(I know, I know. The pic needs moar interlox.) Download Boxworld V2 Download Box King Download Box Ball Download Box Flag Number of players: 2-6 Gametypes Recommended: Box King (KOTH), Box Ball (Oddball), Box Flag (CTF), Fiesta Slayer Other Supported Gametypes: Slayer/Team Slayer Note: If you don't want to download all of the gametypes, at least download Box King or Box Ball. These two gametypes are the very best for the map and will provide the most enjoyment. Tip: If you are playing a default gametype, turn off motion-sensors for the best gaming experience for this map. Also, depending on the number of players, you may have to turn off starting nades if you are experiencing too much nade spamming due to the small size of the map. Map Description: Boxworld is a remake of a well-known Counter-Strike map called fy_iceworld, which is a very small map and very simplistic in design. However, I didn't choose to remake this map just because it was simple to make. Iceworld is one of the most fun CQC maps you will ever play in Counter-Strike, and I wanted to try to bring that over into the Halo community. There are a few differences in the original Iceworld and in Boxworld, since Counter-Strike and Halo are two completely different games and I had added my own features to Boxworld to make it more suitable for Halo. Creation Process: Alright, so the truth is that this map was actually my first competitive map and the first version took much less time to make than the new version. It had received mixed reviews, but the bottom line is that it was a mediocre map at best. I had decided to rebuild the map entirely from the ground up. I thought it deserved it since it was a remake of a very well-known and very fun map. The new version of Boxworld took about 25+ hours of building and testing, and it went through several testplays and reworks. It improves every single aspect of the first version; aesthetics, gameplay, spawns, you name it. My goal is to make this the best remake of Iceworld out there, and I hope I have succeeded. As an example of how much this map has changed, take a look at these overview pics: This is version 1... ...and this is version 2. Big difference. Gameplay: Despite its very small size, spawns are actually not that big of a problem at all. The only issues I've been getting concerning spawns were during games of Default Slayer or Fiesta Slayer, where I had spawned beside an enemy a couple times and I had either been spawn killed or I had killed the enemy. It really depends on how many people you play with but it should not be much of a problem. However, when playing Boxworld gametypes, there were really no issues with spawns at all. I'll admit, spawns are probably the most difficult aspect of the map to get right because it is tiny. Despite one or two occasional spawn kills, the map is still a blast and everyone who has tested would agree. The weapons are also quite balanced. There is not one weapon that will dominate, that includes the shotty. List of Weapons/Equipment: 4x BR / 2 spare clips / 30 sec respawn 2x SMG / 2 spare clips / 60 sec respawn 2x Sniper / 0 spare clips / 120 sec respawn 1x Shotgun / 0 spare clips / 120 sec respawn 2x Plasma Grenades / 30 sec respawn 2x Spike Grenades / 20 sec respawn Alright, enough with the text. Now, on to the pics. Looks very simple, doesn't it? Don't be fooled by the simplistic design. Sometimes, simple is better. Give it a try. You'll have a blast, I promise. Thanks to all of my friends who have helped me with testing, and thanks to all who take the time to look at the map. Please leave constructive criticism, good or bad. It would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
Very very sleek interlocking, great interlocking also. I love the aectetics, and the map looks preety good size too. Great ideas, keepem' comin. 5/5
you are right when you say simple is better. this looks great! i like the big hole in the top and this looks great for FFA and team slayer/ KOTH/ oddball.
(I made an account here just to comment on this) Oh sweet! Nice remake man, looks better than the original. Loving the additions you made, especially the crevices in the middle. Maybe you could make a GunGame version (Then again Fiesta would work just as well, but it just doesn't have that CS feel) as well? Dude, you should definitely make deagle_5 next. BTW, I know this is off-topic but what's your Steam ID? It'd be cool to play sometime, too few in the Halo community know the pwnz that is CS.
That's very odd, because the pics seem to be working for everyone else. I don't remember playing on deagle_5, but I've played on plenty of deagle maps before Remaking one would be a possibility, or perhaps some aim maps would be good as well. GunGame would be difficult to replicate because there is no way to make you switch weapons once you've killed somebody with a specific weapon, so yes, Fiesta is the next best thing. My Steam ID is assassin_498. Perhaps we could play sometime. Also, thank you for the feedback . Thanks to the rest of you who also left feedback!
From the outside, I thought this would be some simple, thrown together map. Oh man, was I wrong! Everything about Boxworld is great. Good cover, a nice layout, and great aesthetics. I really don't see how it would be possible to improve it. 6/6 and dl.
I can see this map working extremely well with 2v2 CTF. Only problem that might occur is spawning issues. Not 100% sure, seeing as I can't see the spawns though.
With 56 spawn points on the map, you shouldn't really have any spawning issues. You should give it a try, and if you do experience some spawn killing, please let me know.
Boxworld? More like Rush-World... To begin with, I am a big fan of the map Iceworld in CounterStrike. Though it is not a very hard map to recreate, you did it to perfection. The main problem is that maps for games like CounterStrike and Call Of Duty almost never work out in halo. I played some 3v3 oddball on this map and there was no strategy at all. There was not an ounce of competitiveness. Everyone just ran at the guy with the oddball and spammed grenades in the 4 feet by 4 feet map. Most remake maps like the belong in the aesthetic section because most are hardly competitive. Playing this map made me aggravated from randomly dying and in addition to a severe headache from all the grenade explosions. Please don't remake maps that clearly don't work in Halo, Pl0x-world 2.345 out of 5 times I got killed by a random grenade.