Modern Warfare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shihuru, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Modern Warfare
    UPDATED: 1/24/09

    In Modern Warfare, you are able to choose from four different soldier classes. You can choose from an Assassin, Demo Trooper, Support, or an Assault Trooper to fight fire with fire. Blow the other teams brains out with your special tools of destruction!!!

    Assassins - Assassins are able to utilize 2 different types of sniper rifles. The classic gas-operated, magazine-fed SRS 99D AM Sniper Rifle or the highly-technological Particle Beam Rifle. Assassins are also able to slice and dice their enemies with the almighty energy sword. They can disrupt their enemies radars with the radar jammers. Assassins are know to be stealthy, so they are equipped with the latest cloaking devices.

    Demo Troopers - Demo Troopers are the demolition crew in the battlefield. They carry the explosive M41 SSR MAV/AW Rocket Launcher (way different from its predecessor, the M19 SSM Rocket Launcher) and the Blastacular WAV M6 GGNR Spartan Laser. For an extra kick they are also equipped with the highly radioactive Fuel Rod Gun. Since Demo Troopers specialize in demolition, they are equipped with the hard-hitting, pressure sensitive Trip Mine. To wrap up, Demo Troopers come with the armour density enhancing overshield for some bonus defense against enemy fire.

    Supports - Supports do just what they are named, to support their comrades with turret gun and plasma turret fire. They also come equipped with the M90A CAWS Shotgun. With all that added fire power, Supports are slow moving (25% slower) but very powerful (150% DMG) and very tough (150% DEF). Supports also serves as medics in the battlefield, they can mend the wounds of their allies with the portable shield regenerator while standing under the protection of their deployable shields.

    Assault Troopers - Last but not least, are the Assault Troopers. these battle hard soldiers are equipped the fatally accurate BR55HB SR Battle Rifle and MA5C ICWS Assault Rifle. They can deploy Power Drains, Flares, and Bubble Shields to aid them in battle. Assaults are trained to use a wide variety of weapons, like grenades. They can burn enemies and vehicles to crisps with incendiary grenades, blow enemies out of cover with fragmentation grenades, and clear gaps in enemy defenses with plasma grenades.

    Pictures -
    Choose Your class!
    Ground Support!
    Just In Time!
    Damn! Hit By Mortars
    Support Team
    Sniper canyon
    Sniper Team
    The Battlefield...
    ! Updated Pictures !
    New Respawns
    Fixed Receiver Nodes

    Map -
    Modern Warfare
    Modern Warfare v2 - Updated Version!

    Gametypes -
    Team Deathmatch (Recommended)
    Siege (Not Yet Tested)
    Search & Destroy (Not Yet Tested)

    Number of Players -
    6 to 8 players

    How to Play -
    Team Deathmatch: In Team Deathmatch players have to kill the opposing team. Each kill is worth 5 points, each headshot is worth 6 points, each assist is worth 2 points. First team to 250 points wins the match.
    Siege: (Description processing)
    Search & Destroy: (Description processing)

    First Map in MONTHS, so please Rate, Comment, and of course Download!
    #1 Shihuru, Dec 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2009
  2. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    oh yeah this is really cool, you get to pick your class and everything! pretty creative, sounds fun! if you wanted to, maybe you could expand the amount of players possible if you make everyone spawn randomly as a class, not that you change the game it is right now but if you wanted to make another saved variation to the map for more people to play. nice job :D
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Sorry, its actually 6 to 8 players that are able to play on this map. I had this modded slayer gametype made by some guy name Anthony. It allowed players to respawn instantly! It was really fun trying it out, it made the game feel like CoD 4. I would use the variant as the official gametype for this map but its illegal to have modded content on your fileshare.
  4. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    yeah ok i see what you mean, im sure it's still good either way
  5. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Looks interesting. class choice is always optimal hence why halo gets so damn boring after a while. Problem is, few people pay attention to honor rules or betrayals for that matter.

    Also, show more of the map next time in your post. the majority of you pics were just closeups. good idea tho. 4/5
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Seems a bit manic. The Demolition guy would probably dominate, but the assassin... Does he have good or poor camo? Nice map from what I can see, although you may need some honour rules put in place.
  7. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    It looks good. I'm going to rate it a four out of five. Extremely nice post, by the way. Very descriptive, and it explains the whole map. Not many people do that these days. Anyway, back on topic, very good map. Though if I wanted to play COD4 or COD5, I would. Gameplay wise though, couldn't someone just choose to be a support class, gain the overshield, and grab a sniper? Visa versa with the other classes. Or is that the point? I'm easily confused over very simple things. Back on track, good map. Very original, very creative, very nice indeed. Good job.
  8. fraggature

    fraggature Ancient
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    You can sort of do that in CoD4/5 anyways, this just utilises class spawning, which is an excellent idea, will dl once I can get a network adapter (stupid ICS not working, atleast my laptop will get a rest lol)
  9. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Aaw Shihuru, you suck lol. I had already made a class-select thing for a Team Fortress 2 map lol. Oh well. As long as the idea is being put to good use. I love the classes that you've made, and the map looks like it has plenty of cover to hide behind, not to mention some of the scenery is awesome. Love that little fence in the center. 4/5.
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Actually, i had already made a class selecting map before, it was called Halo RPG. People didn't like it very much because the map itself didn't have anything in it except for 2 bases. So I vowed to create a new one. This is how Modern Warfare was concieved and born...

