
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by thesilencebroken, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    WARNING | I've seen the garbage in the other pre-dlc threads. If any of you attempts to come into this thread and flame it because its not a foundry/blackout/avalanche map, I will IMMEDIATELY infract you and delete your post. What is welcome is comments about the gameplay and what you do or do not like about that.


    I've noticed alot of people doing pre-dlc maps lately, and I wanted to try one of my own. Epitaph has always been one of my favorite maps, regardless of what other people say about it. I went with that and tried to give a symmetrical take on an asymmetrical map. While i know its nothing spectacular, its been a long while since ive gotten to release a map. I hope you download it and play it with an open mind.


    5 Battle Rifles
    2 Assault Rifles
    6 SMGs
    2 Carbines
    2 Snipers [1 symmetrical only]
    1 shotgun [asymmetrical only]
    1 mauler
    2 spikers
    4 plasma rifles
    1 plasma pistol
    8 plasma grenades

    1 active camo
    1 regenerator
    1 flare
    1 power drain [symmetrical only]


    team slayer
    one flag
    shotty snipers







    #1 thesilencebroken, Dec 29, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2008
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Looks fun for CTF.

    I really thought that Bungie should have put in some Teleporters in the original Epitaph and you did just that. It's good that you also put in some grav lifts to get on higher ground easier and faster. I can't believe Bungie did not think of that lol.

    Very nice map, it has some sufficient cover and all the things I have mentioned earlier. Good job.

    Oh and because of your map, I have come to realize maps like this that focus on gameplay rather than making some flashy designs are pretty good once one realizes it.
  3. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    With all due respect, the silence broken, this is a forum. or rather, a discussion of a post and its components. I hardly see how it is either appropriate or logical in the slightest sense for you to limit what can be said. Granted, people have a tendency to be obnoxious, but regardless, you should not post something if you are unwilling to hear the end of it.

    As for the map, it looks...interesting. pre-dlc is risky, but it looks like you pulled it off. i will dl and give it a go. 4/5
  4. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    Hey man whats up silence your right it has been a while since you have posted a map. Enough with the greetings now on to the map.

    Overall it looks like you have taken several key elements from epitaph and twisted them to be used more effectively. take the active camo spawn for example, I love the idea of moving the camo and placing a grav lift there that ought to make for some great gameplay. In the end gameplay is what people are going to notice and i believe that you have pulled that off quite nicely, pre-dlc and all.

    I also notice that you have moved some of the weapons around. I like where you put the sniper it would appear to be most effective from that location. All in all this is just a classic example of the gameplay>aesthetics argument and if you could it would be great if you could set up a game on this and invite me so i can check it out a little closer. All i did was a forgethrough so i still need some gameplay experience.

    Great map i look forward to seeing the next installment from the mind of thesilencebroken.

    4.5/5 (highly likely to be a 5/5 once i play on it :p)

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    actually, seeing as its against the rules to talk bad about a map by giving a review based solely on pictures, which is what he is referring to, he most certainly CAN infract those people.

    Anyway, I'm doing a forge-through as we speak, and I like what I see. Believe it or not, but Epitaph is also one of my favorite maps. I really like what you've done with the pillars in the center hall.. though I'm skeptical of their influence on multi-flag (although I could be wrong). At first glance I had some concern that the defenders might be able to get to the camo quicker than the attackers, which is true, but then I realized that the attackers can access their sniper rifle much quicker than the defenders can, and should make for some cool battles right off the bat. I also like the symmetry options with the shotgun/sniper on the Attacker's side, nice touch. I'm also digging cross hallwayin the middle of the map and how you've both added some small aesthetic touches as well as made them function different with one having the grav lift. I'll try and get some games on here soon and get back here with some more gameplay comments. good job expanding those pre-dlc wings, welcome to the club.
  6. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    this is great, you have added many forgeable objects to epitah, and even with the restricted palette, you still added a multitude of new pathways, and changed the weapons and powerup positions, and added barriers for cover 5/5 for a pre DLC nice work.
  7. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Ah, the power of the mod! Beside that, great spin on Epitaph. You made excellent use of the objects it has available, and looks fun for CTF. Props to you and DLing now.
  8. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    Foundry is the best but it looks like you did a very good job 4/5 I like the grav lifts leading to different walkways outside + you used a nice cover piece with the barrier that u usually see in foundry
  9. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    I tried a map on Epitaph a while back too, it's Epicenter in my sig. This looks very good. I think the main reason people don't like Epitaph is the way the weapons are set up, and you seem to have rearranged the weapon set well.
  10. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Interesting, I've never actually seen a good map on Epitaph made but I'll have to have a look. I see you added some keen grav-lift to help you boost up but you know what would be cool is if you could go underneath the glass room (using the glitch to get down there) and save and quit a upside down sender node then finally adding the grav lift on top it basically like its a geo-merged grav-lift. I wouldn't know though if the grav-lift would have enough strength to get you up there.

