What a grand idea. Matty and Mr. Snacks recent forge 101 on geometry merging told of types, but didnt go indepth and step by step on how to do ridiculous merges. it doesnt suck without the gametype, but it makes it hella better just wow. thank you, the one comment that will be greatly appreciated
"It started off as that, in the back alley, but then I started to morph it into the dual freindly map I have described in the DESCRIPTION and its lacking you say? played a game on it? and whats wrong with a little eye candy anyways" yes i read the DESCRIPTION, but it still looks like you tried to impress us with your geomerging skills. I cant geomerge very well so it does look hard, but geomerging and interlocking every singe thing on the map does not mean it plays well. To me it looks open and especially for free for all, its going to be a contest to whomever can steal the most kills or throw their grenadas the fastest. I dont agree with your choice of FFA, i suggest you change up some settings and make a really fun FFA minigame. "whats wrong with a little eye candy" Nothing, but you explained it for me, little eye candy. theres nothing wrong with making the map look good but that should come second on your list. The main thing people are looking for is a fun map that they can come back to in the future and still have fun playing. If you can do THAT, and give it good aesthetics your map is feature worthy. Good?
I am in love with the doublebox thats geo-merged in the back as shown in the 1st pic. As for the rest of the map, reminds me of Remedy. Im sure im not the only who thinks that. But thats a good thing that it reminds people of Remedy. Its a kickass map. Ill give your map a 4/5. Your map is great but not perfect. And im sure im not the onlyone who thinks that either. XD
Me too this does remind me of remedy.......i love the layout its so unique i've never seen this.....how did you geo merge that sign A that must of been hard!
woooow the merging and interlocking looks shmexyriffic! It looks some what small though.... but im sure the gameplay is wondreflu.
fix. your. gramar. and. spelli.... aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh my eyes! a geomerging tut will magicaly appear on forgehub in the next couple o' days what is perfect? lol good.
i must say pretty origonal clean morphing and fusing too but its a pretty open map hope to see more well made maps
yes, it is rather open a v2 will be released once i get spawns done, and a little more geometry changes
Looks like Remedy...oh well. I like how everything on the map is clean and everything, but once you think about it, there isn't much cover. Just the occasional sign board. For version 2, add some more cover. I like how you merged all the stuff to the room in the back though.
hey this looks like a very good map. everything is very clean and smooth and the weapon placement seems very intuitive. my one complaint is that there isn't very much cover. my opinion is that you need to put a little bit more cover (but that's just my opinion). Overall, 4/5... good job
Yes, i know it needs more cover. want to make your post a little more origional? "...oh well" < whats this supposed to mean... and all your comment consists of is the same thing ive heared from all of you. I know it needs more cover.
well, it certainly is forged very well, but seems too open for me. although it seems familiar like a map ive seen before(i forget the name) but thats good since i would know how to get around the map, if it had to be rated id give it a 3.5 out of 5.
I played on the map, it was exactly like Halo 2. The dual weapons, the flat nature of the map, and the places were grenades can get to. The weaponry is varied and the map definitely looks like it was inspired by Remedy.It is very nice, and focuses on close quarters combat.
Finaly! someone who understands its like ahlo 2 gameplay! the ability to throw nades far distances is like the farther arched throws in halo 2 maps. it focuses on duals, like halo 2 does.