    There isn't any honour rules in this map. You HAVE to pick a class, if you don't then your stuck in the closed off parts of the map. Which are base 1 and base 2 of the original map.

    I doubt he does, i mean during my playtests, he wasn't much of a problem. Everything is balanced out. Assassins are probably the only problems, but thats only if they have their camo on. After 30 secs, their camo is gone, and they've lost their edge. So i setted up a sniping spot for the assassins to sort of ease their vulnerability. Honour-rules, Smonour-rules. No one listens to honour-rules, it just ruins the game. So this map is 100% honour-rule free!

    No, it is impossible to do that with support or any other class except Demo. Since they have their rockets and can rocket jump over the barrier, i changed it so they can't jump over anymore, but you can't see the changes through the pictures. I kept the pictures from my first version of the map.
  11. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch Ancient
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    Class-based gametypes have been used before, but this one looks to be pretty darn good. Your descriptions and pics are nice, and the map looks at least halfway decent.

    I'd give this one a try if I wasn't chocked full of games and maps right now. Great work on classes, by the way. I hope they're balanced =)
  12. Jzilla 28

    Jzilla 28 Ancient
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    theres only one problem i found is that you can deployable cover jump out of the class choosing bunker
  13. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I like the whole overall Idea, but the map itself is a bit crappy. You should have spent more time with the whole layout, even the class selection could of been made better. Mainly to prevent cheating, but also for a good layout.
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Its hard trying to do all of that when you can only have a limited amount of items on the map. Trying to complete a good class selector, map, and make it cheat-proof is hard. I like how the map came out compared to it's predecessor (which I will admit, it was kinda crappy). Its okay if you think its crappy, because I know for a fact that you haven't downloaded it yet and really get to play it...

    The only class with deployable shields are the supports. It wouldn't matter if they can jump out of their hole. The most valuable thing in the support hole is the custom power up, and adds gravity onto the player who has it on...
  15. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I am glad to see that you want this featured but it is unlikely with Remedy, Castleanche, and 8 emerald legs still waiting to be featured. I mean not to sound rude but what do people see in this map that I do not. It is basicly just like half the oher maps that get posted on casual. two bases with cover strun out so that players can navigate through the map. Also like said above the interlocking and geomerging lacks some flare to it. Featured maps have to look nice aesteticaly as well as have good gameplay. Maybe the gameplay is somthing special but if half the other maps with the exact same layout and design wern't featured then i doubt this will. But I can't really say much until i play a few rounds.
  16. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Look at the most recently featured map, Tremor Blast. Do you honestly believe that a map got featured because of its "look"? In my eyes i believe if the gameplay is really fun, then it should be featured. You do not have to make a map look good to be featurable, but i also believe that it should only be interlocked to keep gameplay running smoothly.

    You are right about my competition, espicially with so many people rooting for "Valley of the Beast." I've learned that i can't always win them all (Linubidix), But im very confident about my maps, if i can get at least 1 of my many maps to be featured, then i can proof most people wrong (Those who talks about interlocking etc). To answer your question, this map was very fun to the people who help test it with me, especially when one of them offered to use their instant respawn slayer gametype (Don't worry, im not using it as an official gametype, just for those who wants to play a game with it on the map). Yes there might be some flaws in this map, but i can always fix them and hopefully it'll get featured...
  17. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Nope but you don't want to have screwed up interlocks and merges as shown in the third picture. It really just doesn't loo like it would play well. And it looks like every other map i have ever seen. If they don't get featured then why should this. If it did get featured I would never download cause of the way thatit looks and that is the way it goes. Don't reply to this or a flame war might start.

    And yes, I belive that Tremor Blast looks very nice. Sue me!
  18. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I don't see how a "flame war" is going to start we're just simply discussing a map.

    I don't see what you see in the third picture. I just a warthog, and who said anything about screwing up interlocks and merges. The map seems fine to me. I might not be the best interlocker or geo-merger but i believe i've done a good enough job, especially with geo-merging (This map displays my first time ever geo-merging by the way). I mean what do you want a war-related map to look like?
  19. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    hey just wanna let ya know you can't please everyone, some people simply don't like stuff that maybe a majority of other people like, i mean it's cool that you're trying to persuade him but you guys may wanna cool down cuz it might start into a debate. hey idk, and im not wronging any of you guys, just throwing out the potential possibility.

    as for me... i really like the map and personally think if it's fun it doesn't matter what it looks like, although the looks may be a factor in it. fun is what counts right? well u guys decide! :p
  20. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Pretty nice. I like the class system, I thought of it a while ago, but lack the forge skills to really put anything together. Very nice idea, and nice map. BTW, how long does the custom powerup last?

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