GREAT SONG! LOL.... hey here at Gamer Cast Network we thought it would pretty fun to make a song about our beloved PlayStation 3 Enjoy.....Warning: If your Sony fan this song is not for you! there is 1 song and a second version....the second one are for noobs if you don't understand what the song is about. Enjoy the song! tell me what you think! Vid #1 Vid #2 Vid#3 BONUS!!!!
The PS3 is better than the Xbox 360. It's just that the PS3 lacks in games and it's online service sucks :<
Define better. Either way. OLD OLD OLD. I remember seeing this well over a year ago. I assumed everyone had seen it.
I think he means better by hardware. it has blu-ray and doesn't get RROD other then that the 360 owns with games online service people actually use headsets ect ect. Damn you i wanted to say old.
How many people here think Xbox is better than PS3 but havn't played both properly? Overall PS3 is better than the Xbox. Better build quality More reliable Supports HDMI as standard Built in wireless reciever, you don't have to pay £60 for one Built in Blueray player, you don't have to pay £150 for one Supports external devices - I have a 120gig external hard drive that i plug in Automatically detects wireless devices like PC's, and allows streaming Simpler, sleaker and quicker dashboard More diverse download system
rofl i have all 3, plus the ds and psp. and the 360 is elite and ps3 is the best one(i think it's like 80 gigs). as for the song, funny, but some parts are untrue. online play is the same, you just can't really keep track of crap no one looks at unless you tell them. also, ps3 dosn't have friends or whatevr(at least i dont think so) or stuff where you can instantly join your friends. actualy, it's a good thing. most of the people on ps3 online are jackasses that you don't want to play with anyway. plus you have to buy a headset(i got bluetooth for like $20), so you dont have all those ****ing 10 year old kids in like alaska pretending to be black gangsta rappers and singing while you are trying to play. p0wn3d. yah, ps3 doesn't have gow or halo or frontlines, but it does have medal of honor airborne, resistance 2, warhawks, and other minor stuff like the 360's. final statement: microsoft buy sony so you can make a playbox 363 and gangrape wii, then proceed to teabag and depthroat that ***** until it realizes it likes it and joins you, thus creating the epicness alliance of game systems that rule the world, and the playmiibox 363 is born, combining the motion sensor of the wii, the epic games and online quality of the 360, the free online of the ps3, and becoming so awesome all gay E rated games are obliterated off the face of the earth and the next generation plays only bloody and realistic war games and become essentially supersoldiers for the uber alliance of governments of the world and video game companies, and are sent to kill the evil aliens on mars. but, the aliens are too good and underwent the same cycle thousands of years ago, and have better technology and destroy the earth in revenge. thus video games will have destroyed the earth in exaclt 57 years from right now. be prepared
it has some good games. maybe you should play some of them before you judge. when i only had a ps3 i thought 360 sucked. now i see there can exist a peace between the two, a truce in which i and some others can agree both have their own advantyages.