Hammer & Anivil Map pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Moniter117, Dec 29, 2008.


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  1. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    I just wanted to start a new discussion about what Bungie can do to improve forge.

    here are a few of my ideas:

    *Every now and again update forge with some new items so like for example a diffrent sized box in foundry. This would improve creativity and would be awsome

    *Make a new map pack call Hammer & Anivil map pack completly dedticated to forge it would include three maps
    *Sandbox: a completly square room with all of foundries items and
    *Forge-halla: a map ALMOST as big as valhalla but a bit smaller with
    forrunner based forge items
    *The stadium: a big football like stadium complete with stands.
    this would benift those forger who like to make sport like
    gametypes such as griff-ball or races. It would come with
    few but effective ittems such as ramps and boxes.

    If you come up with more ideas that are worthy i will post them.

    Please do the poll!


    Three of the most helpful and simple changes that could easily be done in forge:

    -You know the B button? It should be used to turn immovable object pathing on/off (like doors) maybe when in pathing mode, the objects go translucent.
    -Immovable objects shouldn't fall when you press A (this would also keep objects from falling through the map when pathing turned on).
    -When you press X on immovable objects, you can adjust the angle on three axis points, along with rotating them normally.
    -disapear time, for timed events.

    Some of the more hardcore and less likely changes that could be done in forge:

    -Only one player forge.
    -No phisical editor like the moniter, just a view point that can pass through everything untill a certain point in each map. (that point would be a invisible wall with scenery behind it, gridded if nothing behind it)
    -The map and objects is translucent, increasing the closer you are. 20m away would be opaque, 3m would be clear.
    -Two main Objects: 1-Normal objects(with cooler name). 2-geometry.
    -The Interactables and Scenery objects (read list below) would be pathable (like doors) and will float instead of drop. On the X menu of the item, it will have three axis' of changable specific angles, along this regular right trigger rotation.
    Normal Objects:
    weapons (turrets would be geometry)
    equiptment (powerups would be geometry)
    AI (sure!)
    Scenery (panels, poles, boxes, sheild doors)
    Interactables (doors, computers)
    Liquids (one of either water, lava, or awsomesauce would be up to a certain height of the level)
    Gas (one of either fog, steam, or deadly ninja poision would be at a a certain height and up)
    -For vehicles, interactables and scenery, pressing B on a item will give you the option to change skins.
    -On pause menu, the option to play would be availible, and would be played normaly
    -Timed events for normal objects (vehicles, weapons, ect) possibly a timeline.

    There should be a coloring feature added to forge
    it would include:
    -A paint feature where you could paint objects such as walls boxes and vehicals.
    -A "spray paint" feature where you can spray blood,scorches,flood gunk, and other such things
    One personal thing I would love is a death barrier placeable in forge. Players could make "fell to you death" situations and for the default layout just set them up for an average size map. Then forgers can still move them and have a large area to work with and do not have to block off large map sections.

    I am also personally surprised forge doesn't include landscape scenery. It could be used just like other objects but instead would be a rock or a tree.

    Another small adjustment that would be nice is that items do not center themselves when grabbed. This way you don't have to guess at your measurements since the box flies away if you move to much before grabbing it.

    Some objects that you could set the size and shape would be nice. Perhaps a wall that you set the four points for and then it fills in the area. Counts as a single object but could make several maps unbreakable and smoother.

    As stated above having a better way to make objects disappear then there currently is would be nice. Just having them spawn after a set time has produced an increasingly amazing number of impressive switches.

    Skins would work out great even if objects only had Human vs. Covenant to choose from. Since this is only looks however, there are a few more improvements that are more useful at present. True it could really make some maps stand out but I still feel other features are needed even more.

    All changes I believe should follow what I believe may work well: One way to forge would be like the current system: easy, fast, precise, and understandable. I also believe that more advanced forgers should have the option to turn on more advanced controls that while having a much higher learning curve, could allow for better and more precise map design and creation.
    -A snap tool, like in farcry
    - all of the equipment they left out of multiplayer but had in campaign, like deployable camo, invincibility, and the auto turret, which could add some intersting games.
    -And possible a skybox editor.
    #1 Moniter117, Dec 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    A full scale terrain editor, with all items from all maps in it, plus more. It will have an infinite budget and infinite item limit. This is what bungie should have done the first time.
  3. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    that's a cool idea but i'm talking realisticlly here
  4. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    the problem with these all forge map packs is that forgers only make up a small percent of the halo community. most people just want new maps, i don't think that bungie should have made a full scale terrain editor first, because that's not what forge was meant to be, but i agree it would be cool if we were given a terrain editor, but then that would be so different from forge, i mean look at all the forged maps, compared to some of the far cry maps with a terrain editor. they are incredibly different. it is a completely different style than what forge is. i myself am happy with forge, i just wish we had more room.
  5. I K3NN3DY I

    I K3NN3DY I Ancient
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    i think bungie should put in a piece editor....so you will be able to create individually unique items to put in a map
  6. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Now that is a good idea, I believe all forge really needs right now is more room. a way to block of parts of the maps without the use of needed pieces and some switches. Like openable and closeable doors via the teleporter system. You set the switch or button to channel one then when activated it opens/closes the door(s) set to channel 1 as well.
  7. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    A lot more people forge than you think, you would be surprised. I just want all objects to be like door except that you can put the whole object through something and you can turn this feature on and off in case you need to set it on op of something.
  8. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    That, and making it so that when you place an object (in the air or ground), it will stay there. That would make geomerging, interlocking, and float glitching would be much easier and hassle-free.

