Map Name: Irenic Link to map: What is "Irenic"? Irenic is a medium sized map with lots of cover and several "bases". The main spawn/objective areas are where the sniper(s)/Machine Gun Turret spawn. Irenic is somewhat unique (Not saying it's the only map like this, because it's not) because it changes with certain gametypes. If you are playing in a symmetrical gametype, Defender base spawns with a sniper. If your feeling up to an asymmetrical gametype, Defender's spawn with the machine gun turret. With these weapon changes geometry changes will also occur to make for more balanced gameplay. While playing in Slayer, you spawn in one of the two, smaller towers. For this reason, spawns are different every gametype. Notice: Please also keep in mind that this map isn't the largest map out there, so keep parties from about 4-10 players. I believe that seems adequate. I haven't had much playtesting, so I am extremely open to suggestions and critiques. Thanks. Gametype Suggestions: Irenic has been fitted to play any gametype you want to play on. It's highly recommended for Assault, Oddball, or Slayer though. As a recommendation, I suggest using the following settings for playing Assault: Weapons: Assault Rifles x4 Battle Rifles x4 Sniper Rifles x1 Sniper Rifles x1 (Variable; symmetric gametypes only) SMGs x1 Plasma Rifles x1 Needlers x1 Brute Shots x1 Covenant Carbines x1 Maulers x1 Machine Gun Turrets x1 (Variable; asymmetric gametypes only) Frag Grenades x8 Plasma Grenades x4 Bubble Shields x1 Weapons spawns have been made in the most balanced way possible. If you find them unbalanced at all, please contact me with suggestions. Screenshots: Picture One - Looking at Attacker's tower. Picture Two - Looking at Defender base during symmetrical gameplay. Picture Three - Looking at Defender base during asymmetrical gameplay. Picture Four - Looking at secondary spawn tower. Picture Five - Looking at secondary spawn bunker. Picture Six - Looking at the middle of the map from the Defender side. Author's Note: For me, what makes this map especially awesome is this is my first map with major geomerging. I understand that most of the really good maps have tons of geomerging incorporated in them. I have tried on several occasions to produce maps like that. I find it unusually difficult to make any really perfect geomerges. So partly due to laziness and partly due to the fact maps can still be fun without geomerging, I have a very minimal amount of geomerging included in this map. Sadly, this is my first map to include basically-perfect geomerges that actually have a somewhat large affect on gameplay. It's sad, I know. Yet fear not, maps like this can still be plenty fun. On a side note, I made this map with an industrial feel in mind. It's supposed to look gritty. Hope you enjoy and happy holidays. --Spartan 396 Link to map: A Few Question You Might Have: "Irenic" means conducive to, working towards, or act towards peace, moderation, and conciliation. As you might be able to tell, a game with violence and hapless killing is definitely not for peace. You can also see the sarcasm in the file's description on my fileshare. I have gotten this definition from this website: irenic - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary As you might see in the first picture, I was heavily inspired by Last Resort. The Attacker tower in picture number one looks like Camp Froman from Last Resort and even spawns with a Sniper Rifle. In picture number five, you'll also notice a bunker similar to what's next to Camp Froman in Last Resort. ----- If you've got any more questions, just ask them =P For emphasis: Link to map:
Great map but i think you relied on the fact that the map changes and put little effort into the map. but great map and great idea
oh ya, no effort considering almost everything is interlocked, and because it changes means that there is a lot of thought that went behind the gameplay instead of leaving it the same for 1flag and 2flag. play the map first and then see. which is wut im gonna do right now. and "great map" to "put little effort into the map". how do those two phrases fit together?
I put much effort in this map. I spent all of Sunday and the good half of Monday getting much of the spawns, weapon placements, and structures right. Due to lack of friends playing Halo 3 anymore I have a lack of a playtest. This is not nearly a final version and once I get some tests in I can improve upon my map.
The map is really unique,the map reminds me of like an oversize bunker and thats what i like it the map,interlocking is very good.i have nothing bad to say just can 10 players fit on the map with out spawn killing? and can i ask how look did you work on it?
The 10 players is a guestimate. I can't be sure until I rally up enough people to do some play-throughs on the map. May you rephrase your question? I didn't get what you said too much =P EDIT: I'd also like to take the time to state that my screen shots do not show the middle sections of the map, all of which I hope will see some good combat.
