The AJ Critique

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by _aj, Dec 29, 2008.

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  1. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    Purpose of the AJ Critique:
    To point out flaws in maps so that the forger may learn from their mistakes and create better maps in the future. I will not tell you good things about your maps because knowing the screw-ups is far more important. I'm not here to boost anyone's self-esteem. Another, side goal, is to entertain. I try to add a few overly harsh "punch-lines" in there to keep it interesting. Example? (In reply to Remedy) "After playing this made, the perfect Remedy is a bottle of whiskey to dilute the bad taste left in my mouth." Now I actually rated this a 3.45 off 5, which is very good on my scale of harsh proportions. So, no, I didn't really need to wash away the horrid taste, but that line stood out in your mind, no?

    Why Forgehub Needs the AJ Critique:
    It is best put some prominent Forge Hub members:

    The Scale - In terms of playtime:
    1 - I didn't enjoy this map at all, ended before reaching the score limit.
    2 - I liked this map enough to finish this game, but deleted it soon after.
    3 - I enjoyed this map and possibly played a few more games of it.
    4 - I keep it on my hard drive and play it anywhere from 2 to 5 times a week.
    5 - I love the map, play it all the time and couldn't think of deleting it.

    The AJ Critique Archives:

    Irenic by Spartan 396 :: Scale - 2.65

    Remedy by Linubidix :: Scale - 3.45

    Insulation by LIGHTSOUT225 :: Scale - 2.65

    Moon Waffle by Devinish :: Scale - 2.92

    Sanghelios by Phreakie :: Scale - 1.875
    Vandam Keep by Mace :: Scale - 1.96
    Telmson by megathumbs :: Scale 1.03

    Highest Score Ever Received (Update Continuously): 3.45 in Remedy by Linubidix.

    Want to get an AJ Critique? Leave me a link, but I like to find my victims, or erm... maps, on my own. So don't get your hopes up. Oh, and the reviews so far have been on some of most well-received maps ever put forth. If you can't handle an AJ Critique, stay in player mode.
    #1 _aj, Dec 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Well I love getting my maps reiewed but as it seems all your reviews only point out bad stuff I think I will wait for the reivew hub. Seoriusly post some good stuff too. That is the whole point of getting your map reviewed, to show players how good it is. Also I love how you always open your critique with a metaphor or simile. you migt want to fix these problems though.
  3. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    No, the whole point of getting your map reviewed is to show its strong points and the bad points. He's just showing the bad points, which isn't as bad as just good.It's best to have someone reviewing on just the bad parts than the just the good. If you don't know what the bad points are, then how can you improve your map?
  4. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    One big, old question for you. Why should I even take a review by you seriously? I am asking for a simple back-up point. I've seen much calmer reviews that I am much more willing to take seriously because they display their point cased in a nice manner that is both appropriate and efficient.

    I'd also like to ask that when you post a review on this thread, that along with the author and map name that you post a link to the thread.

    Spartan 396
  5. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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  6. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Spartan, you click the arrow next to his name in the quote, it brings you to the thread. Specifically his post, just hit the First Page button.
  7. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    I know that, but I am talking about a more visible indicator for someone's map. After all, they aren't his maps.
  8. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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  9. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    aha...this made me laugh a little.

    I dont know if youve noticed but Forgehub is all about giving constructive criticism and a somewhat sort of good and positve feedback.

    I think you should pay attention to some of the good at least since a map isnt just based on the bad.

    P.S- whats up with the only focusing on the screw ups? did you get a pair of dirty underwear and socks for Christmas? :p
  10. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    must agree but sometimes its good to be mean to help people improve, just look at Gordon Ramsey and Simon on american idol. Mean but needed.
  11. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    :haha: It is pretty funny.

    And no, actually, it was a horrid sweater.
  12. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    yes but Simon and Ramsey give praise when it is deserved.
    You have a good comparison but they know when something is good and/or bad.
  13. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    I like to think I'm hardly a problem when half of the hub run around giving random comments on random maps without playing them or even reading into the thread.

    Besides, I don't think many would tell me they weren't entertained by at least a few of the reviews.
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    You are right in that aspect.

    The problem with Forgehub is the abundance of spam and lack of intelligence.
    I dont call you stupid for your reviews; I just think you should have an open mind and look at the brighter side of these maps that people have worked so hard on.

    I think I can speak for most of the forgers on Forgehub when I say that making a map isnt always just about the gameplay, it is also about creating something that truly just blows your mind on sight.

    If I'm wrong there, then whatever. Thats what I believe even though I also believe that gameplay plays a big (but not 100%) role on maps.
  15. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Wow I love how you say everything is fail while this review is fail. All you do is complain about the bad stuff and do not help at all.
  16. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    I don't think you are TOO harsh in the critiquing, your just exaggerating the poor aspects of it.

    Also, even if the creator of the map completely ignores your comments, others that read this thread can learn something, you obviously know what your talking about and PLAY the map opposed to looking at the screenshots.

    Also, one last thing, your endings: "2.65 out of 5 times I wished I didn't DL this." Kinda sound like G4 (which I am angry because my G4 got replaced with Spanish Soap Operas...) they say it like this: "2.65 times I wished I didn't DL this out of 5"

    They put the Out of 5 at the end, just incase you didn't know, it will also make more sense that way

    Keep up the good work
  17. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    wow...your a hard critic.I know Im hard on bad maps but not this cruel.And these ae some epic mps you said were not good.sanghelios was awesome and look at the score. you say remedy is not a good map because of "goose chasing". and you rarly are able to get chased becuase there is a lot of differant paths everywhere. you seem like you could learn a few things about rating.what map would you concider a 5/5?
  18. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    Acheivement Unlocked : Make an utter fool of yourself on Forgehub!

    I'm pointing out everything that is wrong so they can fix it.
  19. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    Really? Wow, I actually didn't know that. Hmmm...
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