Yes, I know I've been making alot of L4D threads, but bare with me here. There have been a number of glitches that have been found that ruin the experience of versus mode in Left 4 Dead. Here are some videos of popular glitches that can be used as an unfair advantage to one team. Whether it be skipping crescendo events (alerting the horde) or blocking doorways, these glitches are extremely annoying. 1:03 notably :43 are just a few examples of the immature things 8-year-olds do in this game to be "funny". I'm showing you these while confident you will not use them in an online game. I urge and beg all of you to never do any of these glitches during a ranked versus game. It ruins the experience and is not fun, just annoying. If members of your team attempt something like this, try to move things out of the way, refuse to partake in the activity, or do something to get your team killed if necessary. If all else fails, atleast find a spot to message the opposing team and apologize.
I believe personally, from no experience of the game ( just making a hypothesis ) from creating this thread I think you showed people glitches that they have never seen before including some kids that are actually on this website. I think these glitches will be used more. I can see how you are trying to help but ya we'll see.
I explained in the thread that I am showing these with the confidence that people on FH will do the right thing, and that while it may cause some to use them, it will be a greater benefit.
If they really wanted, they could just youtube it too. I totally agree with this, its really annoying.
Hah. I know the guys that started the first one. Really though, it's a game, who cares... So someone pushes a generator in front of a door, laugh it off, do the same to them later. If a game matters this much to you, get outside more often. Have fun and enjoy yourself, don't dwell on petty things like video game glitches.
Blocking the elevator is just cheap. That was cowardly, and cheap. However, I support map breakers if it's only for fun, and can increase the fun for both teams. If they do it just so they can win, then that's cheating.
These glitches are extremely irritating. They ruin more people's games than they improve, so why should we stand by while people continue to do them. Also, most of the time, people do these things not to be funny, but to be given the upper hand and have a better chance of winning. Sure, the whole argument of "Well, if they do it so can we!" will be brought up, but it just ruins the game, having the point of said versus match be detracted from killing survivors or surviving millions of zombies to seeing who can move more dumpsters in front of more doorways. These glitches are all in good fun when done with friends, but frankly you are being a douchebag to everyone on the opposite team and possibly your teammates if you do these things. I consider myself a casual gamer and I joke around alot. However, that does not mean I'm going to be an asshole to people just for a quick laugh.
Some people play video games to have fun, and that is why it bothers them? A glitch is a glitch, and ruins the gameplay. For example, in COD WaW Beta you could get under the map, and shoot through geometry. It was no fun, what-so-ever, not even funny. It's not that you dwell on video games at all, it's that you play them to have fun, and people ruin that by glitching and being immature.
I hate the 'who cares, it's a video game' argument. What does it matter to someone who has a strict NAT and has a hard time finding games and the ones they find is one where the opposing team is getting rid of the fun? Well, I guess it doesn't matter, they'll just have to quit and start all over again to find a game. And then, what if they can't find a good game? Well, they just wasted good money on a game in which the whole point is to be online.
Actually, I think a better argument to the "it's a video game" argument, is comparing it to "real life" sports. Someone on your team hogs the basketball, and keeps failing. Who cares? It's just a game. A kid wants to pitch, but he can't throw the ball for ****. Who cares? It's just a game. A runner steals a base, and it is too close to call, so he argues that he is safe, and you argue that he is out. Who cares? It's just a game. You go to the mall with your friends, and you are sitting at an outside table and a mall cop says "You aren't allowed to sit there" (this actually happened to me). Who cares? It's just something to do with your friends. My point is, anything that can be fun can be ruined by jackasses.
If you get mad at a game for that, then you have a problem. There were over 500000 people who bought the game. I'm sure you'll at least one game. When a game gets old, and dies, then you have a problem. But by then everyone will just buy a different game.
No, it's an example of someone who doesn't let little things get to them, which actually shows maturity.
The point of this thread is like giving a mentally unstable person a gun, and then expecting them not to shoot people. But yeah, I agree with you.
Well i tell you friend, they are small compared to some other glitches. I'm a left 4 dead veteran, just look at my gamer score. The first video is what gets me. I have lived through it many times but im sure sometimes it just happens. and that nobody pushes it, I know you could but it not fun for both teams. Your probably wondering what I'm talking about, well I'm getting close to that 1000 G but i need untouchables. Me and boydy were trying the other day, there are 5 ways to do it easier. 1. The god room - amazing glitch, simple but effective. 2. corner on dead air - with bots its not so hard, theres a lot of open space but is hard getting to the plane 3. under the stairs - shown in the video 4. on top of a rock in death toll - to the far right of the pier there should be large rock, just jump on. 5. on top of plane in dead air - "Charge" the turret up by hitting it, climb up the truck, jump on the turret and you should be lunged up. There's many more ways, there not really glitches but do help in the finally on expert or trying to get untouchables. In conclusion, live with it, its not unbeatable, you can push it out of the way. Just do it back to them,yes I can see how it may ruin your experience, but if you feel like that than grow some balls and play something else. There's something like that in everything game, but Left 4 dead = GOTY
Real life>Video Game life A sucky player is going to get bitched out by the coach if he does stuff like that. Would you let someone who can't pitch throw for your highschool team? No, you wouldn't, because things like that actually matter in life. You could be playing in your varsity year in front of scouts from different colleges and that could be what you're counting on to earn you a scholarship. You don't count on video games to earn scholarships. Video games are for entertainment and enjoyment. People get this enjoyment in a lot of different ways; some bad, some good. EDIT: And this is an example of someone who will get nowhere in the coming years. If you spend all your time taking everything seriously, thinking video games are going to get you someplace in life, you're the one whose going to need their mom to buy them video games.
I have to admit, that was an ingenious come back. Laughed too hard on that one. Anyone got some aspirin? By the way, the game won't last long in multi-player anyways. It's not as great as the others, and if all these glitchers keep up it will end twice as fast.
Why thank you. And the glitches won't ruin it. Hell, TF2 has lasted a loooooonnnnggg time with skywalking and all it's other glitches. It's even pushing through some modding outbreaks now, that I swear have made the game ten times as fun.
I would hardly bring scholarships up for something like this, since I bet you can get some from video games. They have scholarships for dressing your dog up! - which is plain ridiculous. In video games, however, if it was up to the players, they would boot the glitchers (look at Gears of War 1). The thing about video games is that you don't have nearly as much control as you would in real life. Sure, glitches can be fun, with friends and what not, and you can get a laugh out of them (I sometimes do) but when you play a game competitively besides fun, such as ranked matchmaking, glitches are not fun because they interfere with your game. Anyway, the point of this thread is to request people do not do these glitches, and raise awareness about their existance and what they look like. We do not need to be getting upset here about whether or not glitching in games matter. If it bothers you, then fine, just don't ***** about it, things get fixed when discovered most of the time. If it doesn't bother you, that's fine too, just don't say people take things to serious.