Looks pretty good for small team objectives and FFA play. I just downloaded and I'll see how it works out. You might want to add more pictures, because it looks like just a few small towering bunkers. I know it's probably not anything like that, so I'll play it and come back with a review.
not bad man not bad i DLed (yes,already) right when you posted the thread i i have to say very good i like the interlcoked walls by the barrels,those are a nice touch id say final rating: 8/10
Taking the above suggestion, I added a screen shot of the middle. The screen isn't much but it shows some of the small geomerging I did (The single box is in the ground =P) I'd also like to thank the above poster for playing on my map. If you get the chance to play some Slayer, etc., please tell me how it goes.
thats a contradiction if i ever heard one, lol. great map, but your map sucks, lol cool map, i really like the use of fence boxes, usually its hard to use them effectively without comprimising the look of the map. the interlocking is really good too, except for some spots, if you go back and clean those up the map would look a lot better. an over all 4/5 from me
Thanks for the comments. From the pictures, could you please tell me which sections have the most uneven interlocking? You just need to say picture numbers, pl0x. Thanks for the help
I wasn't very sure how the map would piece together with the first several screenshots, but the last one just blew me away. I love the overall layout and originality (Even if it is based off Last Resort). I can't wait to test the gameplay.
I played a game of three versus three Team Slayer, and the it was pretty amazing. I have some qualms, but I'm, back with my review. Layout - 8/10 The sides seemed to be the main point of action, were really fun to loop around and fire cross the map. My one concern is the lack of cover on the sides. The constant action makes for fast gameplay, and a frustratingly low average life span. I think that adding a little more cover on the sides could help fix this problem. Aesthetics - 8/10 The map didn't really have any aesthetic touches. I think there could of been more done, but it wouldn't really be necessary. Maybe interlock a couple power ups into each side to signify the different bases. Weapons - 7/10 The multiple Snipers could get a little hectic when ringing the map. This is another reason to add a little more cover to the map. Maybe replace the two Sniper Rifles with pieces of Equipment. Then replace the Bubble Shield with a Sniper, I would use a Beam Rifle. It isn't used all the time, and adds some personality to your map. Equipment - 8/10 I think you should maybe add a Deployable Cover or Flare in place of the Sniper Rifles. This would make you map more unique, because most people tend to stick to the conventional Equipment when putting Equipment on their map. Gameplay - 9/10 The gameplay was fast paced and action packed. That being said, if one team had both Sniper Rifles the other team was screwed. That's why I think they should be replaced with a single Beam Rifle. Overall - 80% Great map, this defiantly has a lot of potential. I think your main problem was the weapons. If you add some more cover, and make the weapons more balanced, this map's score will sky rocket. Irenic is a really good map, very enjoyable and fast paced, with just a few weapon flaws. B-
Thank you for the in depth review Now let me explain some of my reasoning. Addressing your sniper issue; Be sure to also try the game on an asymmetrical gametype. One of the snipers is replaced with a machine gun turret. I find that the sniper rifle is a great counter for the turret. As for the two snipers; Each sniper kind of balances each other out. I understand that if one team is to control both of the snipers, they'll dominate. I'd hoped that people playing could take one of the many battle rifles and cap some butt In all honesty, I've never had a problem with the two snipers, but it may have been different for you? Now onto the equipment suggestions; I specifically chose the bubble shield because the person/team who controlled it would then be offered substantial protection from both the turret and the sniper. The power drain would just add to the already large amount of 'nades I find going off. A deployable cover would have no use as the user can be shot from three sides and a machine gun turret can just shot the shield itself down. Radar jammers and flares would be just useless. Trip mines are so weak and obvious. I found the bubble shield provides good cover during any gametype. Help when arming the bomb, cover when carrying the flag, defense while taking a territory, or just a plain, old savior. Just because a bubble shield is the 'norm' doesn't make it any less of a good piece of useful equipment. Aesthetics; Not the main focus of my map but certainly not neglected. If you look upon the towers I actually thought their design was extremely neat. You may see it differently, but I thought they looked awesome. I'd also like to say that you wanted my equipment placement to be 'out of the norm' (My own phrase for what you said) yet you suggest placing power-ups to signify bases. That's definitely not unique.. On a side note, I ran out of item I can place on the map (Or am one or two away, I actually hit it mid-Forge). Layout/Cover on the side walkways; I realize that there is a lack of cover on one of the side walkways. That was actually a factor during the overall design of my map. I decided against it because I found it would greatly constrict movement and tend to be a bother. It would also be more of a path to take at your own risk, per say. As a suggestion; If you enjoyed playing my map, may I suggest playing some One-Bomb Assault on the settings I recommended in the OP? It makes use of the middle much more often and completely changes the flow of gameplay. Overall thanks for playing my map and helping test it for me. I am seriously taking into consideration much of what you said and I have already had a secondary version I am working up based on previous feedback. Thanks
I like how you explained things. I'm going to take your suggestion, and maybe play a little 2 vs 2 so that it's not so hectic. Either way, I really enjoyed this map and I hope you make a second version.
