Foundry Remedy

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. TheKiNG1325

    TheKiNG1325 Ancient
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    really cool - clever placement of the map. the interlocking is great, looks very smooth. something i like is that little outpost up by the pipes on the right side, the one that's geomerged. something i would fix is the A and B signs - i knwo theyre cover, but they just seem put of place, maybe a barrier can go there and the signs can go off to the side?
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    It's k, I'll build it all myself. Although it appears I won't be finishing this before Christmas, so it'll be about a week before I probably post an update.
    lol, thanks. I'm glad you and your friend enjoyed it.
    Barriers just don't fit well with the map. Trust me, I went through many things in my mind and many things I tried. The signs just worked perfecty, IMO.
  3. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    There are so many unreal, humanly impossible merges on this map, it's unbelievable. When I first played this I was lost because I honestly couldn't tell what was default Foundry wall, and what was merged boxes. I also kind of thought with a few modifications this would be an awesome Conquest map, a lot of key elements are already there, it just needs a few small modifications with weapons and stuff.
  4. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    Now that I've had some free time, I can finally post for this map of win. Sorry it took so long.

    Yet again, your ability to geo merge far beyond normal human ability astounds me. Fence walls do not belong in hallways one fourth their width, so say the laws of physics. And you, good sir, have proven them wrong.

    The aesthetics these merging skills bring, however, are not the real reason I must post here. The gameplay and design are what I really loved. Remedy is constructed like no map before. Most people choose to section their maps off of the Foundry geometry, but you have made your map flow along with it. Never have I seen the metal mesh boxes, stairs, and hallways of the back of Foundry used like this. It creates an extremely unique type of flow.

    Of course, as you said, the flow of players and combat would naturally become circular with this design. There are several key features I have found that successfully prevent this.
    Primarily, the sniper in the merged fence box does an excellent job of keeping players out of the hallway. It is, of course, entirely possible to hide behind behind the B sign (or was it an A sign?) but the player choosing to use the sniper rifle does more than he or she realizes in keeping players from moving in a constant circle.
    The teleporters, secondly, provide a quick escape from an oncoming enemy. In doing so they also disrupt the circle that would otherwise appear.
    And finally, the opportunity every section of the map provides can keep players with a flow they choose themselves, rather than constantly running about the circular structure just to survive. The weapons balance is supurb, and yet another contirbuting factor to Remedy's amazingfulness.

    Need I even say anything about the aesthetics? Aside from a couple of render glitches (which can be impossible to remove from a floor like Remedy's, I know), yet another superb job there as well. The tunnel of open boxes, the impecable merging, the teleporters in the doors, and the list goes on.

    Overall, great job again, Linu. I do not keep many maps in my 360's storage. Those that I do are for custom games that I know a party will love. Some I keep for parties of 8v8, some for objective, and some mini games. Guardian used to be my ideal 1v1 or 2v2 map. Now Remedy is. A definite 5/5.
  5. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
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    This map is the pwniest map ive ever seen,must have taken you forever to make this,I love playing juggernaut here,awesome geomerges.
  6. _aj

    _aj Ancient
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    Well, this may come as a shocker, but the Remedy for a good map is solid gameplay not ridiculous merging.

    When I first played this map, I instantly noticed the unreal back alley merging. Cool. Then I realized the goose chase gameplay and how much it failed, chase or be chased. Granted, I was playing 1v1 but 5-Man FFA wasn't much better. Another main problem was the barrels. Why do you insist on scattering barrels randomly about? They serve no purpose outside of annoying me. Besides, barrels provide no cover, unlike a wire spool or barrier would have. A few walls were crooked, which could have been easily fixed.

    After playing this made, the perfect Remedy is a bottle of whiskey to dilute the bad taste left in my mouth.

