Well.. the original album cover was boring so.. i made this CC is nice... No Border Black Border White Border Original
Looks pretty cool...fits the theme very nicely. Maybe you could fit the Doomsday Clock in there somewhere, just to pull off the whole effect? That phrase belongs to Iron Maiden.
I like the concept, with the darkness and the clock referring to "minutes to midnight". But me being a consumer I would pick the original over yours. Sorry.
I actually think that its better than the original but personally i would have found a way to get the band members in the cover some how. Who knows how that would be able to happen but hey you never know.. nice job
Or maybe throw something into the background that actually relates to the figurative meaning of the album title...?
Yeah thats cool. Definatly better than the original I think. I would like to edit it to show you how I think it could be better, but i dunno if you would mind?
I like the one with no seems to flow better with the Forgehub theme. I also like the incorporation of the original text it looks good with the clock.
Great minds think alike. That's what I was thinking it should look like. As for your original, I like it. I like the clock's time, and the darker color.
Draf.. that scares me.. lol. and Fastforward i tried to do something like that but i tried to take out the water and i couldnt get it to look right.