    The weapon changes seem for the better and to enhance gameplay so overall it looks like you did a good job on an epitaph map.
    Lul PS, this map caught my attention because around mid summer I posted a map with the exact name ;p.

    Nice job on that map again.
  11. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    mr. silencebroken, you have done something that i have allways wanted to see, sonething that bungie has dine there best to fix but never have even with epilouge, you sir have managed to make epitaph playable for multi flag, i can still remember playing multiflag on epitaph in team doubles, were you just walked a long the rim and you could never reach them, but with the inclusion of a few gravlifts you have made it possible to stop the flag carrier not to mention making the middle survivable, i was just wondering if u used the epilouge canvas our epitaph and how ling this took you to make and why you named it what you named it
    you get 4 killed flag carrier medals out of 5
  12. majorsh0ck

    majorsh0ck Ancient
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    this probably took five to twenty minutes you should be ashamed of your self twisting a created map and not making a whole idea like a fort or something I give you some credit with the gravlifts, I always Hated those pesky jumpsthat I barely miss and fall off in matches this is actually not that bad but would be a 3/5 but it is a 2/5 for lack of creativity
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    This map took about 5 hours. I just decided to make it randomly, and i only played a few minor matches on it. It wasnt intended for a full on project, just something to keep me steady until my foundry projects are done. Im happy with how it came out. Additionally, I used Epilogue as a canvas, and I named it after a Norma Jean song called "Amnesty Please".

    I would consider your opinion important if you had some sort of point. You just kept repeating that i was uncreative. The point wasnt to make a revolutionary map, It was to take an old map and put a new spin on it for something new gameplay-wise. Play it first or GTFO.
  14. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Glad to see another Pre-DLC. These can be just as much, if not more, fun than 90% of the interlocked foundry maps out there. I once did a CTF map on Epilogue based on a different gametype of mine, and Epilogue was practically designed for CTF because of the various walkways and escape routes. I like the grav lift placements for additional options for flag returns and I'll give this a go for one flag as soon as possible.
  15. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    I like the way you used the grav-lifts. I would acually never think of that. I think it would we great for CTF. Maps such as these made me start to like outside Foundry maps. A map doesnt need geo-merging/merging to be good.
  16. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    I honestly love comments like this , they never cease to amuse me. I love how he repeats the same thing over without giving any justification towards his point.

    Now, I completely agree with you TSB, people need to stop shunning non-foundry maps and start trying maps like these, their a lot of fun.

    I hate to rate before I play so I won't speak of game play yet, so I will return with a comment about it. As for now the map looks great, as usual.
  17. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    lack of creativity? wtf r u supposed to forge on epitaph with? Amnesty doesnt lack anything & is creative. i cant really explain to you what im trying to say but i see absolutely nothing wrong with this map. well i guess that was what i was trying to say :p
  18. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    nice thought I guess.Nothing toooo special but I guess it works. Im having trouble knowing how to post one of my maps.Does anyone know how to upload pictures and stuff under Community Maps?
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Ah, neat, an Epitaph map. Before the non-shield door varient, it was really hard to work with this map, although I had made a few maps dealing mostly with the outside walkways. I think I should go back and revisit that idea, taking some inspiration from your map here.

    How does Territories hold in this? I was thinking of making a Conquest map on Epitaph.
  20. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    having downloaded the map, and given it a forgethrough, i must say, it looks interesting. With the adition of teleporters ( which block off a pair of lifts), the pillar formations in the centre, and the gravlifts that allow easy acces to the top floor from the middle of the map; this map looks to bring an interesting twist to a rather common map. sadly, i dont care that much for the base gameplay of epitaph ( to many crappy doubles games lol!), so it wont be making a home on my hardrive.
    cant wait for the map you and linu are making.

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