    Customizable objects would be good too.
  9. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Here are three of the most helpful and simple changes that could easily be done in forge. These are more of just a forge V2:

    -Immovable object traits will be changed. All immovable objects will be pathable, and placed rather than dropped. Pathable is how doors can be merged with anything, the only difference with the new immovable objects is the entire object is pathable. Now, if you place an object, it drops, this is a good thing for other objects, but immovable objects should be placed, or floated, by pressing A.
    -When on the X menu, immovable object's angles can be adjusted on three axis points, along with rotating them normally.

    These would take a new map editing engine, a little more drastic, but i would love these changes:

    -Only one player forge.
    -No physical editor like the monitor, just a view point that can pass through everything until a certain point in each map. (that just like theater)
    -The map and objects is translucent, increasing the closer you are. 30m away would be opaque, 15m would be clear.
    -Two main Objects: 1-Normal objects(with cooler name). 2-Geometry.
    Normal Objects:
    weapons (turrets would be geometry)
    equipment (powerups would be geometry)
    AI (sure!)
    Scenery (panels, poles, boxes, shield doors, electric walls, teles)
    Interactables (doors, computers, bridges - halo CE energy bridges!, pipes which eventually fill up the level with liquid, stops at a adjustable time)
    Environment; acts like FX, but with adjustable range. (gas, fox, deadly ninja poison)
    FX; just like normal, more variety, day/night would be appreciated.
    -All geometry fully pathable and floatable, like i have described earlier.
    -On the X menu of the item, interactables and scenery objects will have three axis' of changeable specific angles, along this regular right trigger rotation.
    -For vehicles, interactables and scenery, pressing B on a item will give you the option to change skins.
    -On pause menu, the option to play would be available, and would be played normally
    -Timed events for normal objects (vehicles, weapons, ect) possibly a timeline.

    I copy/pasted this through all the 'what could forge be like' threads.
    #9 Seaboro Kibbles, Dec 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  10. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Realisticly when recon is released they will probably have a terrain editor. That may be the reason it is done in a seperate disk, because they need to re-enncode it. It will not be like far cry cause it will have halo themed surfaces. Also a piece editor would go great. Imagine making a large map themed after the level cortana with flood bubbles and myst and everything. It really isn't that unrealistic.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Stop wishing. There's a million of these types of threads floating around in here, generally leading into discussions such as "Bungie should remake Headlong", "Snapping objects", "Instant floating", etc.
  12. Security

    Security Ancient
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    All of this is good, but I would like it if you could weld objects together, and use no collide for easy interlocks in geomerging.
  13. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Uh, no
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    A colour editor. So you can colour boxes and crates and walls and stuff different colours. You could also use the tool to spray-paint blood and dirt marks on objects and the ground.
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    A snap tool, like in farcry, and all of the equipment they left out of multiplayer but had in campaign, like deployable camo, invincibility, and the auto turret, which could add some intersting games. And possible a skybox editor.
  16. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    I didn't consider ODST
    i was just thinking about a halo 3 forge update/map pack
    But yes i agree they will probably make a full terrain-blah blah forge thing in ODST
  17. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Just trying to spark the imagination
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You, and every person who's ever wanted a infinitely big blank map, no budget, infinite objects, auto-interlocking/geomerging, destroyed vehicles, door switches, Scarabs, Elephants, AA Wraiths, corpses, drivable forklifts, surveillance cameras, booby traps, retractable bridges, toggle shield doors, spinning objects, etc.
  19. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :) lol
  20. Erisnas

    Erisnas Ancient
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    One personal thing I would love is a death barrier placeable in forge. Players could make "fell to you death" situations and for the default layout just set them up for an average size map. Then forgers can still move them and have a large area to work with and do not have to block off large map sections.

    I am also personally surprised forge doesn't include landscape scenery. It could be used just like other objects but instead would be a rock or a tree.

    Another small adjustment that would be nice is that items do not center themselves when grabbed. This way you don't have to guess at your measurements since the box flies away if you move to much before grabbing it.

    Some objects that you could set the size and shape would be nice. Perhaps a wall that you set the four points for and then it fills in the area. Counts as a single object but could make several maps unbreakable and smoother.

    As stated above having a better way to make objects disappear then there currently is would be nice. Just having them spawn after a set time has produced an increasingly amazing number of impressive switches.

    Skins would work out great even if objects only had Human vs. Covenant to choose from. Since this is only looks however, there are a few more improvements that are more useful at present. True it could really make some maps stand out but I still feel other features are needed even more.

    All changes I believe should follow what I believe may work well: One way to forge would be like the current system: easy, fast, precise, and understandable. I also believe that more advanced forgers should have the option to turn on more advanced controls that while having a much higher learning curve, could allow for better and more precise map design and creation.

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