    3.45 out of 5 pointless barrels
  7. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    Congratulations on a superb map Linubidix 5/5. You had a brilliant idea in using the back part of Foundry. but now about Devil and his map. Devil I broke your map. and I got out. :). Now that that's done anyways congratulations and bring out more maps!! You might have to fill in the shoes for Matty.
  8. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Well maybe you need to advance your own knowledge before commenting on somebody elses map. Just because a map has merging it doesn't mean gameplay is bad because he focused on merging to much. And yesthe merging here is unreal, sue him. I don't know who you were playing withthen cause every time I see this map in customs it is incredibly fun. Beyond fun. It's superfun!!! Sorry Linu some people just don't know a good map when it stares them in the eye. ..... WHAT, This makes me think that you haven't actually played the map. It says six posts down from you that barriers or wire spools just wouldn't fit well with the map. It is mostly for aesthetic pourpses and to fit in with maps gameplay.Interesting that a person with your knowledge wouldn't see how well it fits with the map./sarcasm. It is not as easy as it looks even for a forger like Linu. You have to set it up and merge it to absolute perfection. But a few crooked walls never hurt anyone me thinks. OUCH. That is just rude. Show our moderators some respect.
  9. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    So both of you have an opinion on the map, if anything your post is the one with the least knowledge, ForgeGod. None of your opinions are backed up, other than with what other people posted, the pictures, and the fact that its...super fun?
    Now I'm not saying its a bad map, in fact I like it. The Merging is incredible, it's just a little too cramped for me. I can see how some people like the style though.
  10. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    First up, I remember playing this map before you released it, just wandering around admiring it.... I didn't really fight much but when I did I loved it...

    ps: I recognise myself being blow to pieces in one of your pics... the purple with yellow mark v helmet and security shoulders....
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    this is a very well put together map. I've found that most of the combat takes place in the main room of the 4th pic. But I also like how you incorporated the back hallway. Nobody ever uses that back hallway but it always proves to have some amazing gameplay. Especially the way that Linubidix forged back there. Fun gameplay, nice aesthetics, good weapon choices (plasma pistol FTW!) and just an overall amazing map 5/5
  12. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    aight Linu is reposting this map and renaming it. After he is done fixing the break i showed him last night on the latest version he'll repost. So just a heads up for you all.
  13. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Flawless geomerging, and interlocking. I love the ideas and structures, they are very original. I like that window panel structure, looks kewl lol. 9.5/10.
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Rats, I wish I'd done this before I went on a holiday as opposed to during. Completely forgot about it.

    Update: I've made some edits to Remedy in hopes of submitting it into Atlas. Since Remedy was a movie once upon a time, I've renamed it Lithium. It can be found : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Budget Glitch has been removed, weapons have been tweaked, a few cost effective structural changes and a couple tiny spawn adjustments.
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Cool Linu... I'll check it out! Although I don't like the sound of a few structural changes. I would love to stumble upon this in matchmaking one day.

    So is Bungie just not accepting maps from some people on Forgehub? Or are they not accepting maps from all of Forgehub? Because I swear that Shiska was mad at us.

    Anyhow, this map is perfect, and I hope it wins a best of "Something" award. Why the heck is it at 4 stars!? I partially blame the idiots who go through threads rating every map 1 star.

    Sorry Linu.. happened to my map to. Guese not everybody's perfect.

    One of my friends thought this map was a mod... FAIL!
  16. Inactive user 452356

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    Oh my...this map is simply one map that should be featured! When I DL maps, I test 'em, and them delete them, because most maps are really not my style...but this...this is a Forge masterpiece! Like I say again, this is triple A material. FEATURE NOW!!!

    And how do you geomerge that well in the base areas??? It looks so clean and that Fence Box thing freaked me out. Whoa.
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Thanks everyone for your kind words.

    With the style of map this is, I doubt Shishka will believe it plays better than it looks. I mean that with no offense.

    Anywho, I've another update. It's a V2 of sorts, there are no changes to the weapons, spawns, anything. The main issue resolved is the removable of the escapable factor. A roof has been added to cover up the entirity of the courtyard making it, as far as I know, unbreakable.

    I'll be editing this within the OP but here's the link to the updated Remedy: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  18. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    This map is great, I love your use of that half of foundry. It is really good with geomerging and all. 10/10
  19. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    lol my bad i had to go and break your map without the roof lol
  20. firewolf34

    firewolf34 Ancient
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    Apparently you have exceeded the bandwidth limit on your photobucket account. All the pictures have been replaced with a bandwidth meter or something. Can you fix this?

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