I smell a feature,maybe,that first guy is stupid,hes says no effort lawlz u almost interlocked everything.I'll dl but one flag looks a litttle small for this map,not that much room between the bases in one flag.Other than that it looks realy cool with all the bunkers and stuff.
I find it ironic that a war-based map should be called, Irenic. But I digress... When I played this map, the first thing I noticed was the commonplace wall jutting from a box to create a bunker. The problem is this limits mobility and the players on the edges can destroy those in the middle. Also, a law of forge is "Create geometry not cover." It looks like after finishing the map you tossed around signs and crates to break lines of sight. Fail. When you first plan your map, you need to plan for enough immovable structures so you don't need to throw down "cover". Also, the whole map is an eyesore. If I don't see new angles, objects on a diagonal, not double boxes on 90 degree angles I get angry. Another thing, it needs different heights other than ground level and one box height. Show some effort by geo-merging and interlocking new angles to create a variety of height levels. Lame design + lack of originality = waste of my time 2.65 out of 5 times I wished I didn't DL this.
I'm glad you understand the sarcasm of the name. I hate to sound pompous when pointing this out to someone obviously not as equipped to humor as I, but it was, in fact, intentional. Now I understand where you're coming from, I had the generosity to click the link in your signature. I'm not taking a review seriously from a man who rates some good maps so poorly. That, or I should take this as a compliment. Now, onto your problems with my map. I'll try to justify them as best I can. The 'Bunker': I realize it's not original. I was partially inspired by other bunkers I had seen before. I thought it was cool idea. And in my experiences, that bunker has been anything but constricting to movement. Now for your so-called "law of Forge," I've never heard of that crock of lies before. In fact I find cover of larger gameplay value than the looks or geometry. To each his own, but don't make up unofficial, non-established laws to inflate your already self-presumed stature. Those darn "random" boxes and signs!: Yeah, I broke those lines of sight, alright! Yeah, on the issue of cover: you need it. Without cover you get even more of a giant kill fest than this map already is. I find in maps without cover, I get extremely frustrated. This is what I do with my maps. I find gameplay elements I like or don't like and I attempt to vastly improve upon them. Without those "tossed" around crates and signs, battle rifles and sniper rifles would dominate even more than they already do. Ouch, my eyesore!: Yeah, whatever. Last time I noticed what the map looks like doesn't effect my enjoyment of a map. Interlocking and geomerging can look nice and help gameplay, yes. I interlocked and geomerged solely for gameplay, other than a few locations. I don't care if you don't like non-90 degree angles or non-one-box-level heights, I honestly don't care. It works for fun gameplay and I've found this map to be highly fun when playing. And yes I realize it has many things that could be vastly improved upon. Uniqueness: Ah yes, I know my map doesn't have features all it's own. It's hard to make a map like that now-a-days. Of course this is how Man advances in life. He takes ideas previous (most of the time) or mistakes and fixes/improves upon them, making them more flexible for his needs. I think my map incorporates tons of ideas and works them into it's folds quite nicely, without your opinion to beg a differ. On another note, I'd like you to link me a map with the same, exact design. I haven't seen one at all. The layout is 100% unique, at least from what I've seen/played. Now for with fact I don't care about your opinion. I'm glad that this isn't on your HDD anymore, I don't want people like you playing my maps. If I ever have the pleasure of you even thinking about posting a review on my maps, I'd like to kindly ask that you don't. Your review is nothing but hog wash from a self-imposed nobody. Honestly, your review is actually garbage. I'm scared to say that I am actually considering some improvements based on your review. Thanks for taking your oh-so precious time to review my unworthy map (let me point out that the previous was sarcasm, for you're oblivious to it). I am thankful you took your time, though.