I'm really glad this finally got featured. I played it a couple of weeks ago in Vicious Voce's party and it was really fun. The idea is great and the map itself is neat too. Congrats Creep1ng De4th!
lol light u only say that because you rape so much. and this game is like THE reason that i even go into TGIF anymore. being ive played everygame in TGIF like 30 times. this is the only game that is different everytime depending on the players. aaaaah i enjoyed going 15mice vs tender bisquit so much laughter....
Haha, I only noticed this map yesterday thanks to that thread that you can recommend maps for features. I was blown away when I fist saw it. The one thing I like about geo-merging on Avalanche is the authenticity of the finish product. It looks just as if it were buried in snow. Gameplay-wise, it looks outstanding. There are plenty of places to move-around. Tremors instead of a Cat makes it more enjoyable for both teams in my opinion. Truely, congrats on the feature.
Thanks everybody :0) I never expected this game to be played almost religiously for the last month, but countless games later people are still loving it. Thanks for the support and I hope you all enjoy it for as long as possible.
Bungie said it best when they released halo 2. " We knew we had to make people have fun in less that 20 seconds and maintain that fun through out the experience, or we would'nt have done our jobs." So basiclly forge hub has come to that level with map building! Play the latest feature and you will soon learn if you are playing on it with cool people that hours can fly by! People here take great pride in their maps, the best maps speak for themselves and this one roars Fun. This game plays like an Indy car you dont want to get out of the cockpit! Its some times hard though to convince a would be flag carrier that your mongoose is the best one to take a daredevil ride back on. Because every one who has made it to the pickup spot had to use wit, cunning and a touch of luck. Good thing the flag returns relatively quick. The mice can keep trying to excape the traps when the inevitable happens, and score the flag. I played a very early version just over a months ago, if thats even possible. Point being I instantly knew it could be spun into Gold. And judging by the first one I played, as great as it was. I would fair to guess that the final here is atleast version 5 using a richtor scale in mulitiples of 10 how much fun it is now! This is perfect for customs matchmaking it never gets old!
This is certainly one of the best mini games to come out in a long, long time. It is among Cat'n Mouse and Labyrinth as a TGIF classic!
It was amazing fun at what? One-o-clock in the morning? It would have been more fun if Draculich or whatever didn't make Phreakie quit. We got stuck with not enough tremors. D: It was a great map to play on anyway.
Every once in a while a ground breaking game-type will come along that is just a must play, this is one of those maps! Once you play this you will want to do so over and over, great game-play, great map. I can't wait to see the next great map for this game-type, great job creep, congrats on the well deserve feature!
how sly are you... lol. i see what u did thar You know lights it is a compliment when people are trying to make good maps for your game-type... ~ running chron I never said it wasn't, can't wait ~LIGHTS
I remember playing this on TGIF 23. Vicious Vice's party rocked! But back to the map. Excellent work. This map is aesthetically pleasing. Gameplay is wonderful, the feeling of trying to get back to base without being splattered by an oncoming Chopper. I like the feel of it. You don't see much interlocking and geomerging in Avalanche. Truly an original!
First off, I'm glad to make this my 500th post on Forgehub. YAY! I knew this would get featured from the very first time I have played it. Although the game was frustratingly lagging a lot, I still had a pretty good time playing it. CTF + Tremors + A Great Map with a lot of ramps = EPIC WINSAUCE. It's just one of the greatest ideas in a long time. This shall stay on my Hard Drive forever. Very fun, I ensure all of you that you guys would have a great time on this map. Congrats on the feature, man.
i don't like it, nothing more then a re do oh the several other thousand tremors games with some merging and geomerging. Nice but not my stlye
I dare you to download it and and actually try it. No, scratch that, I double dare you. NO! I triple dog dare you!! Only then will you find that it is a completely different experience.
This game was quite fun in Friday's TGIF. So many great chases, someone should make a video of all the epic ones. Yes, the failed ones and the great escapes. This game really is nothing like the other tremors, it's a different experience like the creator said. And only on Avalanche can you have those long chases. So that fellow should try it out. He's been triple dog dared. He has to try it now. It's the law.
Don't forget the Brute Shots are a little bit from your very own Brute Burnout Vicious. He even said so in his post for testing at the GoO. Anyways, congratz on this Creep1ng. If anything, it was a shoe-in for it! I believe I've clocked around 50 games on this already. And I'm ready to increase that ten-fold!
Not My Style? Ahaha lol I bet they got rid of the bad option, because to much of the people who made those featured maps were getting mad. Anyways the map is Ok, their should be other maps that had gotten Featured before this I think. Still its a fun map to play on, so nice job.