hey guys ive bee n working on this map and i need help with this box merge. The double box is about 1 inch. up from the ground i need help getting it more smooth can you guys tell me how to do it
Whats this!?! Is this a... ...teaser? If it is it look pretty open, some nice ideas though. edit: Oh, okay thats more like it. And i've never been good at low merges, maybe someone else could give you some help.
You already posted a "preview" of this map today. Why would you just post a thread with the title 111, with no description or writing telling us a reason why. Mods, please lock this, or update your thread.
sorry guys i didnt mean to do that, my comp was lagging and its was going all crazy i didnt even mean for that to happen, this is what i needed. Im sorry guys, that was my bad.
Where is it not smooth where you want it smooth? Do you want it smooth to walk onto from the foundry floor, or is it uneven, what?
Learn to spell. Lol back when I used to Forge I had the same problem. If you can't figure out how to make it flat, try making a ramp on either side leading up to it.
OK well thanks, ((lol i just figured it out)) thanks for the help all of you this can be locked now, thanks a lot