NeEd'S MoAr InTeRlOcKiNG. After the stunning success of Output v1 (sarcasm) I decided to update the map, and give it a interlocking makeover. 8/10 are now interlocked that now weren't, and the pics now illustrate how much interlocking there really is. This map also works with 4-16 players, and with One-Bomb, and Slayer. Download Link Though many power stations have been long since abandoned, many have been converted to rebel bases. Weapons: Machine Gun Turrets 2x Battle Rifle 5x SMG 4x Spiker 2x Brute Shot 1x Carbine 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Beam Rifle x1 Shotgun 1x Equipment: Trip Mine 1x Power Drainer 1x Custom Powerup 1x Plasma Grenade 2x Frag Grenade 2x Bubble Shield 2x Overview: Now uncampable sniper tower: New aesthetic piece, geomerged into the wall: New aesthetic centrepiece: Updated, easier to see weapons, above the gate. The gate switch is underneat the teleporters: Easier to reach platform: The turrets are still here: Instead of a chopper, two unreachable ghosts are the new centerpiece: I also made the whole large compound unreachable by vehicle, unless you open the gate: I have put a lot more work into this version, and cleaned it up nicely. It mainly works with One-Bomb, but can work with slayer. I hope you enjoy Output v2. Also, my pictures skills epic suck, so from my pics, there's really not much to judge. Download Link
This looks like a decent map, the layout is somewhat cool and you built some interesting structures. Still, there were several things that convinced me not to DL. You went from no interlocking to sloppy interlocking. Most of your merges are very sloppy, and it destroys your attempted aesthetics. That geomerged box in the corner looks really ugly... Also, it seems from your first picture that you have not nearly enough spawn points, the more the better! You shouldn't take pictures in forge mode either because it makes the map look uglier. Better than the original, but not a very well made map =(. Keep forgin...
The post seems a bit bare, you need to address 1.How it plays/How many players 2.Where each team spawns 3.What gametypes are playable 4.What the gate DOES and how it is operated On a whole it is good to see you interlocked 8/10 objects but you should try to make them less sloppy. To do this you simply need to line up the item that you are interlocking using walls or boxes flush on the surface of the object you are trying to interlock with and in turn making a guide line to lean the object you interlock with the first object. This means that you will have perfectly straight lines when you interlock and the whole aesthetic grade of your map will be boosted phenomenally (long words )
I agree with Trifslap This map looks a bit dull and boring I would suggest making a v3 but actually spend time making sure each piece is nicely interlocked and smooth
I like the sound of a gate in a slayer map. Normally people only make switch in minigames and infection maps. But it seems open.
looks cool. a wee bit sloppy, but not too bad. i guess ur first try didnt go so well. But at i'm glad to see that someone takes people's advice and really add on to their maps and repost them. so +rep for u. the merging and interlocking is good. nice aesthetics and what not. 4/5 for the map. keep up the good work!
i see interlocking and geomerging which is good. i would only suggest one thing and that is lining up the items using guides to make things look staight because the iterlocking is very sloppy. Also the geomerging is even sloppier and for that i would suggest using guides. if you would clean those 2 things up this would be a better map and also this map is very bare i would suggest adding scenery.
looks ok but you dont need 4 fusion coils on the sniper tower the geomerging is sloppy and the back area looks like you dont want us to go there but we easily can and window pannel looks bad there
so many turrets, no sniper in close range of 2 turrets, no shitty geomerges, yess bumpiness, sorta in some places stolen bridge design from the mechanar, yes epic fail, very near even though this is v2, it has many more v's till it gets there keep trying! youll get it right someday
I like it looks pretty neat but im not sure wat gate and switch u were talking about... interlocking was nice... the geo merging u need moar of... the time spent is large im sure weapons seem good... everything looks pretty good tho the layout could use a little work... 4.2/5
Sorry to revive this thread (I checked, I'm not breaking the rules) I like the aesthetics, but from the turret pisture, it looks a bit basic and open. Good improvement on version 1, but a V3 might be needed. Good attempt to make a High Groundy type map.
Well.. Nice try.. but work on cleaning the interlocking and geomerging.. and spend a good amount of time on it. 3/5.