolish child.

    Also about the whole not having to pay for PSN but you do have to pay for XboxLive. It simply comes down to 'you get what you pay for'.

    Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents... Lulz =]
  5. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    xbox 360 fanboy reply much? lol

    who are you to say the ps3 was a failure from the start? it's a great piece of technology if you ask me, id definitely have one if i could afford it.

    also, you said its unfair to compare the wii to the other systems then you said this:
    they are most definitely comparable, they are video game consoles. the wii as targetted for a "6 to 10" age group is absurd, is your source a classmate of yours?

    i wont get into it any further. im just in a nitpicky mood.
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    It's great tech but their marketing manager was a complete douche who made it a failure at the start.
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    the ps3 has plenty of time to start doing well. i will admit that it's a bit ahead of its time, and they did **** up in that aspect.

    wait until blu ray becomes something that normal people have. and until the ps3 becomes more affordable and gets a decent exclusive game or two.
  8. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Everyone says that the ps3 has blue ray so it automatically has better graphics. None of the games I've looked at properly utilize the function however, and most games still look just as good if not better on the 360. Also, with the 360, you can, and people will actually just sit in the dashboard looking at demos, reading stuff and talking to friends. The ps3's simply isn't as friendly looking. It's like comparing halo 3's lobby to farcry's. Also, like you said, the games are not exclusive, and those that are in my opinion do not exactly measure up to the xbox's exclusives. Those are the reasons why I bought the 360.

    The reason why i think everyone else bought the 360, is because everyone who wanted to play online had a regular xbox first. And the only game they played online was basically halo. So, all the people who liked playing online, and halo had xboxs. So, most people stuck with the xbox to get halo 3, and to be able to play with other people who also bought the 360 for halo 3. Even if they didn't like halo, most people did, and if they wanted to be able to play with those people who liked halo even not on halo, they had to buy a 360.
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    lol, I have a PS3. I don't feel like a rich bastard. Although while I sit in my recliner, lap top on my lap, staring at a 60" Plasma TV, I guess I do feel like a rich, distinguished fellow.

    lolololol. Fanboy. I don't like it because I heard it was bad. Think about that for a second. Form your OWN opinions on the matter instead of parading with others'
    Indeed. Sony are yet to fully utilize the 50 gigs their discs have. You can cram so much useless crap that intrigues people, yet they don't implement it. The PS3 Menu is cool, sleek and the like but it feels so empty compared to the dashboard if you know what I mean.

    I've owned and played all 3. The wii has been sold. PS3 was bought so we could have a Blu Ray player which my dad regrets. It's far from user-friendly.

    After playing all three, personally, I feel the 360 is above and beyond its competition from a gaming aspect. Nearly everything about it was executed and presented very well and user friendly. Whereas with the wii and PS3 there are several features that just aren't done well, and that aren't easy to follow.
  10. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Ahh yes I got a playstation 3 for Christmas. I'm just going to say one thing about when people say "**** Microsoft and there crappy online and their ****ing avatars"

    Be thankful for what you have ;) The ps3 does not come anywhere close to the 360 in that aspect.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    "Perhaps all gaming is useless....but at least there's violence and ****"
    lol, that one made me laugh. All the systems have their pros and cons, but clearly the lower entry price point you have on a system, the more likely people are to buy it.
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I've had all three systems from when they were released. The PS3 gets a lot of use for blu-ray, disgaea 3, and eventually when I get to playing MGS4. The last time I played the Wii was when super smash came out. I play the xbox a lot. For halo, GOW, dead space, fallout, lost odyessy, etc.

    As far as I see it the PS3 and the Wii cannot compare to what the xbox has to offer. Want to play your friend in Super smash bros.? First you need your friend code, then a super smash bros. code and then you have to enjoy a one to two second delay in every online match. Same thing with PS3 horrible online play.

    One utter bad thing is the RRoD for xbox.

    PS2 was great, because it had a decent price tag and there were tons of games for it. The 360's great, because it has a decent price tag and tons of games for it. There is no debating it, the PS3 is failing to step up to the plate.
  13. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    And unfortunately for Sony, what game company would choose to make an exclusive game for PS3 when the 360 has a greater market share.

    So not only are they doing bad, it's only going to get worse for Sony.
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Playing online is the big thing these days, and Microsoft seems to pretty much have nailed it on the head. The Xbox 360 has a friendly user interface that makes it easy to connect and easy to meet with other people. The Xbox is, for the most part, a pure gaming system. The PS3 has games, blu-ray, and internet browsing, while the Wii has to find ways to be innovative in order for people to look past the half ass graphics and lack of an easy online experience. These make it so that they haven't really fine tuned any one thing, and so everything seems to be like it is almost done. However, Microsoft has been able to focus solely on gaming and gaming with other people, and so their system seems to be the best for that purpose.
  15. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    When i played on a PS3 controller i thought i was using an old fashioned (L) X Box controller. Those controllers suck!
  16. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    After using an Xbox controller for a long time the PS3 controller felt so small, and I was pressing several buttons at once.
  17. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Yeah, that's certainly a massive bonus for the 360. The 360 controllers just seem to be a hell of a lot better. Now they just need to improve the DVD remote...

    It may seem like something small, but the controllers are a massive part of the experience (Obviously).
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Oh yeah. Without a doubt. The 360 controller is like it's moulded to fit snugly into your hand. PS3 controllers, it's a pain to use them. They're just too damn small.
    I played Wii for the first time in about a month today, personally, I'd rather spend money on a Nintendo 64 than a Wii.
  19. Deathlycobra

    Deathlycobra Ancient
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    Also I have noticed that the the button setup on the controller hasnt changed since PS1 and you can find yourself sometimes clashing thumbs repetitively at times, and the Wii graphics sometimes will seriously look like they could be on a DS. Xbox 360 has a good mixture of the two and a huge catalog of games.

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